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  1. #221
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    So, if I follow this thought, dding an C or an N or an H as a prefix determins the difficulties of quests ?

    It would be for example cIrestone, or nIrestone or hIrestone, for example [Irestone inlet].

    That apart from the fact hat no-one does it with these difficulties nowadays, but that's a different discussion ...

    We would need a replacement for the e = elite difficulty, then.

    We could use for example EIrestone or eIrestone, it should be defined, then.

    We could also use things like BBIrestone, for those who want to have (and kep) a Bravery Bonus in it.

    BSIrestone would then be similar : "Bravery Streak Irestone Inlet".

    Ironically, all of these worde have subtle sub-meanings of their own ...

    CWS: Casual Weapons Shipment
    NMA: Normal Master Artificer
    HLoB: Hard Lord of Blades
    LeetDD: Elite Dreaming Dark (or eDD or BB: DD)
    EDA: Epic Devil Assault

    Simple examples (using quest abbreviations as well, but just examples) for the purposes. E is Epic, e is Elite, as generally understood. Some people will use both E and e for Epic, though, so using a different abbreviation for Elite is key. Generally you can tell, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
    BYOH. Know it, abide by it, or don't mess with those who do.

  2. #222
    Community Member barberous's Avatar
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    what about...FOC - fell off chair! happens some weekends

  3. #223
    Community Member FreeMemory's Avatar
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    Recommend modify:

    AA - Arcane Archer, an undead archer skeleton; also a line of prestige class enhancements available to Rangers, Elves and Half-Elves.BB - Bravery Bonus - Bonus awarded for first time quest completion on hard or elite at level or below; also Blade Barrier (spell)
    House P, D, J, K or C - House Phiarlan, Deneith, Jorasco, Kundarak or Cannith - areas accessed via Marketplace, or patrons of favor.
    SP - Spell Penetration (feat); also Spell Points

    Recommend add:

    Build - A plan on how a character's abilities, skills, feats, enhancements and equipment will be added as it levels up.
    Exploit - A game program coding error that may be taken advantage of for personal gain (considered cheating).
    Exploiter Build - A character that takes a few levels of another class to take advantage of its special abilities (not cheating).
    Helf - Half Elf
    Horc - Half Orc
    INGS or Ingredients or Ing farming, items found in quests and used in crafting.
    Opener - Someone who can open a quest on Hard and/or Elite difficulty, used in LFM posts.
    PP or Plat - Platinum Pieces - the most commonly referenced in-game currency.
    Roll - Roll the dice (usually to see who gets special loot). For a normal loot roll type "/roll d100" in the party chat box.
    Static Group - A group that always has the same characters, usually grouping at regular pre-agreed upon times.
    Trash or Trash MOBs - the less threatening enemies in a quest, i.e. not the orange or red bosses.
    Vendor Trash - An opinion that an item is not worth keeping, trading or auctioning, and only worth its sale value to vendors.
    XP - Experience Points
    XP/min - Experience points per minute, used to express how fast you can earn XP in a given quest.

    Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!
    - Bilbo Baggins

  4. #224
    Community Member Galardia's Avatar
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    Can somebody explain what 'squelched' means? I've read a topic about it just yet, but is it the same as getting kicked? Or something else?

    And would it be usefull to add it to the list of acronyms and slang?
    Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or stars.
    Rewo Kalatrian / Paladin(6)

  5. #225
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galardia View Post
    Can somebody explain what 'squelched' means? I've read a topic about it just yet, but is it the same as getting kicked? Or something else?

    And would it be usefull to add it to the list of acronyms and slang?
    It's not a DDO- (or even MMO-) specific term.

    According to Google.. "Forcefully silence or suppress: "property developers tried to squelch public protest"."

  6. #226
    Community Member FreeMemory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galardia View Post
    Can somebody explain what 'squelched' means? I've read a topic about it just yet, but is it the same as getting kicked? Or something else?

    And would it be usefull to add it to the list of acronyms and slang?
    It's not really an acronym or even slang. It's just when you don't want to see a particular player in your chat any more:
    /squelch add *player name* - The squelch add command allows you to add a player to your squelch list. This prevent you from hearing that player in voice chat or seeing what they type in the chat box. Put a space before the player's name when using this command.
    /squelch list - The squelch list command lists all players on your squelch list.
    /squelch remove *player name* - The squelch remove command allows you to remove a player from your squelch list. Type the command, a space, then the player's name.

    /help - will give you a full (very long) list of commands in your chat window.

    Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!
    - Bilbo Baggins

  7. #227
    Community Member FreeMemory's Avatar
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    Don't know if this is even being updated any longer, but a very common acronym since U14 is PRR - Physical Resistance Rating. Even the wiki and in-game descriptions tend to reduce it to PRR much of the time.

    Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!
    - Bilbo Baggins

  8. #228
    Community Member onivedlav's Avatar
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    What does WEI means?


    Edit: nvm just found it... It means ""Working As Intended"
    Last edited by onivedlav; 12-29-2012 at 03:07 PM.

  9. #229
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    CC is also Crystal Cove= DDO's birthday event

  10. #230
    Community Member shadowowl's Avatar
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    some of these i've never even heard and i've been playing a long time lol. here's some you may say in LfM postings.
    The update (U) followed by the # in which a quest or quest chain was released
    to be honest most of these I don't even remember anymore could make a list of stuff like U1 = inspired quarter chain (mindsunder) or U14 = Menace of the underdark (expansion) but really I wish people would stop using these in LFM postings I've been around since back when we started in IQ and still remember running through the butchers path to get to the harbor going invis and just running to the end to farm it lol before they added you had to kill the mobs(mobile (NPC)non player character enemy) and I can't remember which updates are which any more so don't really expect new players to know which update number = which quest chain.

    here are a few that are quest releated based on Plane of night raid
    base 1 = Ice (to the left) base 2 = Air (furthest away) base 3 = Fire (to the right) at least on Sarlona I do remember it being the opposite of that not sure why it changed but that is the standard these days. It would probably be easier just saying Fire, Air, Ice because if you don't know which base each are you certainly aren't going to know which base 1 2 or 3 is... at any rate it's almost always explained we it's run anyway at least in pugs. (public user groups, or pick up groups)

  11. #231
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    Might I recommend adding in "EE" and "EH" for epic elite and epic hard?

    A lot of times people refer to these things when suggesting builds to new players (myself included), and I had no idea what they were.

  12. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krimleingod View Post
    Might I recommend adding in "EE" and "EH" for epic elite and epic hard?

    A lot of times people refer to these things when suggesting builds to new players (myself included), and I had no idea what they were.
    I don't know what the thread necromancy rules are, but I've seen "EE" and "ED" often enough to come here and look for their meanings. And post about it, since neither are in the list and I agree with Krimleingod that they should be.

    From a post in the critzilla thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere
    This build is polished and play tested now. It is beyond a doubt the most powerful non-exploit leveling ranged dps in the game I've ever seen, and does very well in EE in any ED.
    Thanks to Krimleingod's post I now know what "EE" means. And "EH", even. But I have no idea what "ED" means, other than erectile dysfunction. And I'm hoping that is not the correct meaning for that acronym within DDO.

  13. #233
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kompera_Oberon View Post
    I don't know what the thread necromancy rules are, but I've seen "EE" and "ED" often enough to come here and look for their meanings. And post about it, since neither are in the list and I agree with Krimleingod that they should be.

    From a post in the critzilla thread:

    Thanks to Krimleingod's post I now know what "EE" means. And "EH", even. But I have no idea what "ED" means, other than erectile dysfunction. And I'm hoping that is not the correct meaning for that acronym within DDO.
    Normally a thread necro this old would get locked, but this is useful information. Maybe it should be stickied.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  14. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kompera_Oberon View Post
    I don't know what the thread necromancy rules are, but I've seen "EE" and "ED" often enough to come here and look for their meanings. And post about it, since neither are in the list and I agree with Krimleingod that they should be.

    From a post in the critzilla thread:

    Thanks to Krimleingod's post I now know what "EE" means. And "EH", even. But I have no idea what "ED" means, other than erectile dysfunction. And I'm hoping that is not the correct meaning for that acronym within DDO.
    ED means Epic Destininy. This is accessed,if you own it, once a character is level 20. Search the wiki for more info.

  15. 08-01-2017, 11:22 PM

  16. 12-28-2018, 12:08 PM

  17. #235
    Community Member tzzn's Avatar
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    Default vintage thread

    good stuff. I came looking for something out of an lfm -

    RL 10s. R1-4
    my question's the RL 10s. I included the entire line to put it in context.

    something I use a lot when there's a need to communicate on the chat box but I'm in middle of a fight is "bz". quicker and ezr than "busy". can be used to inform - bz

    as well as inquire - bz?

    oh duh ravenloft NVM ty
    Last edited by tzzn; 11-19-2019 at 07:02 AM. Reason: because - duh

  18. #236
    Community Member Ditanus's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Bring it on and Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    V - Z & #

    VoD - Vision of Destruction (quest)
    Voice(s) - Voice of the Master (item), usually used at the end of a quest to remind users to "make sure your voices are on"
    VoN - Vault of Night (quest)
    Vorp - Vorpal, a potent weapon with the ability to sever the heads of those it strikes

    Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    WC - Warchanter, a bard prestige class enhancement
    WF - WarForged (Race) or Weapon Finesse (feat)
    Wilderness Adventure Area - An open area with many mobs and usually with extra quests for exploration and rare encounters.
    Window Farm - Used to indicate a plan of farming a to either break a chain or to aviod running back to the quest giver.
    Wipe - When all members of a party are killed during a quest
    WoE- Weakening of Enfeebling, special weapon attributes that saps strength from their victims.
    Woot or W00t - Commonly used to express excitment (Whoohoo!!!), history suggests that it may have stood for "We Owned The Other Team"
    WOP - Wounding of Puncturing. A popular weapon effect combination
    Working As Intended - Typically used to express that even if it's broke, it's not getting fixed
    WTB - Want to buy
    WTS - Want to sell
    WTT - Want to trade
    WW - WaterWorks (quest)

    XC - Xorian Cipher (quest)

    YW - Your Welcome

    Zerg or Zerging - Running a quest as fast as possible without regards to side quests or other non-essential objectives.
    Z??? - Adding Z to the beginning of a term can sometimes put emphasizes the term. (ie ZOMG = OMG!!!)

    1337 - Leet, or Elite
    3BC - Three Barrel Cove (quest)
    28 or 32 Point Build - Number of points used for stat allocation when building new characters
    HOLY MOTHER of the GODZ of Stormreach...
    how am I supposed to remember all 50,000 of these, these... well you know what I mean.
    Time is the answer here.
    Time... the more you play the more you learn.
    That's Noobish enough for anyone.
    Well posted my son, well posted.
    Wisdom must be feared, for many choose a fools path.
    When someone Wise is on the fools path, one must think...
    did I get here by mistake or did my Wisdom fail?

  19. #237
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    I'm missing "KT Shadows " from the list.
    See here :

    Plus new acronyms :
    Last edited by Alrik_Fassbauer; 09-29-2020 at 04:07 PM.
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  20. #238
    Community Member Lopnel's Avatar
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    Excellent job man! We really appreciate the thoughtfulness of our vetern players. If anything I think you missed just one of our acronyms... ASA: All Stars Aligned. After all calculations the maximum number that you can achieve has been rolled when concerning evocation, melee and ranged: to hit and then damage rolls. Basically a natural roll being a 20 on the to hit followed by another natural 20 for confirm damage.

  21. #239
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    Here's a term I just came across that isn't in the wiki or forum glossaries - lootgen . What does it mean, please?

    Thank you.

  22. #240
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bookmarked View Post
    Here's a term I just came across that isn't in the wiki or forum glossaries - lootgen . What does it mean, please?

    Thank you.
    Lootgen is basically random loot that you find in chests as you quest.


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