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  1. #1
    Community Member Demsac's Avatar
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    Default What kind of dc needed for epic elite?

    Anyone had any decent luck with their fod/wail in epic elite and what was your dc?
    Last edited by Demsac; 09-14-2012 at 06:35 AM. Reason: made it shorter

  2. #2
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    my wiz is at a 54 finger dc and tht seems to be working and spell pen needed for no fail is 50 for drow on EE which is attainable cause im at a 52 on my wiz (3 wiz lives, all feats and enhancements, epic torc, spell destiny feats in magistar)
    Robiel (20 wizard) Bigmanbrute (12 Fighter, 6 Barbarian, 2 Rogue) Latero(18 Paladin 2 Monk) Traleo(20 Cleric)
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by maliba View Post
    my wiz is at a 54 finger dc and tht seems to be working and spell pen needed for no fail is 50 for drow on EE which is attainable cause im at a 52 on my wiz (3 wiz lives, all feats and enhancements, epic torc, spell destiny feats in magistar)
    Spell pen needed for no fail on some drow in EE goes up to 59. With 55 working on almost all.

    A 54-56 dc works decently well if you debuff reasonably. There will be mobs you will have more issues with
    ee giants in claw is one even after 1-2 energy drains and crushing despair they tend to save occasionally, but all
    in all it works ok I would say.
    Just my 2 copper,

  4. #4
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I'd just like to point out to newer players, or newer casters, that not all EE is the same, Drow are the hardest mass mobs you'll face. These numbers might look overwhelming, but you can have lower numbers and use a combination of Symbol of Death, Circle of Death, and cloudkill and do pretty good, just keep that in mind

    In fact after running EE, I decided not to TR my Wiz at all,as my destines seem to pick up the slack.
    Last edited by moops; 09-14-2012 at 05:58 PM.
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  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    I'd just like to point out to newer players, or newer casters, that not all EE is the same, Drow are the hardest mass mobs you'll face. These numbers might look overwhelming, but you can have lower numbers and use a combination of Symbol of Death, Circle of Death, and cloudkill and do pretty good, just keep that in mind

    In fact after running EE, I decided not to TR my Wiz at all,as my destines seem to pick up the slack.
    Or you can just do the logical thing and not try to use spells with SR checks on Drow, just as you do the logical thing and don't generally use Lightning Bolt on high reflex evasion mobs like fire elementals.

    Web and Greater Shout are the go-to spells on EE drow, then let melees do the damage while you shut down their offense. Nuking works too (I've seen a Sorc nuke pretty much all of EE VON3 for instance - the spells do moderate damage but Shiradi procs take it over the edge).

    That said Wail is so powerful that it is usually worth casting even if you need a 15 or so to break SR.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Demsac's Avatar
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    got a 54 spell necro dc only gets to 51 cause wf and monk splash, No +4 tome and I dont use a major necro focus item, I may start..but idk...would actually lower my spell pen on level 9 spells by2 and 8 by 1? I do not find buying store pots or cookies to be reasonable gameplay. Ive had problems with a 56 dc with the +5 clicky..

  7. #7
    Community Member ppsm09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demsac View Post
    got a 54 spell necro dc only gets to 51 cause wf and monk splash, No +4 tome and I dont use a major necro focus item, I may start..but idk...would actually lower my spell pen on level 9 spells by2 and 8 by 1? I do not find buying store pots or cookies to be reasonable gameplay. Ive had problems with a 56 dc with the +5 clicky..
    I can't figure out how to get a flat 50 DC on anything. Can you please quote point by point where you get the DC from? Would really appreciate it.

  8. #8
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppsm09 View Post
    I can't figure out how to get a flat 50 DC on anything. Can you please quote point by point where you get the DC from? Would really appreciate it.
    Maximum zero-resource zero-ship-buff DC for a magister palemaster with a max of 1 int twisted (fatesinger twist), and 0 int feats, is as follows:

    20 Base
     6 Level-Ups
     5 Tome
     2 Completionist
     7 Enhancements (3 int, 2 capstone, 2 lich form)
     8 Item
     3 Item (insightful)
     1 Item (exceptional)
     1 Item (litany)
     7 ED (6 along right + 1 twist)
    60 Int
    Necro DC:
    10 Base
     9 Heightened
    25 Stat
     4 Feats (through epic necro focus, wizard past-life)
     3 ED
     3 Item
    54 Necro DC
    I may have missed something, but after subtracting what you don't have and adding sustainable buffs, you should see that you can quite easily keep a DC in the 50s (I was able to maintain a 55, or 56 with store pot, for example).
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  9. #9


    Yeah, even my second life 18/2 wizard/rogue is in the (very low) 50s for his necro dc:

    18 base
    6 levelups
    1 feat
    8 item
    2 insightful (spyglass)
    1 exceptional
    4 enhancements (3 wizard + 1 human)
    2 lich
    4 tome
    6 magister
    2 ship
    54 int (22 mod)

    10 base
    9 heighten
    22 int mod
    1 lich
    3 feats (greater necro + past life: wizard)
    3 item (mabar robe)
    3 magister
    51 necro dc

    This could be 52 if I drink yugo pots. I'll eventually move the +20 spot from spyglass over to intricate field optics, which would allow an additional +2 int from +3 insightful plus litany.

  10. #10
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    I find a 57 necro DC to be wanting in EE GH and EE Highroad. For example the Tony the Tiger looking guys in in EE Cry for Help will make the save with a full energy drain and a curse.
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Or you can just do the logical thing and not try to use spells with SR checks on Drow, just as you do the logical thing and don't generally use Lightning Bolt on high reflex evasion mobs like fire elementals.

    Web and Greater Shout are the go-to spells on EE drow, then let melees do the damage while you shut down their offense. Nuking works too (I've seen a Sorc nuke pretty much all of EE VON3 for instance - the spells do moderate damage but Shiradi procs take it over the edge).

    That said Wail is so powerful that it is usually worth casting even if you need a 15 or so to break SR.
    I don't get this though . . . on only a 3rd live Wizard I had no issues getting pas the EE drow SR. Did I see a blue-shield once in a while? yeah, but 50 spell pen (I think?) works good enough that I can't see the point in grinding out any more.
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  12. #12
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    Duplicate post
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post
    Maximum zero-resource zero-ship-buff DC for a magister palemaster with a max of 1 int twisted (fatesinger twist), and 0 int feats, is as follows:

    20 Base
     6 Level-Ups
     5 Tome
     2 Completionist
     7 Enhancements (3 int, 2 capstone, 2 lich form)
     8 Item
     3 Item (insightful)
     1 Item (exceptional)
     1 Item (litany)
     7 ED (6 along right + 1 twist)
    60 Int
    Necro DC:
    10 Base
     9 Heightened
    25 Stat
     4 Feats (through epic necro focus, wizard past-life)
     3 ED
     3 Item
    54 Necro DC
    I may have missed something, but after subtracting what you don't have and adding sustainable buffs, you should see that you can quite easily keep a DC in the 50s (I was able to maintain a 55, or 56 with store pot, for example).
    +2 points of int from twists (you can pull a point from shadowdancer and a point from draconic), 2 from the ship buff, 2 from a yugo pot and a point to necro DCs from lich form. 58 sustainable w/o store pots.

    I run with 57 because I don't have the patience to grind for completionist.

    With that DC you can scare away any melee-ish mob with a non-heightened hypnotism + fear, kill any caster or archer mob with a debuff+kill spell and still have the no-save stuff when anything goes wrong.

    One trick many people miss is using scrolls of the spells that have long cooldowns. Symbol of death and Wail scrolls are powerful debuffs, Power word: kill scrolls are completely unfair. The 5 seconds cooldown is hilarious.

    I don't play my wizard that often because it is so boring. The only way you can die on a pale master is making a serious mistake or running out of resources. Jumping in the middle of the giants with a melee character or trying to keep a below-average party alive with a healer is a lot more fun.
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  14. #14
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    +2 points of int from twists (you can pull a point from shadowdancer and a point from draconic), 2 from the ship buff, 2 from a yugo pot and a point to necro DCs from lich form. 58 sustainable w/o store pots.

    I run with 57 because I don't have the patience to grind for completionist.

    With that DC you can scare away any melee-ish mob with a non-heightened hypnotism + fear, kill any caster or archer mob with a debuff+kill spell and still have the no-save stuff when anything goes wrong.

    One trick many people miss is using scrolls of the spells that have long cooldowns. Symbol of death and Wail scrolls are powerful debuffs, Power word: kill scrolls are completely unfair. The 5 seconds cooldown is hilarious.

    I don't play my wizard that often because it is so boring. The only way you can die on a pale master is making a serious mistake or running out of resources. Jumping in the middle of the giants with a melee character or trying to keep a below-average party alive with a healer is a lot more fun.
    For twists, most people will only get 1 int (the other being spell pen or saves, depending on what you run, with the last being Endless Faith). For the other stuff you mentioned, this was purposefully completely unbuffed other than lich form (everything additional is easy added in, but can't always be assumed).

    I personally had a 56 DC (no completionist, using store pot to make up for that, with +4 tome so using one feat on +1 int instead of +1 necro DC) and found that disappointing in EE High Road - in EE GH, it's a joke how badly it works (outside of EE Tor, where many of the giants are casters).

    As far as spell pen, getting high enough is pretty easy - I had 54 on a wizard with one each of wizard, sorc, and favored soul past lives (was originally going to be a 3-each FvS, but Turbine doesn't seem to want evoker FvS doing anything awesome in EE content >_>).

    PW:K scrolls are indeed awesome, but the fact that you can't buy them from a vendor is quite balancing (along with the fact that it's much harder to beat any spell resistance with a scroll).
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

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