No, this isn't about FvS being OP, or AoV, or Wings.
Right now, FvS are immune to being Quelled. Seems to me that this is a bug.
Please make FvS subject to Quell the same as all other divines.
No, this isn't about FvS being OP, or AoV, or Wings.
Right now, FvS are immune to being Quelled. Seems to me that this is a bug.
Please make FvS subject to Quell the same as all other divines.
Its not a bug they are arcane not divine last time i checked so they are supose to be immune
Officer of Disciples of the Apocalypse on Sarlona
Himawari Life 3 - 1 FvS | Svipul Life 3 - 1 FvS | Chikaze Life 2 - 2 PAL / 2 MNK / 4 FVS
Completionist Project: GLaDOS - Life 14 of ??: Bladeforged 'Zeus' - Started 22/02/14
Well why would you want it fixed ? just checked yea they are divine but why would you care?
Probaly just end up meesing so they cant cast any heal spells.
With Quells being re-looked-at with U23, this is the perfect time to address this long-standing bug.
LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!
The release notes actually explicitly excluded them from the list- which makes a sort of sense.
The pnp states that clerics ask their gods [or divine/cosmic powers] for divine gifts, while favored souls have a divine spark or fragment of a god within them, and thus either can inherently cast their divine abilities, or siphon it off of the god they're bound to.
Either way, intercession-type effects are generally not expected to work on them [Since they're essentially not being cut off from a followed deity, but from their own selves]; I can't speak for intercession itself, since I never ran with Quells in pnp.
It's worth noting the Libris Mortis entry states that the Quells 'cut divine spellcasters off from the source of their power' but also that they can only 'sever the connection between a follower of a deity and their deity'. Favored Souls are NOT required to worship any deity to access their powers, and thus have no inherent connection to them [of that sort].
In the end, it boils down to which house rule stance DDO wants to take on it.
The way I've always played with FvS in pnp- AND how DDO has played them- would make them immune to Intercession.
In the end, only one thing is notable here: There is no pnp or DDO point of reference that states that FvS SHOULDN'T be immune.
So unless the devs feel it is a balance issue, there's absolutely no reason for them to change it.
And I find the more things that distinguish between the classes, the more interesting they become.
Did not get quelled today as a druid any in the new content.
I would think that Druid's should be immune it would make sense, but whatever...
that's interesting
I'd expect druids to be immune to that, however rangers are not even if they have only 6 levels of that class. I don't mind not being able to cast all 2 of my spells, but the graphic effect is just annoying especially when it used to happen in abbot raid.
So if druids are immune to quells, shouldn't rangers be too?
just run a round of ee Ochard and i can tell you my FVS is not immune.
Are there going to be additional items (augments/gear/weapons) that will have Intercession Ward like the Atonement great sword?
If not, then why should I take any of my favored souls/clerics to the Orchard?
The D&D 3.5 rule books do not state that Favored Souls have a divine spark or fragment of a god within them.
That is incorrect. Here is the D&D rule book regarding Favored Souls:A favored soul can be of any religion. The most common deity worshiped by human favored souls in civilized lands is Pelor, god of the sun. Among nonhuman races, favored souls most commonly worship the chief deity of their racial pantheon.
Unlike clerics, favored souls are not able to devote themselves to a cause or a source of divine power instead of a deity.
Another rulebook quotation that might help:Favored souls cast divine spells by means of an innate connection rather than through laborious training and prayer, so their divine connection is natural rather than learned. These divine spellcasters know fewer spells and acquire powerful spells more slowly than clerics, but favored souls can cast spells more often, and they have no need to select and prepare them ahead of time.