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  1. #1

    Default Crafted DR breakers aren't ML20 anymore, are they?

    I don't really want to know the bad news, but before I drop LDS and Demon's Blood on greater evil outsider bane shards I have to know:

    Does a crafted item with >11 potential still cap at ML20, or does it jump up and now cap at 25? So a +5 hbglob (+13 potential) jumps from ML20 to ML25?

    Was about to make a crafter's min2 (+5 Metalline Flametouched Iron of Greater Evil Outsider Bane) when I realized if it jumps to ML25 it's useless to me.

  2. #2
    Community Member MaximumCharisma's Avatar
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    I would like to know as well. I remember a dev saying that they were going up when levels got changed but that was a while ago.

    I'd like to know what the crafted item levels of people that have them on beta are looking like right now.
    Secondlife and Komat of Sarlona

  3. #3
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    last I heard on the topic, when the level cap goes up, the ML of crafted gear will no longer be capped at the old level cap. It makes sense if you think about it. An item with a total +11 modifier should be ML 21, but was capped at 20 because we couldn't reach level 21. Now, we can reach level 21, so the increase in ML makes sense. That said, it is entirely possible that they have a) changed their minds, b) completely forgot to change the coding, or c) somehow try to implement this change and in turn cause epic shroud to be released on live. I give even odds for any of the 3.

  4. #4
    Community Member MaximumCharisma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadereaper33 View Post
    last I heard on the topic, when the level cap goes up, the ML of crafted gear will no longer be capped at the old level cap. It makes sense if you think about it. An item with a total +11 modifier should be ML 21, but was capped at 20 because we couldn't reach level 21. Now, we can reach level 21, so the increase in ML makes sense. That said, it is entirely possible that they have a) changed their minds, b) completely forgot to change the coding, or c) somehow try to implement this change and in turn cause epic shroud to be released on live. I give even odds for any of the 3.
    Ha. Ya I was wondering if anyone has any over on Lama to see because sometimes (many times) the old ones get Grandfathered in. Hence the lvl 8 GS items, old no ml Skyvaults and whatnot.

    Basically I only got my crafting to low 60's except for divine which is 68. I could really make a push to get items inb4change if it was the case. Otherwise I can relax and use a few hours I have to play on things I enjoy doing like lvling toons and raiding.
    Secondlife and Komat of Sarlona

  5. #5
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    I guess two ways of looking at it:

    1) They are already making so many people angry with the update, what is a few more?


    2) They have made so many people angry, they better not add more.

    I am hoping option 2

  6. #6


    I can almost guarantee they won't be grandfathered in.

    A recent update corrected the ML on crafted challenge items, which used to be 1 lower than they were supposed to be. When I saw that change in the lama notes I crafted up a bunch of ml12 items and applied masterful to get them in as ml9 before the update, as well as a few I added +3 worth of enchantment to for ml15. When I logged in after that update, my challenge gear had automatically corrected to ml10 and ml16.

    What I'm wondering is if that level cap is based on heroic levels, since crafted gear isn't epic and all the new gear that has an ml higher than 20 is epic stuff. Maybe it's a different scale? Put it another way, I can't make a 12/12/1 (rogue splash!) character, so in a sense the level cap isn't really 25, but instead still 20 with 5 extra level-ish goals.

    Was hoping we could get a screenie of a crafted item with >11 potential on lama to see firsthand how it works.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I can almost guarantee they won't be grandfathered in.

    A recent update corrected the ML on crafted challenge items, which used to be 1 lower than they were supposed to be. When I saw that change in the lama notes I crafted up a bunch of ml12 items and applied masterful to get them in as ml9 before the update, as well as a few I added +3 worth of enchantment to for ml15. When I logged in after that update, my challenge gear had automatically corrected to ml10 and ml16.

    What I'm wondering is if that level cap is based on heroic levels, since crafted gear isn't epic and all the new gear that has an ml higher than 20 is epic stuff. Maybe it's a different scale? Put it another way, I can't make a 12/12/1 (rogue splash!) character, so in a sense the level cap isn't really 25, but instead still 20 with 5 extra level-ish goals.

    Was hoping we could get a screenie of a crafted item with >11 potential on lama to see firsthand how it works.
    He explained it well.

  8. #8
    Community Member Mithis's Avatar
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    From my experience when transferring characters over to Lamma items will not be grandfathered in. Many shards have had their potential increased and thus the item will recalculate its ML when you log in after MotU.

    It is my belief that items will NOT increase past ML 20 (due to the difference between Epic and Heroic levels) based on the items I had crafted but considering there has been no communication from the Devs about Cannith crafting I cannot say for sure.

  9. #9
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    Freshly copied to lamma, my +5 holy burst greater construct bane greataxe (+13, with masterful craftsmanship) stayed ml 20.

    +4 holy burst greater chaotic outsider bane dagger (+12) crafted on lamma stayed at ml 20.
    Last edited by Miztof; 06-15-2012 at 08:26 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miztof View Post
    Freshly copied to lamma, my +5 holy burst greater construct bane greataxe (+13, with masterful craftsmanship) stayed ml 20.
    The real question is: Is this WAI? If not then there will be some change down the road to correct this "bug" but if it is WAI we can go ahead and craft these items without worry.
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  11. #11
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    my +5 holy burst falchion of greater lawful outsider bane is still min level 20.

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