Slight rant ON\
Ok this is a slight rant post but not quite, first I would like to know when/if they are gonna pay attention to this again since the only real update we got was to add flexable shards(usefull but not that much), and the second thing I would like to know, is there any forseeable update to the UI because quite frankly it bites. I play turbine's other game and it's crafting UI is the bomb.
Sugestions and idea's:
- Make it so when sundering greater essences to lesser's we can either sunder all or indicate a number to sunder.
- Make it so when crafting shards we can do the same as above craft all(untill mats run out) or a specific number of shards.
- Combine the altars or make them close enough to open multiple windows to do all the crafting at once. Come on is it really necessary to run around the corners to sunder/craft shard/craft item(huge wast of time).
- Add more updated shards and I'm not talking about as soon as a new prefix/suffix comes out to add it to the list, but more down the lines of 6-8 months after a new one is added it should appear in the list at an appropriate level.
- Add some high level shards that have double prefix/suffix on them and only allow ONE or the other to be on a crafted item at a time.
- Finally can we get the above mentioned "Combined crafting altar" either in more locations(especially Eveningstar) or as a ship buff maybe to replace the usless stone of change.
Now I know some players are gonna say well this is a low priority to you so in a pre-emtive response I say don't responde to this then. To the crafters out there that enjoy crafting and sometimes make some plate doing it I say it's high time this gets an overhaul. Sign if you agree.
Slight rant OFF\