Quote Originally Posted by DragonMageT View Post
Funny you should bring that up.

Was just discussing this with another long time player yesterday. I haven't played one in recent years.

Back in the day...Paladins really and I mean really sucked at DPS, bottom of the barrel.
I remember when it was hard for Paladins to get into Shroud runs.

2 Paladins in a group, BAM! closed to Paladins.

It tainted my opinion of Paladins and I can't play one now.
Loved playing them in PnP though.
I also remember when paladins were basically the top tier damage dealers because of divine favor being +5 to hit and +5 to damage. They had to nerf it down because people were complaining it was overpowering....and now people are yelling to bring it back.