the menu that stays up after you disembark from your guildship?
I think that little bug has been around for 2 updates now... if not longer...
This one bugs me to no end.
Thanks in advance.
the menu that stays up after you disembark from your guildship?
I think that little bug has been around for 2 updates now... if not longer...
This one bugs me to no end.
Thanks in advance.
actually that is a good question. i want to know about the music being stuck too. like when i leave searing heights or orchard. It follows me until log out.
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
That bug was fixed in update 15.1 therefore it is clearly a problem with your computer. Have you tried rebooting? Are you using a firewall? Ticket closed.I don't listen to the music, but the rumble of the crowd in Ring of Fire is another example of this. Those are some dedicated spectators to follow me all the way from FR to Meridia.Originally Posted by HastyPudding
The guildship menu problem hasn't gone away for me after update 15.1.
I been playing with it for months now (one would assume that I've rebooted my computer at least once during that time). Also it seems like at least 1 other player is still having this problem.
Does anyone else have the guildship menu not closing problem still?
Guess it's time for me to re-install DDO or something.
{pssst - I think it was a joke submitted in a style similar to a GM response. It's really a bug and does need fixing. }
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow (1964)
The fix to menus staying open was implemented, but it majorly borked something else that was far more detrimental to gameplay so they undid it in a hotfix.
My guess is that they've just been pretending it's WAI ever since.