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just use no-save spells? heck, if you're going to limit yourself to only wall of fire, ice storm, and acid rain for AOEs, you may as well roll a wizard, because you're *really* missing out on what a sorcerer can bring to the table.
no-save spells are nice. but they tend to be not as good as the ones that have saves, provided you can make your DC high enough to work consistently.
furthermore, anyone who plays a sorcerer as a nuker and ignores the other abilities a sorcerer can bring to the table is missing out on a lot. just because you may not be the absolute maximum possible DC doesn't mean you don't have or shouldn't use crowd control or instakills. 1-2 DC is still huge. i get a real kick out of all the people who are talking about how the new epic destinies add so much DC that it doesn't matter.... i find that kinda funny, because i bet that at least in the most difficult content, mob saves went up too.
just because you can cast chain lightning or delayed blast fireball doesn't mean you should ignore web, dancing sphere, or mass hold monster. and believe me, there will be times where 1-2 points of DC make a huge difference.
now sure, if you're just talking about a raid boss, spam polar ray and your DoTs to your heart's content. but if you plan on dealing with trash - any trash - a high DC is an invaluable tool. because by far the best spells for killing trash quickly all have saves.
also, while i never ran up red alert deliberately on my sorcerer, i certainly did spend plenty of time kiting enemies through wall of fire while self-healing. i may not have planned on doing that with 50 different mobs at a time if i could avoid it, but squishiness is relative; i've survived in many very nasty fights as a fleshy sorcerer. sometimes you have to run around a corner or behind a pillar for a few seconds if you've got a caster lobbing high damage nukes at you, but then again... webbed or dead casters don't throw nukes at you.