- WTS: Scroll of the Marilith Chain and more others Sand Raid Scrolls.
- WTB Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone & Bluefire Necklace.
- WTB/WTTF envenomed cloak scroll
- greensteel blanks
- WTS Claw Set and other stuff
- Naya's Trading Post
- WTS Green blade scroll and Claw Set
- AUCTION: Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps (ends 7/1 11:59PM EST)
- Price Check
- WTB Blue Dragon Scales
- WTB 2 LDS and 1 Large shrap
- WTB Vibrant purple ioun stone
- WTS: Scroll of the Demon Scale Armor for 3x Abishai Scrolls
- Buying Silver-Studded Handwraps
- WTS Scroll of the Green Blade
- Wtb chrono cloack scroll
- WTT/WTS Scrolls
- WTT for +3 Lesser/Greater Heart
- Trading Greensteel Khopesh for Greensteel Maul.
- Buying ALL copper, silver, and gold Festival Coins
- Gloves of the Claw
- WTB Silver+Handwraps and i will pay Scroll of the Marilith Chain
- WTS a FULL SET of 25 Blue Dragon Scales
- WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
- WTB +5 Metaline Wraps
- Trade Large Devil Scale for any handwraps with a large guild slot
- WTS Greensteel Great Xbow blank
- WTB/WTT: Scrolls - Gem of Many Facets / Raven's Sight
- Trading for Larges
- accepting offers on +3 greater heart
- WTS greater and lesser essences
- WTT Royal Guard Mask
- Wts 2 gs blank khopeshes
- Looking for wood
- buying gold coins
- WTS +5 True Law Handraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
- WTB> Dragon scales
- WTS> Heart of woods
- +3 Greater Heart of Wood - price check.
- WTB Dodge bonus items
- WTB/WTTF Metalline of PG or Holy Cold Iron Returning Throwing Axe
- Wtt scroll of the marlith chain
- WTS: Scroll of the Sand.
- WTT scrolls
- WTT: Scroll of Helm of Frost
- WTT: Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- soul gems: trapped to order!
- PC: Spectacles of Spirit Sight
- WTB/WTT Scroll of Helmet of frost
- Buy a Silver handwraps -
- WTT / WTB Chrono Scrolls
- WTT/WTS Vibrant purple ioun stone
- Red augment crystal of Devil's Ruin
- WTS: Scroll of the Antique Greataxe
- Selling/trading epic scrolls
- WTB/WTT Pale lavander ioun stone
- Selling Large scales
- My Sell/Trade Thread
- PC on scroll for ring of spell storing
- WTB/WTT Scroll of sword of shadows and marilith chain
- WTB/WTTf Scroll of the Greenblade
- WTS: Scroll of the Chaosblade
- WTB Scroll of the Marilith Chain
- WTS handwraps with large guild slot
- WTB/WTTf Scroll of the Greenblade and Kundarak Delving Boots
- WTB/WTTf Scroll of Lion-Headed Belt
- WTB Ring with Large guild slot + Bloodstone
- WTTf/WTB Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- WTT 3 LDS for Greater Heart
- WTB Greater bane handwraps
- WTS: Scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
- WTT +3 lesser heart of wood
- WTT Greensteel Gem of Opposition and Focus of Positive Energy
- Icy Burst Kits
- WTB Robe/Outfit of Invulnerability ML4
- WTB/WTS Thread
- WTT pale lavender ioun stone
- WTT for 24 blue dragon scales
- WTB/WTT for Sandstorm glasses scroll
- WTS Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
- WTB/WTTf Royal Guard Mask
- WTB Vibrant purple ioun stone
- Wtb/wts
- augment crystal of devil ruin
- WTB paralyzing longbow, preferably with maiming
- WTB Cold Iron returning shuriken
- WTB Metalline Returning Shuriken
- Ishy's Very Tiny Wagon
- Price Checking
- Selling Named Items
- Last Icy Burst kit
- trading gs base mats
- WTB/WTT/WTS Thread
- WTB/Trade for
- WTS Silver threaded wraps
- Boss beater kits
- WTB/WTTf Scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
- WTB Aberration Slayer Arrows
- WTB The Silver Threaded Handwraps
- WTS Silver Wraps
- Selling Essences
- WTT Sword of Shadows scroll
- WTB/WTT Epic Scroll
- Selling Essences Pt.2
- WTB Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- WTB Divine kamas
- WTB Palelavander ioun stone
- WTB/WTT for thornlord
- WTT/WTS Scroll of the Dustless Boots
- WTB Random Scrolls you might have
- WTT/WTS +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTS vibrant purple ioun stone
- WTT Red Augment Crystal of Metallic Edges
- Silver wraps
- WTB Claw Set
- WTb scroll of charged gauntlets
- WTB white scales
- WTB Scroll of Gem of Many facets
- WTS tomes of untold legends
- WTS +4 Silver Threaded Handwraps
- WTB Large guild slot docent
- Selling Wrapps with unbound shards
- WTB claw set
- WTB Electric Haze belt
- WTT Stufff for Black Dragon Scales
- WTB/WTS scroll of Roderic's Wand
- WTB Named items
- Wts scarlet and blue ioun stone & firestorm greaves
- Marilith chain scroll Auction
- WTS: silver- / cold iron- /byeshk- Wraps
- WTS +5 Axiomatic Burst Cold Iron Studded Handwraps of Caotic Outside Bane
- kila's wts/wtt hidey hole
- Scrolls Trading
- WTS or trade +5 silver threaded pure good wraps
- Trading VON scrolls for Cloak of Zephyr scroll
- have/want
- WTS cold iron handwraps
- WTS +4 silver handwraps (holy)
- Trading antique greataxe scroll
- WTB Scroll of the Storm
- Halvori WTS/WTT
- Buying Large Devil Scales
- Looking for High Level Crafter
- WTS +2 Strength Tome; WTB Bloodstone
- WTT +3 metalline khopesh of PG for your scimitar of the same
- WTS +4 Silver Threaded Handwraps (Holy) & +5 Cold Iron Studded Handwraps of Pure Good
- WTB Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
- WTB/WTT unbound shard of improved fales life
- WTS: Scroll of the Demon Scale Armor
- WTT List
- Scroll of the Demon Scale Armor - Auction
- Open Auction Sword of Shadows
- WTB Scroll of Gloves of the Claw
- WTB - Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power
- Price Check: Greater Heart of Wood +3
- Price Check (Blood Stone)
- For Trade: Silver and Cold Iron Great Swords
- WTT Sword of Shadows scroll
- [WTT] Scroll of Dynastic Falcata
- WTT my twigs for your pebbles
- SoS scroll auction ending 9/4
- Everything Must GO (mostly)
- WTS Scroll of the Gloves of the Claw
- Auction
- WTS scroll of the gloves of the claw
- WTB scrolls of helm of frost and goggles of time sensing
- WTB Necromantic Gem collectable
- Trading SoS scroll for Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone or 4 FRDS
- Vibrant Ioun Trade
- WTB: Tome Pages V/VI
- WTT white dragon scales for blue
- WTS Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- Wts scrolls
- WTB Craftable Returning Throwers
- WTS tons of epic scrolls
- Epicsouls WTT List
- WTS: Pink and Green Ioun Stone
- Studded wraps
- Trading 1 of each large mat for Augment Crystal of Devil's Ruin
- Another Scroll Trading List
- WTS or WTT Stuff
- [WTS/WTT] The Blood Stone
- WTS/WTT Pure Material Essence
- Server Freeze?
- Lol wrong forum, close it
- Level 75+ Crafters, Orien Edition.
- Pc
- Raiding is too hard?
- WTB/Buying +4/+5 Flaming/Shocking Burst Falchion/Greatsword/axe of PG + Fest Icy Brst
- My WTS/WTT list
- WTt and WTS Claw scroll
- WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
- Price Check - Scroll Sword of Shadows
- Crafting Service Experiment
- Bargain Bazaar seasonal sale
- Price-check - WTS Scroll of the Phiarlan Mirror cloak
- WTS Atonement
- WTB Mithril Tower Shield with Large Guild Slot
- Eardweller service?
- WTB Crafting Services of 79 Arcane Crafter
- WTB a few items
- WTS/WTT: Bunch of Epic Scrolls
- Buying All Abishai cookies and Alchemist's Chapbook
- WTB Scrolls
- WTB large guild slot Repeating Heavy Crossbow
- WTS Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- Trading Block
- price check on a bloodstone
- price check on Craftable Bracers with a Large Guild Slot
- Selling +3 HB silver handwraps
- WTB - 20 Melee FvS Gear
- An Awzum Yard Sale
- Survey: Boss beaters prior to Cannith Crafting
- Price Check: Scroll of the Diabolist's Robe
- Congratulations to The High Council
- My 203 Greater Earth Essences for your unbound shard of Superior Stability
- WTB GS Blank Khopesh Or Cloak
- wts chrono bracer scroll
- WTB Heart of Wood
- Price check - Disjuncted Silver Dwarven Battle Axe
- WTB +5 Holy wraps of Pure Good
- WTB: +3 Heart of Wood
- WTB: Scroll Of the Ring Of Elemental Essence
- WTB Adamantine Lined handwraps
- Trap's trinkets and trash
- WTB: Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- WTS +1 Greater Heart of Wood
- Wtb/wtt
- WTB GS Blank Helm or Cloak
- WTS 2796 greater essence
- [WTS] Scroll of the Envenomed Cloak
- WTS +4 Adamantine Studded Handwraps
- Scrolls/tomes for trade
- Your Boot Mats for my Large Shroud Ingredients
- WTB slaying arrows
- LF Bracers of the Claw Scrolls
- +3 Greater Heart
- Odds and Ends to sell or trade
- WTB Anathema
- WTB crafting Essences
- B> Dex +2 tome 300k
- [WTS] Scroll of the Phiarlan Mirror Cloak
- WTB: Base Green Steel
- WTTF GS mats
- WTT some +1 tomes to Cannith
- WTB/WTT Epic Brawn's Spirit scroll
- WTS/T +5 Vorpal Scimitar
- WTB a Royal Guard Mask
- WTB: Chainmail Coif