View Full Version : WTB - 20 Melee FvS Gear

09-27-2011, 04:35 PM
So I'm not a raider (don't have the time), but I still like nice things, and I'm getting ready to hit 20. Main things I'm looking to upgrade are listed below, but feel free to PM me if you have something else you'd like rid of that might help me out. I have a number of greater essences, a good amount of plat, +2 Con Tome, etc for trade:

Current Gear:

Greatswords of note:

+4 Vorpal of PG, Icy bursted
+5 Holy Burst of enfeebling, Icy bursted

Helm: Various CC hats, Archmagi, Potency 6, Seeker +6 of balance +15
Goggles: Battle Skill +2 to hit
Neck: Con +6 ROG
Wrist: Tharaak (toughness)
Gloves: CC Epic tier 3 Brawling Gloves (+7 str, +4 sneak)
Trinket: CC Bold Trinket or Bloodstone
Cloak: +6 Charisma ROG
Boots: 30% striding ROG
Ring 1: CC Tier 3 Buccaneer's (+2 luck, +7 dex)
Ring 2: Resistance +4 ROG

Docent: Corpsecraft

Areas I'm looking to upgrade specifically:

-Weapons for specific uses or general use

Thanks ahead of time!