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Thread: New PvP System

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  1. #11
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    May 2007


    Along with others, I do not believe guild renown should have any part in pvp.
    It would be way too easy to exploit as already mentioned.

    And I concur with removing pvp from the taverns. If necessary, put in another waystation
    in each house like the airship towers that will take someone directly to a pvp lounge.
    The important part of this idea is that the pvp chatter is not spamming general chat in the harbor.

    Since it seems that 9 times out of 10 when I load into a tavern, it's loc ends up i2049 or i2050, moving
    pvpers to a different instance could also cut down on lag .

    I think the incoming "auto-grouping" function would be handy for pvp matches. Making that
    the only way to join a pvp party would curtail some of the exploitation issues that I and others
    have with gear/renown.
    I'm not sure it's a great idea but I would suggest making(using) the existing maps for f2p pvp while
    having other maps that you need to own the pack to do pvp in. For example, 2 parties in the catacombs quest
    where you have to climb the steps. One starts at the top and the other at the bottom.
    or a 3 or 4 party combat extravaganza in von 5.

    Another idea could be a capture the flag game held in the Vale of Twilight. the flags are on the top of the lookout
    points of the gnolls. Hehe. swimming could be an issue for assaulting the other teams flag but then again, you could go the
    "death from above" routine and try to feather fall assault the enemies tree fort.

    not a personal fan of pvp but if it makes ddo/turbine/wb more money, I'd say go for it.
    Last edited by herzkos; 05-03-2012 at 03:05 PM.
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

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