View Full Version : Orien Marketplace
Pages :
- First Thread: Shaamis' LOOT Thread
- WTB: Character name scrooge.
- Tito Trade List
- Looking for a few items
- AH pricing idiocy
- Crip's ****
- Items I think are fancy
- Fuujin's List
- Coke's item thread
- Buying the odd Dagger, collector style
- Anarchi's Supply Store
- Scale Swap
- WTB Keen Falchions
- Rosslyn trade/wants
- +1 CON Tome
- WTb gianthold relics
- WTB Drow Hunter Armor
- Dragon Scales
- Looking to sell
- WTT +1 Vorpal Greatsword
- WTT +1 DEX for +1 STR tome!
- WTT/WTB/WTS lists
- Price Check
- Darkless sales XD!!!
- WTB 1H Greater Potency 6
- WTT My: Orien 150kpp Your: something on some other server
- Wtb
- WTB clickies, docents, handwraps, combat staffs
- WTT White dragon scale for a blue
- Tjostolv's Trading Thread
- WTT Yellow Taper for Blue Taper
- I Want Khopeshes!!!
- WTB Paralyzing Short Sword or Rapier
- WTB 1H Superior Potency 6 weapon
- Collapsed Portable Hole
- WTB List! Khopesh n' stuff...
- Comrades, I need to buy Soul Gems: Essense of Earth
- Trading my +2 Tomes for Blue Scales
- Trading Muckbane For Collapsed Portable Hole
- Looking for monk gear 8th lvl and up
- Bloodstone for spectral gloves
- Why is +5 Mithril Full Plate so sought after?
- WTB Heavy Repeating Crossbow - Magical
- Looking for Large Horn from shroud
- [WTB] Elemental Khopeshs, Remlin's Step, Good gear for a Rogue, TWF, Wizard.
- WTB Superior Potency 6 Longsword
- Wtb
- Trading
- Price help please?
- Vorp Khopesh
- WTB - Vorpal/Ghost Touch/Paralyzing/Metalline/Etc. Khopesh + more.
- Need Superior Potency Kamas
- WTT: My stuff on Ghallanda for some stuff here on Orien
- Firestorm Greaves
- Trading Small/Medium Shroud mats for Larges
- WTB WTT Blue Scales
- WTB Tome page 2
- WTB +2 Dex Tome, WTS +1 Str Tome
- White Dragon Scale for Black
- anyone looking for a vorp kama?
- WTB G/S Potency 4 item please
- Bloodstone For Sale
- wtt: +3 vorpal Khopesh
- +2 WoE shortbow
- WTS a few items
- +5 INT Ring
- WTB Transmuting Handwraps
- Ring of Feathers?
- wtb
- WTS +3 Lesser heart of wood
- WTS recipe 5 kit for +3-5 elemental weighted 4-5%
- Buying Quarterstaffs
- Wtb Wts
- WTs handwraps
- WTS/WTT +2 Metalline Greataxe of Pure Good
- Wanting too buy/sell... Lots of items
- WTB Bloodstone trinket.
- Shiny things for trade
- Trading
- +3 Lesser heart of wood - 700kpp
- WTB - Elemental Burst Khopesh (Icy/Flaming/Acid/Holy), Bloodstone
- WTB taps for minos legens
- WTB Dexterous +6 Ring
- WTS Ring of Feathers
- WTB [ +6 WIS Ring ]
- WTB +6 Wis Ring, Any ML or RR
- WTT Shroud mats WTB Large Horn
- WTB or WTT Vorpal sickle
- WTB +3 lesser heart of wood
- Weird server trade
- Looking for holy Sivler Weapons
- Locomeck
- Wtb +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTB WTT specific +5 Falchions
- WTB or WTT Wisdom +6 Ring!
- WTB Silver/Metalline light weps or khopesh with holy/pure good & Bloodstone
- WTB/WTTfor Ring of protection +5
- WTT 3 Large Bones for 2 Large Stones
- Buying White Dragonscales
- WTB Spectral gloves/Etheral Bracers
- WTB +2 Dex Tome
- Wts
- WTS 2 +3 Vorpal Kamas
- Buying!
- Wtb
- trading large Ingredients
- WTS: Icy Burst kits
- WTS Bloodstone
- Wtb
- WTT large chain 4 large scales WTB bloodstone, spectral gloves
- WTT Bastard Swords for Dwarven axes
- WTT Large Horn, LF: Larges
- WTB Vorpal, Finesse Kama, Kama of greater parrying, other Kamas
- Trading
- WTB "elemental" dwarven axe of pure good (or similar)
- Looking to buy a +6 Str ring
- WTT gs blank for mats
- WTB Bloodstone, +5 Metaline+pure good slashing weapon
- WTB - Metalline or Cold Iron + Holy or Pure Good Great Axe
- Necklace, Docents, ring
- WTS: +2 Metalline Khopesh of Pure Good
- Buying Blue Dragon Scales
- WTS Bloodstone
- Wts Large horns
- Have +2 Dex, Want +2 Con or Str
- WTB +3 Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTS: Crippling Handwraps of Bleeding
- LF people making greensteel Greatsword/maul/warhammer/longsword
- Wts/wtt
- WTS bunch of stuff, lvl 06 up
- WTB Twigs
- Want to buy superior combustion 4 ring low min level
- WTS/WTB list
- Orion -> Sarlona Goods Transfer
- WTT Large Horn
- WTB Rings: +6 WIS, +6 CON, or +30 hp
- WTB STR+3 Power Bracers or other
- WTB Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
- Large horn for a greensteel blank
- WTB or trade4 black dragon scales
- WTT for Large scales/stones
- WTT 20 Taps
- WTB Superior Combustion IV one handed or ring
- WTB Heavy Pick
- WTB my 1st Vorpal Khopesh
- Want to Trade +4 Metalline Greatsword of Pure Good for Silver Holy
- Lightning-Split Soarwood
- WTB +2 Str/dex tomes
- Buying +3 Lesser heart of wood x2
- WTB Silver Longbow
- WTB +6 CON Necklace
- WTB Kama of Improved Destruction
- looking for handwraps/trading #5 recipes
- Larges to trade
- Icy burst kits for sale/trade
- Proof Against Poison Ring
- Selling: Greater X Banes, Vorpal/Paralyzing, +6 WIS, Others
- WTS +2 metaline dwarven axe of pure good
- WTS/WTT Cold Iron Vorpal Khopesh of Pure Good.
- Looking to buy or trade for
- Looking for A Random Weapon with +4 or Higher Enhancement Bonus
- WTB Firestorm Greaves
- WTB/WTT for Full Plate of Giants (have L-S soarwood)
- WTB Docent of Blood
- WTB Heavy Reapeters
- WTB Superior Potency 6 Longsword
- WTB Superior Potency IV Item
- WTB/Trade for Litany tome page III
- Small list
- wtb specific heavy pick
- WTT My Mysterious Artifact for your Demon's Blood
- WTS Beholder Optic Nerves for DECENT price
- WTB: Spell Storing Ring
- WTB Finger Necklace
- WTB boots, necklace, ring, or gauntlets of con, dex, or str +4!
- WTT/WTS Lightning-Split Soarwood
- WTS > +1 Vorpal Silver Kama of PG
- WTB Spectral Gloves
- WTB Drow Hunter Armor
- White Dragon Scales
- WTB Icy Raiment
- WTB Vambraces of Inner Light
- WTB - Divine Power Clickies
- Why are Mystic Belts so expensive?
- What's the going price for Spectral Gloves and Finger Necklace?
- WTT Large Sulferous Stone and Large Infernal Chain
- WTB Lesser Heart of Wood
- WTS 2 Met Pg weps.
- Trading orien stuff for thelanis stuff
- WTB Spectral Gloves 500k plat
- Trading Large Materials
- WTT cha +2 tome for
- WTB FireStorm Greaves
- Crumble's Jumble Sale
- looking for a superior potencey 6 kama
- WTB: Metalline PG Handwraps
- My Orien goods for your Thelanis goods
- Selling 8-14 weapons, armor, clothing, shields
- WTB/WTT Tome Pages
- WTT: +3 Metalline Rapier of Pure Good + Plat
- A Good Weapon for Rogue [+2 Thundering Dagger of Backstabbing]
- Anyone want to give this wee besom some fire and cold protection cloaks
- Many things for sale: vorpals, boss beaters, etc. Also WTB or WTTF weapons, gear.
- Trade some plat from cannith to orien
- WTB +5 Mithral full plate
- WTB +2 Dex tome.
- Longswords and kamas payng 60k plat :D
- Wtt
- Bloodstones and (Epic) Ring of Spell Storing scroll
- WTS Two +2 Icy Burst Vorpal Khopeshs
- WTB Major Fire/Ice Lore Weapon with Greater Spell Penetration
- LF white dragonscales
- Longswords 100k to 299k plat :D
- 2500 plat for Ritual Athame Collectable (house Deneith from Maxon The Dreamwalker)
- WTS: Phase Hammer
- Buying Repeating Heavy Crossbows
- S> Girdle of Faith_-_B>Belt of Tongue
- misplaced my sirroco wtb new one
- BUYING Finger Necklace
- buying Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- My 1mil Plat on Argo for your !mil Plat on Orien
- My 1mil Plat on Argo for your 1mil Plat on Orien
- Selling Planar Grid
- WTB Bloodstone
- WTT Larges for +2 dex tome.
- WTB Longswords: Superior Potency 6, Anarchic Burst/Greater Construct Bane
- WTB Firestorm Grieves
- WTB Flametouched Metalline Dwarven Axe
- WTS/WTT Robe of Arcane Puissance
- WTB weakening weapons
- WTT/WTS Planar Gird
- WTT/WTS +2 Holy Burst Adamantine Falchion of Pure Good
- WTB +4 (or higher) Wis Item
- WTT Large Ingredients' for Blue Dragonscales
- WTB Superior Potency item III-IV
- Sani's Shop
- [wtb] Handwraps
- Wtb Firstorm greaves Ice cloak & dragonbane handwraps
- WTB: Belth of Thoughtful Remembrance, PortaL Beater Wraps
- WTB Wounding Short Sword of Puncturing
- WTB Metalline Handwraps of PG/(Greater) Evil Outsider Bane
- WANT - Tome: Legend I, VIII HAVE - Dragonscales, boss beaters, plat
- 100,000 plat for ML 1 lesser unded staff
- wtb weakening rapier of enfeebling
- *Bits and Bobs*
- WTT Icy Burst Kit for 3 lamanian petals, 3 locus Husks, and 2 Glistenning Pebbles
- Sparkling Dust
- WTB Longsword BB
- Trading boss beaters and dragonscales for Large Shroud mats
- Buying wounding rapier of puncturing
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