Last edited by Tilomere; 08-25-2017 at 05:44 PM.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
I believe that enhancement line only gives 100 total despite granting magical training. You get the echoes, but not the 80 spell points.
I could be wrong, though, and I hope I am, but my experience right after the enhancement pass was that you didn't get the extra 80.
Pretty creative. Bites to have to stay in one place though for each cast until fully healed but a creative option for a Barbarian.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Very creative idea and it will work, but chewing up so many AP, gear slots and twist slots is really hurting your DPS.
I'd rather just go with another class than make all those sacrifices.
And consecrated ground is OK, but it regens slowly so at the end of the day if you run EE, you'll still need burst healing from an outside source when mobs are hitting you for 150 a swing, your regen won't be able to keep up. Not to mention you lose all your healing if you step outside of the small area and this is a game where standing still in EE often equals death.
I've been playing around with Crusader lately and I couldn't image relying soley on consecrated group for healing. It would be painful.
Last edited by axel15810; 04-16-2014 at 01:58 PM.
My DDO youtube channel:
Highly creative idea. I can see this working very well on splashed Barbs that have 4 divine levels for Ameliorating Strike as well. Would save the feat choice and the need for Helf/AA - which would then play extremely well into a Human build for Hamp. In fact, with a pair of TF Scimitars, Warpriest enhancements, Divine Crusader as primary Destiny......I just wonder if with Ravager you can have a 10-20 Crit Range TWF Crippling Flames Build? I tentavively call this build idea 'The Maniacal Zealot'...
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
You found a solution to a problem not being addressed as it should. Good work, really.
I don't experience or feel that barbarians with devotion augments and epic twists for healing abilities are true to the way of barbs. It's starting to sound like a glorified monk-fighter thingamagik
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It is also a fairly effective demonstration of how badly off Barbarians are in that respect compared to most other classes: demonstrating the hoops that they need to jump through in terms of EDs, twist slots, item slots, races etc just to do something that many others can do better with far less effort.
Whether it was actually meant as such, I'm still not sure. There is definitely a certain amount of tongue-in-cheek. :-)
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I wonder how mixing this with the dwarf occult slayer would work? You'd lose 20 healing amp, but I think the build allows for Great CON at level 24, which could make room for magical training. Others have said this wouldn't feel like a barb...this would be closer for me than a halfling 12 barb who stays out of rage to throw heal SLA
EH is not that hard, raids generally have a healer so this would just help out, and if you're in a tough EE with no healer and this isn't enough, you may need to practice or add on some paladin PL (good advice for all barbs) or some divine epic PL for more prr and devotion.
Play a bladeforged barbarian. It would take some reincarnating shenanigans, but you would not need to use up all your twists nor as much AP.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Are you sure a BladeForged Barbarian, while in a rage, can cast the SLA Reconstruct (Communion of Scribing)? I personally haven't tested it but while it would be a great solution if it worked I though I saw elsewhere that a barbarian rage also blocked this from being cast...
Lol, no idea. I posted that more to be funny/sarcastic/snarky than to be serious. It would take something Like 6 +5 hearts and an alignment change in order to be one, so I don't think I will ever know (finding out doesn't seem worth the cost). Though I suppose someone less lazy than me could find out on lammania next time it is open.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
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Last edited by Darknark; 04-25-2014 at 04:05 PM.
Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
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Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu
Ha ya im sure the devs will be right on that one. To take care of that little ring of healing hope.
I'd just assumed like any other spell they couldn't cast er.
It's actually not to bad maxed out. The teir 5 core ability gives you a stacking 50 zeal (also stacks with pallys 10 zeal spell, and weapon double strike and the epic feat that gives doublestrike) that gives 50 doublestrike/doubleshot, +50 dmg and something else. Anyway it decreases by 1 every 3 seconds. Not to bad of a cooldown either. It's pretty nice.
Then theirs of course the ring of healing that also deals 50 fire 50 light every tick and is effected by devotion, fire, all that stuff. I get about 150hp a tick with 108 devotion, and 50% amp. Gives you some prr, hp and sp every level. Oh and the cleave that nails everything for 500 fire dmg it touches costs 5 sp.
It's almost like a jack of trades ED. Not top dps like LD or furys burst, but ok dps mixed with some dps and self healing.
It actually saves lives when I toss it and the other grp members crowd in for a 15 mob beat down.
Last edited by goodspeed; 06-02-2014 at 02:41 AM.
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