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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Does the War Wizard 10% spell point cost reduction work on Divine spells when equiped


    I actually need the SP from it with my gear setup as a melee divine mainly for raids. I have PDK for melee and plan on getting the holy symbol of lolth that will take up my ioun stone spot with archmagi.

    With all my gear I am trying to find a good spot for GS item. About the only spot seems to be boots and use an expeditious retreat click until I use up the sp to put striding on.

    All buffs r only about 200 sp.

    With war wiz and gs that is a 300 pt increase for my toon.

    Any other gear suggestions go ahead.

    I think I need pdk set ww set and cleric set and also got the bracers crom monk set cor my reflex saves.

    Thinking maybe gs on cloak but my heavy fort is on armor and rings so the cleric ring is hard to fit in for charisma. There is a nice cloak too. I forget the name.
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 02-06-2013 at 05:59 PM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  2. #2
    Community Member gphysalis's Avatar
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    It should, but

    You know that the cleric set has the same -10% spell point cost right?

  3. #3
    Community Member gphysalis's Avatar
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    The war wizard and green steel are the same SP buff (Elemental energy), and these don't stack

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Any other gear suggestions go ahead.

    I think I need pdk set ww set and cleric set and also got the bracers crom monk set cor my reflex saves.

    Thinking maybe gs on cloak but my heavy fort is on armor and rings so the cleric ring is hard to fit in for charisma. There is a nice cloak too. I forget the name.
    Most of the U17 gear was just added to wiki, so now's a pretty good time to sit down and plan out cleric gear. U17 introduces a ton of very nice cleric stuff, and it should all be easily farmable in their Epic Normal or (preferably) Epic Hard flavors and later upgraded to their full Epic Elite power.

    There are a couple excellent new cloaks, so yeah, I'd avoid that slot for gs. Boots is a solid choice for a shrine swap sp item. Here's a basic idea, not entirely sure it covers everything:

    Head: Helm of the Blue Dragon (+8 or +3 wisdom)
    Eyes: Intricate Field Optics (+8 or +3 wisdom)
    Neck: (Torc)
    Back: Ghost-Waking Cloak (+8 charisma)
    Wrist: Greensteel
    Hand: PDK Gloves
    Waist: Amara's Belt
    Feet: ? (Halcyon? Propulsion? Greensteel? So many choices, none particularly critical.)
    Ring: Amara's Band w/20% amp
    Ring: Crafted: Greater Evocation Focus of Concentration +13 w/LGA: HP
    Trinket: Idol of Fortune
    Body: Restored Elfcraft (Greater Arcane Lore, Greater Spell Pen IX, Potency +72)
    Mainhand: Forgotten Light
    Offhand: Bulwark of Storm's Fist (slotted with Impulse +114)

    The restored elfcraft will no doubt be much easier to get at first compared to flawless blue dragonscale, which should be the eventual goal for any divine. Flawless blue is basically the same as elfcraft but with Major Arcane Lore and potency 80. Plus it gives +15 artifact bonus to spell power as a set bonus with the blue helm.

    +7, +2 insightful or +1 exceptional stat can be slotted into any color augment. Also, striding +30%, archmagi, and greater <school> focus can be slotted in any yellow.

    A couple best-in-slot items aren't listed, namely litany of the dead and an alchemical weapon or shield with +2 alchemical wisdom. This list is intented to be the "easy to get" version, though of course "easy" is relative. I view running epic normal/hard gianthold as infinitely easier than, say, trying to farm up a litany or piece together alchemical weapons.

    EDIT: Torc may not be readily available, but farming it can be done solo and not having it doesn't break the build. In the meantime the neck slot can hold you over on missing effects while you farm up whatever gear you decide. (Even, say, nightforge gorget to cover heavy fort.)

  5. #5
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    There are a couple excellent new cloaks, so yeah, I'd avoid that slot for gs.
    Cloak has been a terrible option for all classes for GS for a while now. There are just WAY too many good cloaks out there.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Cloak has been a terrible option for all classes for GS for a while now. There are just WAY too many good cloaks out there.
    Belt seems to be one of the better spots for GS any more.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Belt seems to be one of the better spots for GS any more.
    Agreed. I ended up with a gs belt for my pally, ranger, and cleric.

    My pale master is the only holdout, and it's looking like his greensteel (foolishly made as bracers, doh!) will get moved to gloves. Gloves is clear best-slot for greensteel for pale masters, IMO, since they get no benefit from healing amp anyway.

    And to the OP, in terms of greensteel spell points, my wizard put that on necklace to be a shrine swap with torc, and can use boots as the LGA: SP swap position.

    My cleric is the only alt I have that plans to wear two greensteel accessories all the time; everyone else gets by with just one. For him I went with bracers and belt, and (full disclosure) I plan on doing basically exactly what I posted to this thread; the only change will be I keep the GS belt instead of amara's. It isn't a min/maxed gearset, but I just like it, particularly forgotten light. I may never swing it as a weapon, but if I do I just love that it has to-hit and damage based on wisdom. Part of the reason I wanted the second greensteel was for an always-on +6 to umd, since forgotten light is umd 32.

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