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  1. #161
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    It's 30%. They are a bit faster than 25s. My testing revealed that they're either 24% (the effecive speed of 30% striding) or 25% (the effective speed of expeditious retreat), but I was unable to measure with enough precision to identify which one. Logic says it's simply a bugged application of the 30% striding from the epic version, as opposed to a true 25%, which would have no logical explanation.

    Time trial results here.
    Could have sworn 30% was faster...but I defer to your logic and testing-looks sound and mine was about a year ago with none of that timer stuff, just going by eye.

    It's certainly a nice set; the spearblock on the ring and 30% striders on feet at level7 is enough for me to slot it for a very long time when TRing.

  2. #162
    The Hatchery karsion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Put em on and try em.
    Well, if they are I stand corrected. I was just going with the description, don't know what I was thinking. Sorry and thanks for the info.

  3. #163
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Still nobody answered my question: What IS new ML for madness chain rings?

    As an aside, I finished another run of Madness chain last night. No +6 (or even +5) stat rings, but there was a Charismatic +1 ring of Resistance +4. After long consideration, I took it. The consideration was whether or not I need two Fleshshaper's Brigandine's with two different effects. Eventual answer: no.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vint View Post
    It become obvious to them when they sold the pack as much as they could. As soon as people quit buying it, then it was OP and needed fixed.

    When the challanges came out it was not OP that people were farming tokens left and right. Once the sales for the challange dried up, it then became OP and Turbine had to nerf it.

    They are getting good at getting people to buy the packs then nerf it once the rush to buy the pack is gone. I agree that the tokens and rings may be OP, but dont kid me or yourself that Turbine did not plan on fixing it until after they sold the packs.
    I understand what you mean and suspect you are right, but out of curiousity -- what does "OP" stand for in this context?
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  4. #164
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Still nobody answered my question: What IS new ML for madness chain rings?
    If all works as expected, whatever the ML would be for that enhancement bonus, minus 2 for being BtA. A clean +6 stat ring (normally ML:13) would become ML:11.

  5. #165
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    If all works as expected, whatever the ML would be for that enhancement bonus, minus 2 for being BtA. A clean +6 stat ring (normally ML:13) would become ML:11.
    In that case I really hope they do not retroactively nerf existing rings. Because if they do, that +4 Resistance ring I just picked up will become worthless. Same ML as Boots of the Innocent, and less effect.
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  6. #166
    Hero DanteEnFuego's Avatar
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    The chain reward reveal is like a blind date first glace for me... Could it it it just what I need...ohs nos...fugly...oh wait...she can repaint my house in a weekend for free? Sweet!

    I've had lots of bad reveals. Many great. Remember the BTA weapons, some with metal properties, can be nice for crafting. My last pull was Dex +1 (ugh) but 5/day Divine Power. Ring + Master's Touch + Carnifex on a Sorc, with a +6 ring? WW Kobold Hate Me!
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  7. #167


    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    I understand what you mean and suspect you are right, but out of curiousity -- what does "OP" stand for in this context?
    Overpowered. As in, when these rings drove pack sales they weren't overpowered, but now that the sales have dried up, all of a sudden the rings are too powerful and must be nerfed.

  8. #168
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    Default I will miss this

    A TR, by design, is OP at lower low levels (and these rings made TRing attractive).
    These rings just make those 2-3 hours at low levels more fun, not less challenging (they are really only "great" for a few levels and "good" for a few more).
    I won't be repeating the chain once they are gone other than the requisite "once through" for xp.


  9. #169


    It really is too bad. This chain was so fun for the exciting anticipation of what rings you might get, even though the rings literally did nothing for you past level 9, when you could craft the exact same ring with a guild augment slot. Who really cares if TRs have slightly more power from levels 1-8? (+6 stat ring or a 3 minute +4 stat clickie/pot? Same difference, really.)

    Now the chain will go from fun exciting reward to a pointless grind for xp (sane asylum) or favor. Bad change all around.

  10. #170
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    Totally agree with the last three posters but on the bright side I'm sure the no-ML rings will show up again at the end of a future pack.

  11. #171
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Totally agree with the last four posters but on the bright side I'm sure the no-ML rings will show up again at the end of a future least till a year later, and the pack stops selling.

    Maybe more accurate...

    Dangle that carrot in front of us some more turbine...then move it to somewhere else when new content is coming out. I am sure this "bug" will reappear somewhere, and of course not get fixed for a few months...

    I find it VERY hard to believe that the SAME bug appears in THREE adventure packs in a row and nothing is done about it for a this an exploit? Yea, maybe by whoever trying to sell these packs by bait-and-switching the loot after the pack has run its course. Sell a pack based on its own merits, not like this...

    Either way they are incompetent but in this scenario they are also purposefully deceptive...I want to believe otherwise but I just can't do that anymore.

  12. #172
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post

    Either way they are incompetent but in this scenario they are also purposefully deceptive...I want to believe otherwise but I just can't do that anymore.
    (Not directed at the quoted poster)

    Maybe I'm blissfully ignorant, but:

    I find it a stretch beyond my imagination that anyone would buy this pack solely for the purpose of the rings. Having some of this stuff before level 9 is meh. You can drink a pot bought in the marketplace for +4. The difference between a +6 con ring and a +4 pot pre level 9 is.... yup 9 HP. If that is worth blowing money on and writing page after page claiming turbine was deceptive... Well then I guess ignorance is bliss.
    Last edited by Syllph; 02-21-2012 at 11:00 PM.

  13. #173
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    +1 Syllph

  14. #174
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Got it mostly for the +10 reflex items.

    And cause you get to enter a beholders belly. Awesome.

    And build an airship out of furniture. Annoying. But still awesome.

    Still, if they aren't a huge help and aren't OP...why change it at all then?

    And least of all a year later...

  15. #175
    Community Member Rizzia's Avatar
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    I dont see why these rings arent balanced allready, I mean sure their excellent on a lowbie..but at a cost.. I have one thats 10 durability 2 hardness ... if a rusty looks at me it breaks, and gets worn/broken alot in elite questing.

  16. #176
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Got it mostly for the +10 reflex items.

    And cause you get to enter a beholders belly. Awesome.

    And build an airship out of furniture. Annoying. But still awesome.

    Still, if they aren't a huge help and aren't OP...why change it at all then?

    And least of all a year later...
    I am with MrMechMan here. I bought Madness packs because most quests in them are incredibly fun. I did not even know about no-ML rings until my first chain completion -- and was shocked. (And took a different reward, I might add.) When rings are nerfed, I will continue playing these quests, although not necessarily complete chain as often. Acute Delirium is a fun fest; Sane Asylum I can do without.
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  17. #177
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Still, if they aren't a huge help and aren't OP...why change it at all then?

    And least of all a year later...
    My guess, honestly they didn't know.

    Turbine has an odd system for bug reporting. We can't talk about bugs. So here we have a situation where we have rings that are not working as intended and we can't really tell turbine. Their bug report button is notoriously not working and most of us have experienced the, "Sorry we can't help you with that /closed" scenario.

    Why change it? Simply because it's not working as intended and little more. Items like this are the least of importance for turbine so I can't blame them for taking a year to correct the issue. Even if they did know. They have broken end rewards in abbot and lag to deal with. +9 HP is not a
    terribly large concern.

    That and sometimes when you change one line of code odd things happen to another. Like to bags. Or hand wraps.
    Last edited by Syllph; 02-21-2012 at 04:02 PM.

  18. #178
    Community Member Chefd261's Avatar
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    Ok I have to ask

    Many here say that the rings are not WAI if this is the case then why are they so fragile I mean really they are about as durable as tissue paper it would seem to me that this was done to offset the no ML but I am no expert in all things turbine and accept it
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  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chefd261 View Post
    Ok I have to ask

    Many here say that the rings are not WAI if this is the case then why are they so fragile I mean really they are about as durable as tissue paper it would seem to me that this was done to offset the no ML but I am no expert in all things turbine and accept it
    Hardness and Durability are a function of an item's ML, not the other way around. When the game generates a low level item, that item automatically has low hardness and low durability. Higher level items are automatically tougher.

    Watch what happens to an item when you decon it and then craft on it, for example.

  20. #180
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Still, if they aren't a huge help and aren't OP...why change it at all then?
    But that argument goes both ways. If they aren't a huge help or OP, why complain when they fix them? It is a pretty fine line that makes it upsetting to lose them but also claimable that they didn't help much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rizzia View Post
    I dont see why these rings arent balanced allready, I mean sure their excellent on a lowbie..but at a cost.. I have one thats 10 durability 2 hardness ... if a rusty looks at me it breaks, and gets worn/broken alot in elite questing.
    That's why the +5 protection ring is nice. It won't damage if they can't hit you.

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