This is late but it took some time, so pretend it's yesterday while you watch it.
This is late but it took some time, so pretend it's yesterday while you watch it.
I am the natural one.
"When life gives you excrement, make Excrement Golems."
Disclaimer: My greenies come from comedy. I should not be confused with those who are knowledgeable and helpful.
The fact that MadFloyd actually is willing to open his mouth on the forums is several orders of magnitude better than the standard silent treatment that we get from Turbine that I think it deserves some recognition.
Of course, he could have told us all to [inappropriate action] right in our [inappropriate location] and it still would have been better than what we hear from Turbine after most of their screw-ups. I'd LOVE to to even get "read by a dev" on any of the threads that complain about disappearing weapons (including, but not limited to Greensteel and epic Swords of Shadow), vanishing ingredient bags and various, similar problems that are "not known issues". I've completely given up on ever seeing Turbine *do* something about those problems, but it would be nice if they would at least publicly admit that the problems exist.
It's sad that even MadFloyd's first post last night was still so much better than Turbine's usual response (i.e. several weeks of silence and deleted threads) that he gets praise even when he's telling us about the most unpopular change to DDO since off-hand procs for TWF.
I'm glad to hear this, little did you all know but a bunch of Khyber nuts and myself were planning on high jacking that train shortly after it left the station, ala Von Ryan's Express, we're glad it didn't come to that...
In all seriousness, I know I'm a day late, but thank you to yourself, and all the other Dev's who decided it was better to avoid this patch rather than clean up after it. We're sorry about all the flak you had to catch between the first release and the announcement of the delay.
I'd still like to request that the lines aren't blurred between different types of crafting (Shroud, ToD Boots, Etc), however this is a start, and a very good one.
Keep up the good work, and thank you for listening to the masses.
Last edited by NexEverto; 07-08-2011 at 08:44 PM.
|| Arari - Cleric Rogue || Athyria - Satanic Mechanic || Ethirial - Arcane Archer || Tiarinlasa - Spell Singer || Zirron - Divine Avenger ||
Whew. I love this game. That's as close as I've ever got to walking away. Lets see to what extent they fix it...
It's a game. GAME! Only a game. say it with me now - GAME. There. That's better.
Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
Retired Crew: Zazumi
Example of good named item to use if you *must* use named items:
adamantine *itemtype*.
They're weapons as a reward for a certain collectible turn in, and cannot be deconstructed as they are named items.
Example of bad named items: almost everything else that won't fit in some type of bag in stacks.
Meanwhile still waiting on that ongoing information. Disclosure. Discussion. And the official company apology to us and to floyd(for making him do the dance on the gunrange so to speak.).
Though it is now the weekend..
awesome! good to see the devs listening
Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm
Leader of Templar
Maybe devote the same time they are putting into the next patch to stop server lag? Just fire the guy who originally thought of that crafting update and buy new servers with his salary?
Phayth Divine
Legendary Cleric of Cannith
Darkphayth - Wiz * Unchained - first 20 Horc on any server * Grudgewrath - Barb * Phaythaholic - just Because *
Just so you know 90% of the lag your experiencing is client side try defragging your pc, or clear some stuff of the hard drive, lowering the graphic settings or upgrading the only time I ever get lag is in the crafting hall during peak hours beyond that is an occasional half second lag spike.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
As Jggbear stated, currently most Soul Gems are useless. Also, Soul Gems seem the obvious choice for banes, since every monster type, except dragon, has a Soul Gem. (Fleshgolems make Weak Living Construct gems, if I remember correctly.)
It just seems obvious that there are an overabundance of collectibles that are pretty much useless (Soul Gems) or disregarded (most regular Collectibles and regular Gems) that these should cover anything needed for recipes.
As for "outdated items" being used to bring new life to them, the more obvious choice would be to make them have a crafting slot. Let's use the Sword of the Giant Slave-Master as an example. It is a +2 Great Sword with Elf Bane and a ML 2. How about adding a +2 crafting slot that allows you to add +1 or +2 shard without raising the ML? This would bring new life to the item. It won't make it super great, but it would allow some flexiblity and new life to old "outdated" items.
One of the strengths of the crafting system is that every class is on even footing. I wouldn't like to see soul gems be a crafting element because so few classes can make them.
this isnt exactly true.
while Arcane Casters do get the Trap the soul spell, the materials are quite expensive, and ALL classes have access to Trap the Soul Greensteel weapons, and those do not require material components to work.
add in the fact that Souls gems are tradable, and i fail to see the problem.
my suggestion would be to require a weak soul gem of (type) for lesser (type) bane, regular for regular bane, and srtong for greater bane.
elemental soul gems for elemental effects, i.e. fire for fire, earth for earth ETC.
alignment based is a little trickier, but my suggestion would be Eladrin for Holy, for example
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith