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  1. Longest Weapon Name
  2. 3man ToD :D
  3. 2man VoD
  4. The Value of Perseverance - Irestone Inlet Elite
  5. VoD: Epic Fail FTW
  6. Cleric Solo:A New Invation 10mins
  7. BoP 11min caster
  8. 4800+ Spell Points
  9. 14 Minute TOD on Sarlona
  10. Sarlonians bust out the big stick with a 14 minute TOD!
  11. Epic DQ Raid Completed
  12. stk solo
  13. has this been accomplished yet?
  14. Solo Crucible.
  15. Anyone Know the Eltie TOD Speed Record?
  16. VOD SOLO- Battle cleric
  17. EPIC mob(s) killed!
  18. DQ Epic Completion *PUG*
  19. Epic Demon Queen by Ghallanda ReRolled
  20. Epic DQ Khyber PUG 16 mins
  21. Who Says You Gotta Have a Barb/Ranger/Fighter/Pally for Epic stuff.
  22. Insidious Cunning Bonus and the Dungeon Alert
  23. 2 man VOD
  24. Silver Drop
  25. Epic DQ
  26. solo new invasion 5min
  27. epic oob solo by the Urin
  28. 2 man oob epic
  29. The Chamber of Rayum solo
  30. Whats Your Best PvP Cleric?
  31. solo invasion
  32. Thanks, guys.
  33. Epic The Chamber of Raiyum solo done
  34. GRR! All-Warforged Tower of Despair (hard)
  35. GRR All-Cleric Tower of Despair!
  36. Best Acheivement Ever!! Lvl 9 with only 4 Favor
  37. epic dq 1 cleric
  38. Epic Wizard King solo
  39. HUGE kill count =p
  40. is this the first epic GreenBlade?
  41. Epic ADQ 4man
  42. The Mad God Has Finally Done It.
  43. Sarlona all Shroud Monk run
  44. Epic The Chamber of Raiyum 2man 63min
  45. EPIC Chains of Flame - 3 man
  46. 1st True Reincarnate to 20?
  47. Bring your friends to the shipwreck shore!
  48. One kill Sunken Sewer no other agro!
  49. Solo VoD
  50. Late Night Tangleroot
  51. 8th lvl 1st Run Bloodstone - are you kidding??
  52. 1000 Raid Completions
  53. Solo-ed Kobold Assault with Sorc First Time
  54. Who has handed in more festaval coins than me?
  55. Sublime Permadeathers Enter The Island!
  56. Invincable
  57. Amazing permadeath recovery in Xorian Cipher
  58. Stealthy Missing Pack
  59. Invasion Tokens Quest Question
  60. Valhalla PD Guild - First Raid
  61. Soloed Sor'jek in Tempest Spine
  62. Solo Rogue defeats the Kobold Hordes
  63. Not that impressive, but . . .
  64. Three in a row for The Core
  65. Sykros Jewel on hard, from The Core
  66. Stormreach; Kolbold Den Part 2: Rescue| Running on fumes
  67. Epic Gianthold Tor
  68. Valhallans Pull Helms in Orchard of the Macabre
  69. solo EPIC von part 2 in lamannia
  70. Lv1 epic? lol
  71. Level 16, 2500+ favor! =D
  72. Two Lvl 12 Valhallans Take On Foundation of Discord
  73. PD Run of Madstone Crater
  74. A New Invasion, elite, solo
  75. Level 20 Permadeath Cleric!
  76. Soloed Irenstone Inlet
  77. WHOO I reached lvl 20!
  78. Three Valhallans Hit Lvl 17 - Valhalla Permadeath Guild
  79. Conquest and loss from The Core
  80. Nine Lvl 7 to 10 PD Player Conquer Tempest Spine
  81. Soloed Gwylans Stand
  82. Half way there!
  83. Epic Wiz King in record time.
  84. Largest Guild
  85. Devil Assault Elite Solo (tank)
  86. Reclamation, no arcane, from The Core
  87. Another Legion FIRST...eat your hearts out!!!1
  88. Flagging for Von's
  89. Solo Elite Wrath of the Flame as pure melee
  90. Tempests Spine, mostly under level, no shrines from The Core
  91. Soloed Cholthulzz in Litany
  92. I'm on top of the world
  93. I soloed depths of darkness
  94. Legion Beats Von 6 Epic
  95. Legion blows through Epic Vault of Night
  96. Ghallanda ReRolled takes down epic dragon on Ghallanda
  97. shroud is a challenge again
  98. Inferus Sus - First World Wide Vault of Night
  99. Solo Sinvala
  100. Honorary Member of the Twelve!
  101. Epic Tharashk Area Solo
  102. Khyber crush's VoN6 Epic and Pulls the first True Epic Raidloot (non-crafted)
  103. Epic Prison of the Mind Solo
  104. ER does VoN 6 Epic
  105. 11 ppl,EPIC VON 6 Done by TOS
  106. RG Von 6 Epic 9 man
  107. Aurora the Wicked Down! (Demon's Den Elite)
  108. Identity Unknown defeats Epic Velah on Argo
  109. Epic VON 6 Done in 4mins by TOS,hope that would be a record in wild world
  110. Solo STK
  111. Fanfare from Ghallanda ReRolled crafts Red Dragonscale Robe
  112. The price of Vale Blashemy
  113. Epic Hayire Foundry Solo
  114. Reaver's Fate, Solo Pure Melee
  115. FvS solo New Invasion
  116. Solo Epic Wiz King with epic chest!
  117. OK Devs… I forgive you…
  118. 2man abbot elite
  119. Soloed Gwylans Stand
  120. Uber constitution
  121. A Queen raid solo on hard (melee)
  122. Amazing group loot
  123. This count as a achievment?
  124. I finally made it!
  125. Conquest!
  126. I did it!!!
  127. Redwillow
  128. lol another duo shroud ftw!
  129. Solo Cleric Von4 Epic-23 mins
  130. ultimate egg hunt race
  131. Sublime Permadeathers Dream Dark!
  132. Western Threnal, under level and hardcore
  133. DDO blues? the cure from the core...
  134. bored..so paid a visit to elite Queen
  135. Stormcleave solo!
  136. Another Solo VoD
  137. Favor Rewards
  138. Von 6 Epic 7 man
  139. solo vod!
  140. Sins solo 15 lvl
  141. Solo VOD (0 pots used)
  142. Solo Invasion lvl 15 FvS
  143. After like 50 runs i finaly got my ramints
  144. Solo Gianthold Tor with Dragons
  145. Solo heal TOD (sort of) and +4 WIS tome!
  146. Solo DQ
  147. Flawless TOD-no cleric-0 pots
  148. 6 man DQ2 epic
  149. 6 man DQ2 epic
  150. Rabiez pulls a +3 strength tome on her 180th Shroud Completion
  151. My best loot day ever
  152. solo epic dq
  153. First Shadow Crypt run = DEVOUTS!
  154. Picked up my own soulstone
  155. Velah dies on Cannith!
  156. Epic VoN2 Solo attempt *Melee*
  157. Reaver Normal Solo (tank)
  158. Finaly caped my first toon!
  159. Monk VoN 4 epic solo
  160. Solo Vision of Destruction
  161. Completionist Leveling Gear
  162. Elite Solo Tempest Spine @ Level 11
  163. Amazing luck
  164. Irregardless....I am your god now.
  165. Gianthold Tor Solo w/ Hireling.
  166. Sick random loot
  167. 12 Minuit VoD Elite on Khyber
  168. Epic New Quests
  169. The Black Loch Epic-Solo
  170. Screenshot of Lightning Strike While Flying in Shroud
  171. Another Black Loch solo
  172. 20th TOD rewards looks pretty sweet
  173. Clean sweep of the new quests, permadeath style
  174. Khyber takes down Suulomades in Tower of Despair Elite.
  175. Just over two years. . .
  176. At last! Epic VON3 falls to the Halfling Commandos
  177. Epic Blood Road Solo
  178. F2p on way of level 20
  179. MOST FREE Turbine Points EVER with NEW OFFER WALL!
  180. Epic Veelah on Cannith
  181. Solo ADQ2 Epic.
  182. Solo SOS
  183. Ddo_quÉbec Finally Beat the Abbot!
  184. 6 man Epic von 6
  185. Solo Sins of Attrition Elite (Melee, Aggression bonus)
  186. Duo'd Velah...
  187. Epic SoS
  188. Solo Haverdasher (Melee, Onslaught Bonus)
  189. Sins of Attrition on Elite, 44 mins, Fleshy Wiz
  190. Trixxie Strolls Thru SINS
  191. Epic the Tides Turn solo (almost)
  192. Oops! I did it again!
  193. Soloist xtraordinaire'
  194. Leveld to 20
  195. Solo Epic Von 4, 16 minute completion
  196. The Pit master ( 9lvl monk, on elite 13 min)
  197. Got it!
  198. DQ 1 Solo (w/hireling) on Kensai Fighter 13
  199. Solo Miller's Debt Casual
  200. VoD normal, 6 mins by Argonnessen ESoS party
  201. Pulling a dead guy through MP Elite.... doesn't work well though...
  202. True Reincarnated challenge?
  203. Comepletionist
  204. VOD Hard
  205. I won
  206. sins elite - Supahstar!
  207. Dreamler's 20th VoD - Elite
  208. Another VoD Solo...
  209. Soloed Gwylans Stand
  210. I pulled my first vorpal!
  211. I pulled my first vorpal!!!
  212. Latest solo effort
  213. Large Scale!
  214. New Death Record?
  215. ummmm
  216. A very INTELLIGENT idea.
  217. L15 did Tor all 3 dragons with hirelings on casual.
  218. <-Your most AWESOME loot experience->
  219. Can't Beat This :D
  220. Thank you Legion
  221. I PuGed an elite shroud and all i got was the mnemon pot
  222. Completionist
  223. 20th hound, one of the best runs ive had...ever
  224. I've reached 1500 reputation points!
  225. Uber luck
  226. Solo Mired In Kobolds: Elite + Sinvala
  227. Over -20,000 HP!!
  228. Gianthold Tor at level without a healer.
  229. Best Rares Run
  230. Epic VON 6 was beated in an extreme style by TOS
  231. Epic VON 6 was beated in an extreme style by TOS
  232. Quick end chest runs, sins attrition, melee
  233. 4-man VoN5
  234. A good day
  235. Tempest Spine solo'd
  236. Solo'd epic Black Loch
  237. Solo epic bargain of blood
  238. I got her!!!!!!!!!!!
  239. Killed mum dragon
  240. First melee (I think) to solo VoD
  241. Help me Understand
  242. Whisperdoom In Tangleroot
  243. Sadly, I am no longer a Champion.
  244. Win DDO. Anyone Close?
  245. SOS on elite :D
  246. Delara's on Hard
  247. Reaver Puzzle on First Try
  248. I did it too, finally!
  249. 3 man shroud
  250. Goolan hits 1000 Raids on a Single Toon