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  1. #21
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    Depends on your spell list. Shroud of the Abbot, Staff of the Petitioner, a +6 INT item, a +2 Exceptional INT item, a +6 CON item, and an Unsuppressed Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone are about all I would say any Pale Master needs, after that you have a little to play around with. As you're over level 12, you don't need heavy fort, just light or med fort and stay in form (some effects can remove a certain amount of fortification from you, and undead automatically get +100% fort). Even then, you're a mage, it's no big deal if you had 0 fort and no form.

    Once you hit 20, swap out the Abbot Shroud for an Epic Mabar Robe (forgot the name, you can get it during the Halloween event) and you can drop Staff of the Petitioner. You'll also want a +2 Exceptional CON item.

    You don't have to slot this into your main gear, but keep a +13 Haggling item, a +6 CHA item, and a +2 Exceptional CHA item. This will not only be good for your sorc life, but will also send your Haggle skill up a lot.

  2. #22
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    A lot of posters are giving you their level 20 gear ideals, some of which are hard to get even for well geared multi-life toons, not remembering that you are first life and new to the game.

    So, some easier to get things:

    +6 Int goggles or hat
    +6 Con belt, ring, or hat
    Major Necromancy focus item
    Thaarak hound bracers- end reward from Harbinger of Madness chain. Dr and toughness for hitpoints.
    Greater Spell Penetration item

    Some thaumaturgy staff with the highest potency/effects on it you can find. Keep looking and keep questing til you find a decent one, there are a lot around.

    Rock boots from challenges are great if you are acid-spec'ed

    Archmagi item or Wizardry VII for spellpoints, generally slotted somewhere that you can switch once you are done buffing, then switch back on before hitting the shrine/leaving a quest.

    Once you've got the basics, consider joining LFM's for Against the Demon Queen and get to know it well. It drops the Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II, a necklace that procs spell points and will also handle your spell penetration (Greater Spell Pen VI.) Run it every three days and pray the Torc drops.

    (Just to set expectations, I've been playing 2 years and don't have a Torc yet, but I only run it once a week or so. Some people get one their first run in- it's random.)

    When you feel fairly confident, run Vale of Twilight quests to flag for Shroud. Run Shroud every three days. Gather ingredients to make a concordant opposition item with +45 hitpoints. Some go gloves or goggles..

    Run the Reaver's Fate raid. Hope to nab the Stormreaver's napkin. +1 to the DC's of your spells and your +6 Int item. Still useful at level 16.

    Give up on running Abbot unless you can find one of the rare but awesome training groups running. It's a raid rarely run in PUG's (pick up groups) because of the high failure of the puzzles. Acid spec is good if you get in, though!

    So, focus on Int and Con for your stats. Get spell points, spell penetration, Potency, Elemental focus of your choice (acid, fire, cold, etc.) and boost your hit points with Toughness, Greater False Life and Elemental Hitpoints (shroud or some Cannith named items.)

    Good luck and have fun!
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  3. #23
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galeria View Post
    A lot of posters are giving you their level 20 gear ideals, some of which are hard to get even for well geared multi-life toons, not remembering that you are first life and new to the game.

    So, some easier to get things:

    +6 Int goggles or hat
    +6 Con belt, ring, or hat
    Major Necromancy focus item
    Greater Spell Penetration item
    This right here^

    Get this stuff first.
    Check the AH. Stuff is cheaper now. Don't overspend though. Wait for a deal or pull it yourself.
    Those will at least give you a basis to stay alive while you get the rest.
    Cannith challenge would be a fast next step.
    Greensteel is a good next thing to work on after that.

    Raid Loot?
    As far as looting that stuff; it happens when it happens.
    Sometimes it takes a really long time to pull that stuff.
    Flag for raids. Know what drops in the raids.
    Cross your fingers but don't be impatient.

    OP -
    Check your PMs. I sent you a message in response to your PMed questions.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  4. #24
    Community Member Dagolar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasonGrimm View Post
    Absolutely none of these were available on my servers auction LOL

    I also haven't really picked which elements yet so I could go with just about any particular staff as long as it had nullification on it.

    I have Manipulation I in Fire, Acid, Ice, Electric.
    Well, they're all bound items, of course, so no auctioning allowed :P

    Make sure to read Galeria's reply if you haven't already, it pretty much restates what I was trying to say in a more coherent manner ;P

    As far as named items, you'd do best to look through the ddo wiki and get a feel for how they'd help you, and how to acquire them. Nicely enough, the suggestions so far have been giving you the links already.

    Again, under-level-20 named items aren't your best bet these days. You're best off grabbing the items my last post/Galeria's post detailed, and holding out for the much easier to acquire, typically more potent items from the expansion content [of which plenty of named items AREN'T bound, and CAN be auctioned!].

    For under-20 play, it's not a big deal to be slightly undergeared, anyway. You just focus on getting the core elements we mentioned, and then, once you've got a feel for things, start comparing the named and high level items you come across to the gear you're wearing then.

    Once you've got those base items settled, here are some helpful lists to go through when determining late-build/end-build item considerations:

    Other than some of the Update 14 items, except all named loot to be bound
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeraphim View Post
    Fly? That would break every quest in the game. You would see folks falling from the sky in Korthos and dying. It would be a rain of newbs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Yeah. It's not "we nuked the city from orbit", it's "the city experienced a brief population drop". Check.

  5. #25
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    Thanks guys.

    I acquired a Darkstorm Helm tonight which I will be able to use in 2 more dots! Thats a decent start!

  6. #26
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    well your going to want greater focus for necro and maybe a secondary.

    You'll be wanting to find a spell pen item that gives your high spells a boost, I think that's in the cannith area.

    Of course you'll want your +6 gear via con, str, int, as well as a greater false life item, and a toughness item never hurts. (More hp the better)

    Then you'll want your sp items which is GS, guild slot items (this can be used to craft a shard of +2 for a school onto it as well.) archmagi (though at that lv its more like wizardry VI) As well as multiple trinkets for whatever you happen to be doing.

    And from what I understand all this power stuff stacks around so you'll want the main thing like combustion, as well as an inferno clicky, and other things like say the eardweller and those alchy bonus's. (This is mainly for dmg spells. Cause you want always be whippn fingers and stuff like it comes time to stack the dmg on bosses.)

    With that comes spell crit to. And theirs some stuff you can craft to save on meta magics as well (Again trinkets.)

    Then you gotta focus on stacking int every which way possible. For mine I made a GS weapon with +3 exceptional until I got my other stuff made up, and I dueled that with various other 1 handed weapons depending on the situation.

    Theirs also item sets in the cannith place that are easy to obtain, and some good epic gear from challenges and old epics depending on if your a fleshy or a robot. Not to sure on the new epics as im still letting them test it out before it hits the store in august.

  7. #27
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    New additions...

    Goggles: Clever +6
    Ring 1: Health +6
    Boots: Rock Boots (Tier 1)
    Helmet: Darkstorm Helm

    Also going to be putting points in to Elec and Ice manipulation since I have a bunch of AP I haven't spent yet.

  8. #28
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    I didnt check if anyone else pointed this out but this: **Belt: Belt of Thoughtful Rememberence** is actually hurting you as a PM. It will make your self healing lower.

  9. #29
    Community Member Saiyren's Avatar
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    Since you are a VIP you have places you can go.

    As a fellow PM, I'd recommend you go play in Gianthold (GH) a lot and get yourself the bluedragon scale robe from Gianthold Tor. You will need 20 blue dragon scales. I also suggest the stormreavers napkin (cloak) available from Reavers Fate raid. Soon as you are able to you will want to upgrade the cloak at the altar at the base of the tower when you get a sigil.

    Helm - I personally like my Minos Legens helm from Necropolis. I know as we go into undead form we get the 100% heavy fortifiation but the +20 to hit points does come in handy.
    Trinket - go play in the Sands of Menchuran get yourself the duskheart stone or the stone that gives the seeker (forgot the name)

    I am cold/force spec'ed in addition to using necro spells. Again, it is all preferences. I've seen fire/electrical do well with the right gear. So play what spells you like.

    Sorry I can't help you on Orien server as I play on G-land server, but I'm sure there's plenty of people available to help you.

  10. #30
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Giving advice on how to "Dress" a PM Wizard, I will give the following Advice

    +6 Intelligence - Available in a lot of spots, however, If you are planning on running Amrath Quest and Raid keep this in mind - Ring and Belt slots are needed for Wizard sets, Rings come with +6 Intelligence and capable of getting you the +3 Exceptional (these are ML 18)

    Even on a PM it is good to have additional Fortification even while in undead form. I generally keep at least a Moderate (75% fort item on while in Undead Form, this allows breathing room for Fortification reduction attacks without needing to spend high amounts on a Heavy Fortification item)

    Many will point to "Minos Legions" as a default hat - Comes with heavy fortification and toughness. With new random loot toughness is coming on a wide variety of random generated loot, the extra 20 HP can always help out.

    Spell Penetration Item - Necromancy requires making SR checks, it doesn't matter if your DC's are the bomb if you can't get past SR. Have an Item you can switch in and out depending on what creatures your facing.

    DC Focus Items - Get a hold of any Greater School focus Items you can for schools you commonly use - such as Necromancy, Enchantment and Conjuration.

    Spell Caster Augmentation Items - These will increase your effective levels for specific schools having a variety will let you up your damage depending on the situation and spell used.

    Spell point Item - anything like Power/Wizardry/Magi/etc. The highest you can get your hands on. This item will be used to switch out after you use SP. Just remember to switch back when you rest.

    Consider Guard Items like - Air Guard (knock down), Fearsom, Life Shield and Anti-Magic as these will help reduce the number of attacks creatures get on you and also potentially reduce their saves.

    As you get up in levels you will begin to look for Spell regeneration items, such as building a Concordant Opposition, or getting the Torc of the Prince from the Demon Queen Raid.

    Always review equipment for better Potency or elements which you primarily use.

  11. #31
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Consider Guard Items like - Air Guard (knock down), Fearsom, Life Shield and Anti-Magic as these will help reduce the number of attacks creatures get on you and also potentially reduce their saves.
    Guards can also make things extra mad at you (aggro) and hard for your party members to "take back" so know what you are doing if you wear guards. In general the idea is not to get hit (or get hit with minor damage to proc SP regen effects when wearing a Torc or Concordant Opposition item.)

    I'm not saying don't wear guards, just know that it will generate more hate and be prepared to deal with it.
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  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasonGrimm View Post

    New additions...

    Goggles: Clever +6
    Ring 1: Health +6
    Boots: Rock Boots (Tier 1)
    Helmet: Darkstorm Helm

    Also going to be putting points in to Elec and Ice manipulation since I have a bunch of AP I haven't spent yet.
    Looks like you're getting it together nicely. Once you have exhausted the potential of the auction house, you can then proceed to work on easy-to-find named gear. Some ideas below:

    You may already have the Voice of the Master - Trinket: +1 Good Luck, Heroic Inspiration (+5% addtional xp from quest completions) (ML: 5, BTC) guaranteed to be in the end reward list of the Delera's chain in House J. Most people switch it in just before the end of a quest for the xp boost and then use their trinket slot for something better.

    House Cannith has some nice easy-to-get gear for level 18+.

    Cannith Boots of Propulsion - Boots: Striding 30%, Feather Falling, Jet Propulsion, Jump +10, Enhanced Jump +5 [ML18, BTA, Exclusive], found in Schemes of the Enemy. Switch to your rock boots when you need slippery surface immunity or the earthen guard.
    The Magewright's Expertise set could work for you.
    Magewright's Cloak - Cloak: Charisma +6, Stealth Strike, Perform +10, Enhanced Perform +5, Nearly Finished [found in Power Play]
    Magewright's Spectacles - Goggles: Intelligence +6, Spell Penetration IX, Concentration +10, Enhanced Concentration +5, Nearly Finished [found in the House Cannith Manufactury]
    Set Bonus: Spell Focus Mastery +1, Magewright's Quick Wits: Guard proc on physical hit: Chance to gain a 10 second buff of Superior Efficacy IX that increases all spells damage by 75%, like all other spell damage boost, this does not stack. This set bonus kicks in when you upgrade the items using some materials you gather through the House C quests.

    You could also get the Alchemist's Pendant - Necklace: Constitution +6 and +15 stacking Hit Points [found in Blown to Bits].

    Again, it's very easy to get these items and upgrade them, compared to a lot of the higher end loot. You won't be able to buy the on the AH however because they are Bound to Account items.

    Another easy farm for named items is the end reward list from the Path of Inspiration Chain (Inspired Quarter), level 18 quests.

    Death's Touch - +5 Sickle: Negative Energy Spike, Lesser Vampirism, Nullification +84, Greater Void Lore, Taint of Evil, Suppressed Power (adds Greater Necro focus/Unholy Burst/+15 Spell Power when upgraded)
    Light and Darkness - +5 Large Shield (Shield Bonus:8, DR 3/-, Arcane Spell Failure:5%): Superior Stability, Protection +4, Resistance Save +4, DR 3/-, Adamantine, Mithral, Suppressed Power (some PMs use shields and this is an easy-to-get good one. Update 14 changed shields a bit, so in my opinion we will probably see less PMs using shields and more using quarterstaves).
    Regalia of the Phoenix - Robe:Superior Inferno IX (3/day), Evocation Focus, Combustion +78, Fire Lore, Feather Falling, Suppressed Power (when upgraded it gets Greater Evocation Focus and Major Fire Lore).

    The best way to get these is to run the two first quests (Finding the Path and I Dream of Jeets), then you will be flagged for the final quest 'The Mindsunder'. After you complete the Mindsunder you will be presented with an end reward list for the chain. Every third completion of the mindsunder quest you get an enhanced list that will contain many of the named items. If you item you want is not on that third end reward list, then you can close the list (without taking a reward) and abandon the quest. You can then retake the quest from the quest-giver and re-run it. On completion you will still be on a 'third' completion so you will get the nice reward list again for a very good shot at the item you want.

    This also works on the sequel chain to Finding the Path, which is the 'Dreaming Dark' chain. The end reward list there includes a 50% chance at an ioun stone. On every third run you get a guaranteed ioun stone. The stones can be upgraded and the favourites for a wizard tend to be:
    Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (upgraded): Spell Absorption - 50 Charges (Recharged/Day:15) (Edit: I should add that the PM's Death Aura will deplete the charges on this stone, so it is better for an Archmage or Sorcerer. Even then it is usually used situationally rather than always on.)
    Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone (upgraded): Archmagi (+200 spell points) and Spell Penetration IX
    Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone (upgraded): Intelligence +6, Intelligence Skills +1 Exceptional Bonus

    These are all minimum level 5, so if/when you TR you can wear these from level 5 onwards. +200 spell points at level 5 is great!

    It takes some work to get some of the above items, however a bit like running the Cannith Challenges, getting what you want is quite predictable. Ok, not as certain as the House C challenges, but waaay more certain than running raids for raid loot. That's why I refer to it as intermediate gear. It will serve you well for a while and you will then outgrow it when you get into gear from epic levels and raiding.
    Last edited by Devachan; 07-20-2012 at 07:07 AM.
    Member of Storm Lords on Thelanis.
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