Depends on your spell list. Shroud of the Abbot, Staff of the Petitioner, a +6 INT item, a +2 Exceptional INT item, a +6 CON item, and an Unsuppressed Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone are about all I would say any Pale Master needs, after that you have a little to play around with. As you're over level 12, you don't need heavy fort, just light or med fort and stay in form (some effects can remove a certain amount of fortification from you, and undead automatically get +100% fort). Even then, you're a mage, it's no big deal if you had 0 fort and no form.
Once you hit 20, swap out the Abbot Shroud for an Epic Mabar Robe (forgot the name, you can get it during the Halloween event) and you can drop Staff of the Petitioner. You'll also want a +2 Exceptional CON item.
You don't have to slot this into your main gear, but keep a +13 Haggling item, a +6 CHA item, and a +2 Exceptional CHA item. This will not only be good for your sorc life, but will also send your Haggle skill up a lot.