finally, almost ready to TR into a Jugg build. ran my 20th CitW and was doubly lucky. I did get a 20th reward list and it included the pinion I was never lucky enough to pull from a chest. between CiTW and FoT runs, I have around 30 commendations and am looking for advice on the best way to use some of those before I TR.

along with the pinion, I acquired Sireth, Needle and Nightmare for weapons to use on my Jugg, so plans will be to go with the centered version. when I get back up to running CiTW, I may consider playing around with the twf version if / when I get lucky enough to pull a second nightmare or at least another high level option to go with it.

definitely planning on using 3 comms on sireth, needle and pinion to get planar conflux, so about 21 or 22 more comms available for additional upgrades. would it be better to focus on getting one weapon to tier 3 or 4, probably pinion as it is used in all build combinations? or raise all of them to tier 2 for a constant +1 bonus? right now I am leaning towards

tier 1 - sireth, needle, pinion, nightmare = 12
tier 2 - sireth, needle, pinion = 15
tier 3 - sireth or pinion = 7

tier 3 on sireth would probably be more useful, as long as I stayed with the centered build. but thinking pinion first as I would continue to use it if I switch to either a twf or cleaver build if I pull those items in the next life.

suggestions most welcomed, thanks