When I play around with the character planner and experiment with different custom builds I always punt on the skill points and if my build ever makes it to the game, I just copy the skill point allocation on what other builders have done on similar builds....
This id due to not understanding how to maximize my skill points and what numbers I should be looking at when investing in a skill...
I've read the Wiki and google'd the concept but I am no closer to having a complete understanding then before.
I have seen some builder use a skill chart something like this...
Skill.......Level 1....Level 2....Level 3...
But I still dont understand the logic and most importantly the "why's" of investing when and how much into any skill... I get that I want high numbers on primary skills and less points into secondary skills... but the whole concept just kind of escapes me as I don't get the maximum allocation of points into any specific skill at any specific level.... (I'm afraid i don't even have a good enough grasp to ask the right question here) I know it really isn't going to make much difference either way.... but i would still like to be comfortable when allocating skill points in my build instead of copying what others do.
Any one care to reveal some of the secrets and clear up the mystery for me... or am I over thinking it?