I am not a "nay sayer" or "doom spreader" but seeing so many of the major players in the DDO community leave has finally gotten my attention.
I happened upon this game three and a half years ago and have played ever since, without a single break. I am not nor was I ever a power gamer, with RL the way it is I am lucky if I get to play 3 nights out of the week, but I have been a constant. My various toons have run with almost all if not all guilds and I have made some very strong friendships in the golden years of the Legion of Doom on Reidra.
Recent threads concerning players whose names I not only know but consider the foundation of DDO that are leaving make me wonder, "What will it take to finally get a response from the developers and powers that be?" I understand that the names we know from the forums of various developers are not the only people that work for Turbine and that in most cases those names that we do know have ultimately very little control over the choices made considering DDO but it is time for a reply in some shape or form.
The community as a whole would benefit greatly from something as simple as June 4. Those four letters, one space, and one numberal would not only placate the masses but also once again encourage those people, like me, that have played since the beginning to recruit new players for the game that we love.
So in closing, Developers, please give us something solid to stand on. "Vast and Mysterious" has been forgotten we are now living with a need to know that in the near future there is something to look forward to, much like this country and its jobless masses.
*In no way will I ever create an equality between the delay of Mod 9 and the current Recession in the United States. For those that have lost their jobs my thoughts go out to you in hopes that a change is near.
Thank you for reading.