The new AH display no longer fits in 800x600, which is important to me. I have a suggestion of an easy way to modify it to keep most of the changes and still stay in 800x600.
I suggest shortening the lefthand "category" display just a little bit, fitting it into this resolution, and moving the "new" icons from the far left to the lower left corner, "hanging down" just below the category display. Alternatively, please revert to the previous display. As a third alternative, could you shorten the category display just a little to fit 800x600 and allow keyboard shortcuts to move between "modes" (of course this leaves less shortcuts for other things.) I only see some relatively minor cosmetic issues from the new display and for some of us, a great deal is lost.
I am all in favor of taking advantage of technology, and of providing the most attractive display for the most people, but forcing some people into larger resolutions may substantially impair their ability to play DDO comfortably. I know if I have to move to a higher resolution, and thus keep my PC in that resolution to support it (without a lot of switching back and forth), it will make my DDO life much harder.
This is not a frivolous or "flavor" "preference", and is not a request made lightly or arbitrarily, this makes a LOT of difference to me, and I assume a small but dedicated number of others. I was very pleased when DDO's producer assured me in a recent DDO dev event that the 800x600 resolution was "deprecated" but still supported. I don't expect everything to look great in that resolution, only to have access to basic functionality.
Thanks for listening.
(To those who might wish to flame me, be careful, you might be in the same place some day.)