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  1. #1
    Community Member tekkentroop's Avatar
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    Default spellpower gear for wiz TR?

    Ill TR my wiz again after mabar (going acid/cold pale master again) and want to know which spellpower items I should use at low levels. I probably need acid, cold, force (PL magic missiles/icestorm) and negative energy. I got some low tier rock boots but im not sure what else to use. Any other equipment pointers for TR would be nice, too, its been a while since her first TR.

    notable gear I already got:
    duality robe (lvl 2)
    vibrant purple ioun stone (lvl 5)
    lvl 6 (8-2) rock boots
    torc, lion-headed belt buckle
    sp+hp greensteel
    stormreavers napkin

    and a heap of lvl 18+ gear

    On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn

  2. #2
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    Level 16 challenge items are kind of crazy at the moment, with 90 spellpower (equivalent of level 20 items!) and major lore on them. With tier 3, you can use them at level 14 D:! In your circumstance, level 16 rock boots (Which also have two lovely secondary effects, and you can get around lack of striding via Expeditious!), and Frozen Tunic if you are not a Warforged. If you are a warforged, ring of master artifice is a must.

    Robes "of invulnerability" are always handy for low levels, and "lifeshield" prefix helps from level 5-7 til 10ish.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2010


    I had a list made previously

    It might help you. If you find something that I am missing please add it there.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    If you haven't TRed since the changeover to spellpower, it's a lot easier to gear now because the gear has so much less impact. Gone are all the days of +50 level 1 Superior Potency 1 items, trying to squeeze out the best combo of spell level vs. min level, futzing with clickies, etc. You can pretty much grab a random Thaumaturgy staff every 4 levels and be just about as well off if you slaved over it for hours and hours.

    Consider Brennie's point about 90 spell power from challenge items: +48 over a random ML 16 Thaumaturgy's 52 Potency is a big number, but if you throw in Maximize, your 40 Spell Power first enhancement, and your +9 Implement, your base is really...
    52 + 150 + 40 + 9 = 251
    ...and you only get about a 19% bonus from the challenge item. Spell power wise, it doesn't seem so great anymore, and that's in the elements you don't really care about (as evidenced by only having 1 tier of enhancement in them and only having Potency). Now, as Brennie also mentions, there are a lot of concerns beyond raw spell power: the secondary effects, the fact that you get brutally reduced non-epic ingredients as a level 21+ character, avoiding repetitions on your epic-able quests, and I'm sure there are more. Still, I would probably grind out enough ingredients for a set of 20s and leave it at that if you've got enough XP otherwise. There's always the Adamantine cloak to work on!

  5. #5


    Well, I'm a little obssessive so I collected a set of thaumaturgy staffs from ML2 through ML14 with the two elements I focused on (fire and ice) and the same lore (ice) so my crafted fire lore trinket wouldn't need to keep switching.

    While very happy with the performance of those 7 staffs, once I hit 16 I switched over to an ornamented dagger for lore and just grabbed an ml14 glaciation dagger, and it works essentially just as well. So I'm forced to conclude that Kinerd is right: any old thaumaturgy staff will work fine.

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    On my recent Druid leveling experience I messed around a lot. Low levels I ended up going primarily with a potency necklace until I replaced it with an Adherants pendant. Rock Boots/Frozen Tunic are a must I think but honestly on a PM I'd go fire/acid until finished with Orchard due to the abundance of undead and Rock Boots/Cloak of Flame is perfect as it leaves room for Robe of Duality/Invulnerability of Lifeshield/Shroud of the Abbot.

    I'd prefer to get good spell power from gear and then turn maximise off for fast spamming - acid spray/burning hands from level 1 - and not run out of SP or have to resort to melee. I mean, who melees on an arcane anymore?

    Seriously, you'll forget that you even have firewall/acid rain when you can alternate unmeta'd fireballs/acid blasts endlessly while everything melts around you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  7. #7
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Rock boots ML16 (or14) are amazing. Acid rain goodness (90 spellpower, why not, more than most epic items), two GREAT guards, major lore...just great items in a nice slot.

    Cloak of flames is nice as well...ML6 version is greater lore+~54 spellpower....ML14 version for 90SP and 15% fire absorb, fireshield proc and major lore, plus some AC I think.

    Get a fanion, ML14 blasting chime, cloak of flames, rock boots and laugh as things die to your aura and replenish your sp via torc and concops. Good fun.

    That being said, I barely bother with getting the "best" spellpower at each level. It really is a pretty minor difference between ~30 and ~50 particularly if using metamagics.

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