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  1. #1
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    Default Enemies Spell Resistance


    I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out, ultimately I'm looking for information that will allow me to spec my spell pen according to the level of mobs I want to target, for instance I have no interest in have good enough spell pen for red names but the generic trash for crowd control.

    1) Is there a list somewhere for enemies spell resistance or a formula I can use?
    2) I assume spell pen works something like, if I'm a level 20 cleric I will have spell pen 20, but if I have spell pen feat I will have spell pen of a character level 22 for instance, or am I miss understanding that bit?

    Appreciate any help, sorry if these are stupid questions, first time offensive caster

  2. #2
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    I know that for drow its 10+their level or CR and they seem to have the highest. If you can match that, you should be good.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    I know that for drow its 10+their level or CR and they seem to have the highest. If you can match that, you should be good.
    Sounds like a plan, did I understand the spell pen correctly?

    So if I am a level 20 cleric against a CR 20 drow, I'll have a natural spell pen of 20 against there resistance of 30?

    So with enhancements +3, spell pen feat +2 , greater spell pen + 4, epic spell pen + 4 = 13, with that in mind I'd pen and land my spell?

    Not sure how that's going to work when I'm in Epic content with CR30+

  4. #4
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raier View Post
    Sounds like a plan, did I understand the spell pen correctly?

    So if I am a level 20 cleric against a CR 20 drow, I'll have a natural spell pen of 20 against there resistance of 30?

    So with enhancements +3, spell pen feat +2 , greater spell pen + 4, epic spell pen + 4 = 13, with that in mind I'd pen and land my spell?

    Quote Originally Posted by raier View Post
    Not sure how that's going to work when I'm in Epic content with CR30+
    Yeah, people need to be really focused on spell pen to reliably break that amount. as in 3 wizard and 3 fvs past lives, being an elf and taking the racial spell pen enhancements, the class spell pen enhancements, the spell pen feats, spell pen items, and arcane augmentation which raises your caster level and that boosts spell pen too.

    But the other way to do it is use spells that dont have a spell pen check, so for example, if you cant land greater command, then try comet fall.

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist
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    Hello there

    here is my take

    I took all SPenn enhancements and the following feats - S Penn, G S Penn and Epic S Penn and use a SPenn item.

    In EE I cannot break SR.

    In EH I mostly break SR

    Heres a post that may interest you

    My advice is go for as much Penn as you can as you'll need it
    Last edited by Ryan220; 01-15-2013 at 04:30 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    oh, just for clarification.

    your spell pen is the amount added to a roll of 1d20.

    So if you have say a 20 spell pen thats actually 21-40.

    So if the mob has 30 spell resistance you need to roll a 10 or better for the spell to land.

  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Here is a good thread on the subject:

    As you probably know orange names are immune to death spells in epic hard and above.
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  8. #8
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by raier View Post
    I'm looking for information that will allow me to spec my spell pen according to the level of mobs I want to target
    For Epic Elite Drow, I believe you need 58 for no-fail spell pen.

    So far as I know, you can't get that on a Cleric at all. Only an arcane, and only with multiple past lives.

    For Epic Hard, I think the benchmark is around high 30s or low 40s.

    Some breakdowns:

    20 class levels
    5 epic destiny
    8 feats x3
    3 enhancements
    3 item
    3 twist (Magister)
    3 twist (Draconic)
    45 potential on a divine without Wiz or FvS past lives

    With past lives:
    6 Wiz PLx3
    3 FvS PLx3
    54 with past lives

    Arcanes can get:
    2 Arcane Augmentation item
    2 Epic Destiny (Fatesinger [can twist if in Magister/Drcaonic])

    Elf Wizard only:
    4 racial enhancement

    Or, Bard:
    2 capstone
    1 Song of Arcane Might

    Note certain situational things can push it temporarily higher (items that grant temporary caster level increases, etc.) or for only select schools (certain items and ED abilites), but I've only listed things that are effectively always available.

  9. #9
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    For Epic Elite Drow, I believe you need 58 for no-fail spell pen.

    So far as I know, you can't get that on a Cleric at all. Only an arcane, and only with multiple past lives.

    For Epic Hard, I think the benchmark is around high 30s or low 40s.

    Some breakdowns:

    20 class levels
    5 epic destiny
    8 feats x3
    3 enhancements
    3 item
    3 twist (Magister)
    3 twist (Draconic)
    45 potential on a divine without Wiz or FvS past lives

    With past lives:
    6 Wiz PLx3
    3 FvS PLx3
    54 with past lives

    Arcanes can get:
    2 Arcane Augmentation item
    2 Epic Destiny (Fatesinger [can twist if in Magister/Drcaonic])

    Elf Wizard only:
    4 racial enhancement

    Or, Bard:
    2 capstone
    1 Song of Arcane Might

    Note certain situational things can push it temporarily higher (items that grant temporary caster level increases, etc.) or for only select schools (certain items and ED abilites), but I've only listed things that are effectively always available.
    This is great info. I don't have exact #s but on my fvs life I failed with a 42 spell pen less than half the time, but still enough to be annoying. In general I think DC is a bigger issue than spell pen on epic hard.

    For epic elite you either need to be an elf or TR for the past lives - or possibly even both for a divine.
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  10. #10
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    As someone said before, arcanes are best suited for spell pen.

    Still, you can get it to decent amounts for EN and EH. You may also consider using an Improved Shattermantle ranged weapon for example, which lowers 6 SR for 9 seconds.

    Now that I think of it... is there any named weapon with Shattermantle, aside from one of the Dream Edge's? And I think there's none with Improved Shattermantle, which is odd to say the least...

    Carry on.
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  11. #11
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raier View Post

    I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out, ultimately I'm looking for information that will allow me to spec my spell pen according to the level of mobs I want to target, for instance I have no interest in have good enough spell pen for red names but the generic trash for crowd control.

    1) Is there a list somewhere for enemies spell resistance or a formula I can use?
    2) I assume spell pen works something like, if I'm a level 20 cleric I will have spell pen 20, but if I have spell pen feat I will have spell pen of a character level 22 for instance, or am I miss understanding that bit?

    Appreciate any help, sorry if these are stupid questions, first time offensive caster
    cleric's spell pen is useless against red named, cause in epic red nameds are immune to cleric's spells with spell pen check

    for EH, the minimum recquired (means no fail against most EH mobs, keep in mind that drows are special, keep in
    mind if you are doing a lvl 20 quest, cr won't be 20, ever, cr20 mobs are in lvl 16 quests) think it was 34 so enemies have mostly less than 35 SR, and dc fort check minimum (same, kill most EH mobs, keep in mind trolls/minotaurs/etc have higher fort saves) is 44

    orange can be one shooted, red and purple not, but orange may need some energy drain first, 50ish is enouch to one shoot oranges at first try (necromancy augmentation = -10 enemies' fort)

    conclusion: no pl, ed and gear? don't bother getting necro focused to EH because you will get just the "minimum" line for eh(34 spell pen and 44 dc), and bb are useless for a cleric cause the lack of spell power enhancements, so tr, melee or be a nannybot(most light spells haven't dc XD)
    Last edited by psykopeta; 01-15-2013 at 09:00 AM.
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  12. #12
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I have no interest in have good enough spell pen for red names
    Red Names are basically immune to every spell that has an SR check, so bypassing their SR is unimportant.
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  13. #13
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Take all three spell pen feats, 2 item, 3 enhancements, you'll be fine in exalted in epic hard.
    One spell focus evo for +5 from twists, 46+ wisdom, even 40 necro works with energy drain.
    No fail spell pen for epic elite is out of reach for 1st lifer, and hard to get for multi TR.

    While levelling, try to get 2 item, both spell pen after Sands if you run elites.

    Quote Originally Posted by psykopeta View Post
    and bb are useless for a cleric cause the lack of spell power enhancements,
    Yeah, right, because difference between 400 and 460 per tick makes the spell totally useless.

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    For epic elite you either need to be an elf or TR for the past lives - or possibly even both for a divine.
    Being an Elf doesn't help a divine, or even a Sorc. The Elf Spell Pen line is Wizard only.

  15. #15


    The benchmarks to aim for:

    31 epic normal
    39 epic hard
    54 epic elite

    Drow spell resistance is 32 on epic normal, 40 on epic hard, and 55 on epic elite. These benchmarks assume that spell pen is NOT auto-fail on a 1.

    It's perfectly legitimate to aim for 39 exactly to be a DC caster of death in eHard or below and then just be a healbot for epic elite.

  16. #16
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The benchmarks to aim for:

    31 epic normal
    39 epic hard
    54 epic elite

    Drow spell resistance is 32 on epic normal, 40 on epic hard, and 55 on epic elite. These benchmarks assume that spell pen is NOT auto-fail on a 1.

    It's perfectly legitimate to aim for 39 exactly to be a DC caster of death in eHard or below and then just be a healbot for epic elite.
    That's assuming you are silly enough to use spells with SR on Drow.

    A more sensible spell selection lets you manage fine with a lot less spellpen - a good thing as getting spellpen that high requires sacrifices.
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  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    That's assuming you are silly enough to use spells with SR on Drow.

    A more sensible spell selection lets you manage fine with a lot less spellpen - a good thing as getting spellpen that high requires sacrifices.
    I disagree. 39 is pretty easy to hit on a cleric.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    That's assuming you are silly enough to use spells with SR on Drow.

    A more sensible spell selection lets you manage fine with a lot less spellpen - a good thing as getting spellpen that high requires sacrifices.
    Agreed. 'I should try and breach through their strongest defense' approach never appealed to me much.

  19. #19
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    If that strongest defense is against your strongest offense.......maybe you should try if it is fairly easily obtainable.
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  20. #20
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I disagree. 39 is pretty easy to hit on a cleric.
    25 from levels (which also locks you into two destinies)
    +3 Greater spell pen item
    +8 Epic Spell Pen
    +3 Imp Spell Pen enhancements
    = 39.

    Possible? Sure. Easy? Not so much. Wizards can trivially afford the 3 feats for epic spell pen, Clerics will struggle with that. The spell pen enhancements are -not- cheap...12 AP for the whole line is a big chunk of your total pool.

    A more feasible route would probably be to find or craft an Improved Shattermantle throwing dagger and tag your opponent with that first.

    Twisting in Magister spell pen is another option, but we're going well past "Easy" when you stack more and more requirements on.
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