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  1. #1
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    Default Greensteel Greataxe Advice: Alternate Recipes

    Looking for some thoughts on alternate weapon recipes. Already have LitII and MinII axes. Have several axe blanks left to upgrade. I am considering the following: Incineration, Magma Surge, Crushing Waves (icy), Trap the Soul, Disintegrate, and Earthgrab.

    Already have several items: MinII helm, immunity gloves, boot blank, and goggles blank.

    Please don't suggest crafted items or cannith items. Have these GS blanks so I want to make them into something fun and different. I am a level 20 dwarf Kensei III fighter, but may eventually TR. Thank you for the advice.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Trap the Soul has use.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Also Earthgrab.
    Not mentioned: triple positive. Traditionally a blunt weapon, but if you're making stuff just to make it why not?

    I think you will regret making a GS weapon just for grins, though. The sunk cost of a blank is so much less than the sunk cost of a single or double(!!) shard recipe. You could make an Epic Elemental Greataxe of Fire that had Magma Surge and Greater Incineration and a bunch of other less impressive stuff... and it would be BtA instead of BtC so long as you didn't make it tier 3. If you were really dedicated it would take you a day to make it. Compare that to the time it would take you to make one BtC Magma Surge GS and one BtC Incineration GS... it doesn't bear thinking about.

  4. #4
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    Dust2 (acid / evil burst / acid blast / disintegration)
    - This is a good one for fighting neutral mobs like elementals or mephits. It's basically the exact same thing as a Lit2, but it's output isn't highly dependent on elemental damage. Additionally holy doesn't proc on neutral mobs, which is what most people craft onto their Lit2.

    Steam2 (holy / icy burst / icy blast / steam)
    - I have a few guildies that made these to use against tieflings and other shock resistant & non-cold resistant mobs as a general dps weapon. The steam proc is untyped damage too. Triple Water weapon would probably see about the same usage.

    Vacuum2 (shock / evil burst / shock blast / Trap the Soul)
    - Alternative to Dust2 if you're in the market for a neutral mob trash beater. Instead of an extra ~9 damage average from disintegration, just pray TTS goes off.

    Triple Earth
    - It's still good. Not as good as it used to be, but it still immobilizes the mob and allows +50% incoming damage. The clicky is nice too.

    I would refrain from making any fire type of GS. The Cannith challenge pack epic greataxe is just too good to pass up over a crafted GS fire weapon, no matter how many blanks there are laying around. If you really wanted it, triple fire is probably the best way to go.
    Last edited by porq; 03-07-2012 at 08:46 PM.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Really Lit 2 blows all other damage options out of the water in most content. Against the few things that Lit 2 is poor against (Lailat, LOB, etc), the Min 2 will do until you can upgrade it to an Epic Elemental Greataxe of Fire (tier 3, Red Augment Crystal of Heaven's Light).

    Triple Positive is one that's been mentioned - I'd make a +++ Maul before a +++ Greataxe (as there's more DR Blunt undead that are important than DR Slashing ones, but the latter do exist)

    As for non-damaging effects, Earthgrab, Freezing Ice, Enervation and Sundering Ooze all have merit in some situations. Enough merit to warrant spending 2/6/5/5 LDS on? That is your decision to make.
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  6. #6
    Community Member EustaceTrevelyan's Avatar
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    You might consider an AshII, 5% or something chance to give 1-4 negative levels on hit. Useful for running epics.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ap0k's Avatar
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    Ooze ....just for the fun of it.

  8. #8
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Ooze for fun, Trap the soul is nice... Id be looking at what clickies you want though: haste, displacement, raise dead.. anything else you want.
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  9. #9
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Trap the Soul is nice, and goes straight through death (and epic) ward.

    I'd definitely make a triple positive. The amount of doom even as a slashing weapon vs skeletons that this applies vs undead is just awe inspiring.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    Haste clickies .... you can never have enuff HjASTE

  11. #11
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    I appreciate the comments. I have a triple positive maul already crafted, so the axe blanks are really just for fun. Have guards and immunities already so just looking for something alittle bit different. On the vacuumII, would you do shock/20%absorp/shock or something else?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by klt1129 View Post
    I appreciate the comments. I have a triple positive maul already crafted, so the axe blanks are really just for fun. Have guards and immunities already so just looking for something alittle bit different. On the vacuumII, would you do shock/20%absorp/shock or something else?
    20% absorb in that setup would have to be for negative energy, which a deathward clickie blocks 100% of. Could do 20% electrical absorb at tier3 though. Wouldn't be missing much, shock blast doesnt add that much to the equation

  13. #13
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    I dont advocate making weapons in the shroud anymore as a THF for playing endgame. The challenge weapons can be farmed in a day of grinding as theres no time limitation. Cannith stuff can be made for boss beaters if needed.

    For a toon youll repeatedly TR, I recommend a lit2 as greensteel weaponry is min level 12.

    Otherwise, spend those shroud mats on a HP item.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
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  14. #14
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Could be worthwhile to have a 5 + 10 inherent fire resist item with a couple displacement clickys and perma blur, for situational use. You could also make one or more of those greataxes into elemental damage absorption items if you don't necessarily mean to use them all for DPS purposes. You could throw on firestorm greaves, get a 30 resist buff, and have a total of ~70% absorption (including a cold shield clicky) and 45 resistance if you really feel like swimming in lava or braving Velah's breath and are itching to blow the larges.
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  15. #15
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    I made an ooze weapon a few days ago altho its kidna costly its still a fun thing espcially if you go the debuff route..

    i carry on my bard spellsinger with around 46 to hit 51 sneak atk mode.. because you need to hit stuf if you want the debuffs to land..(hey i dont say i got al ot of dmg.. but i do got the potential to debuff a mob its better then standing still there doing nothing.. when everyone hits the boss.)

    improved destruction
    and ooze sunder

    on ooze sunder :

    the slimes are nice the ooze sunder is a tricky thing.. altho it does have a 25% proc rate the dc is only 40 fort.. wich seems nice but certain bosses and espcially pit fiends are notorious for this have very high fort saves.. because they are i guess fighters.. It's tough landing on these buggers i wish i had 2 more feats to spare for imp sunder.. but i dont

    fo a fighter with imp sunder you can debuff the mob really good tho the fort save debuff make ooze sunder easier to land. It still got its uses on almost anything else tho espcially epic malicia has notorious high ac.. if you destruct imp destruct and ooze sunder.. her fort saves arent that high youre looking at -17ac and -12 fort reduction by just hitting the mob greatly improving your damage for your fellow party mebers if they can hit her on a 2.. i can pair this with a 42 crushing despair for another -2 to saves and damage. Im contemplating on making a shattermantle weapon so i can-sr some bosses so my spells will land easier on them.

  16. #16


    If I were you I would make a triple fire and triple water. I actually kinda wanted to do that even though I was hurting for gs mats just for flavor; I really like the idea of seeing a cold monster and pulling out a hot weapon, and vice versa. It just speaks to me.

    As it turns out, the challenge pack greataxe of fire is better than a gs triple fire, and a challenge pack calomel greataxe is as good if not better than a triple water. However, that's only talking about the epic versions, which of course are ML20. I would love to have solid hot & cold weapons from 12-19, especially for when first entering reaver's reach.

    I ended up making the level 12 versions of the fire and calomel weapons, adding flaming+pure good to the fire axe (which has metalline!) and frost+elemental bane to the calomel, applying masterful to both and now they're ml16. They will be solid at 16, but not as good as gs would have been. Oh well, can't have everything.

    But you can! Hot & cold, baby! hehheh.

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