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  1. #161
    Community Member clkpacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seren24 View Post
    What does "twitchy" mean?
    This term could also refer to a THF playstyle described here

  2. #162
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    My contribution:

    No "Leeeeroy Jenkins"?

    "Pop" or "Repop" or can mean a mob just respawned (not often in DDO, but happens sometimes).

    I disagree with your definition of "Twink". To me it means a low-level character with high-quality gear supplied by a higher-level alt character.

    "Respect" = misspelled "Respec"

    A "Body pull" can also be called a "Booty pull".

    And you're missing the basic "pull", which is getting the attention of one mob, or a small group of mobs, with a low-damage ranged attack.

    "Glass cannon" = a very powerful ranged attacker who dies very fast in melee.

    "Nuker" = a very powerful ranged attacker, usually a mage of some kind.

    "Pet" = a summoned mob or other NPC temporarily or permanently controlled by a player character.

    "Mod" - moderator, another term for GM in the game.

    I'm sure there are more...

  3. #163
    Community Member FreeMemory's Avatar
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    I see "P2P" on Group posts often, but don't know what it is (though it's probably something obvious). Maybe you can define it and add it to list?

    Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!
    - Bilbo Baggins

  4. #164
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreeMemory View Post
    I see "P2P" on Group posts often, but don't know what it is (though it's probably something obvious). Maybe you can define it and add it to list?
    pay 2 play a subsciber vice F2P free 2 play then there's premium someone who has spent any amount of money on turbine points (very likely has the same restricted access to P2P content... Then there's "freemium" which I guess some people use to describe people who buy all the games content with turbine points so they can save 180 a year on sub fees ( about 8 or 9 months after buying all the content) though I prefer freeIP as it's a better description, having all VIP content (except ability to open new quests on hard) with no sub fees.

  5. #165
    Community Member FreeMemory's Avatar
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    So here's how I read it:
    If you see P2P on a group posting, it's just a warning the group is running quests in "pay" adventure packs, so that F2P or premium players without that pack(s) won't join only to find themselves locked out at the door.

    Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!
    - Bilbo Baggins

  6. #166
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    Why does this list not include True Reincarnation? That's a much more frequently used "TR" than Tangleroot.

  7. #167
    Founder Pugsley's Avatar
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    Please add "IK Spells."

    I have no idea.

  8. #168


    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    Please add "IK Spells."

    I have no idea.
    InstaKill Spells, such as finger of death, wail of the banshee, destruction, implosion, save-or-die, etc.
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  9. #169
    Community Member Folonius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    what about "hi welcome"

    WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!?! Only thing that makes sense is slang for "NOOB!"

  10. #170
    Community Member riot_blood's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Thanks for this! This is really informative.
    My heart lies somewhere between perfection and dust;
    and while my soul is a sight to behold,
    I shatter at a blink of an eye.

  11. #171
    Founder Pugsley's Avatar
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    Request: "DP Clickie."

    I don't know what it means.

  12. #172
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    Request: "DP Clickie."

    I don't know what it means.
    Divine Power clickie

  13. #173
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    Few you might have missed:

    GTFO - The group is reforming, you need to recall and drop group as soon as possible.

    AFK Phone- Usually means that person is requesting to pike his way through a mission or quest until it is finished. (See piking)

    Multi-class - Means to take one than more character class when leveling. Usually used as a conversation topic by some people as they try to tell you how awesome they are because their ego isn't being stroked enough.

    IDC - The person that types this has failed their will save. They can be led into doing pretty much anything, even Kobold Assault. (See Leadership)

    If you don't get this post, please see ROFL, LOL, and/or JK.
    "Do not attempt to swim through a gelatinous cube, no matter how fun it looks at the time"
    jadenkorr: A soulstone does not deal damage

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirate-Jake View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Shal View Post
    A - G

    Gimped - Typically a character or item with sub standard abilities or a character that lacks sufficient equipment, armor and/or weapons
    GIMPO - God In My Personal Opinion, typically used to describe a good character build.
    GIMP can also mean- Get Into Multiclass Project (an older play style that is an ''endangered species'' that is possibly making a slow comeback (and just doing my part to help it survive ) )
    example can be found here:

    !!!OK, WHO'S GAME!!!


    BBIAB- Be Back Inna Bit

    BBASE- Be Back As Someone Else

    IK- InstantKill

  15. #175
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    a few more.

    SoS - also refers to Sword of Shadows

    Dax - Dwarven Axe
    Bax - Battle Axe
    Hax - Hand Axe, or "theres no way he's really that good.."
    Gax - Greataxe

    Von - Vault of night quest series often used just for von5 & von6, the raid.
    Von<x> - <x> being a number 1 to 6.. one of the 6 quests in the vault of night. i.e; an LFM may say "von1-4 flagging run"
    FF - featherfall
    Recon - reconstruct spell, "heal" for WF
    AS - airship
    ASB - airship buffs

    DM -dragonmark

    TC - true chaos (+1d6 damage to non-chaotics)
    TL - True law (+1d6 to non-lawful)
    PG - Pure good (+1d6 to non-good)
    Axi - axiomatic (+2d6 to chaotic)
    Ana - anarchic (+2d6 to lawful)

    stab - stability

    MB - muckbane
    MD - muck's doom

    kop/khop - khopesh

  16. #176
    Community Member Rodasch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post
    Neither do I. Kiting means having a mob following you with a "string" of arrows between you and them. Pulling is maneuvering one or a few mobs to a more strategic location (i.e. away from their fellows) in order to decimate them with less difficulty.
    Kiting means any time you have one or more monsters trying to hit you but you continue moving away from them so they cannot hit you. It can be done with all kinds of other tactics. Some people kite hordes of mobs through firewalls or blade barriers as a way to kill after establishing "aggro" with an area of effect damage or stun or other tool...this in effect kills the monsters with very little to no incoming damage to the player.

    There's also similar tactics used for CC (crowd control) where one person gets a group of monsters mad at them and then simply runs them around to avoid damage intake and the group will pull one or two monsters out of the pack at a time to kill.

    There are several other versions of kiting, but they all share one thing in common...using running as a means of damage mitigation and/or using the monster hate AI to the advantage of the PC's in an otherwise more dangerous situation.

  17. #177
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    BB - Blade BArrier
    FW - Firewall (meaning the Spell: Wall of Fire)

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by normality View Post
    thanks, great guide
    thanks to you and all those that have responded with positive feedback.

    the guy that despises acronyms should go read a book, the internet may not be your cup of tea. lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    End game is missing. I defined it as "Term used to refer to the activities or quests done by characters at the maximum level." on the wiki.
    i put it in there ... noticed that you were keeping up in the wiki, but still added a few more. ill make a pass by there in a few minutes to see if theres anything that you put in that i missed.

    Quote Originally Posted by LASmog View Post
    Few you might have missed:

    GTFO - The group is reforming, you need to recall and drop group as soon as possible.

    AFK Phone- Usually means that person is requesting to pike his way through a mission or quest until it is finished. (See piking)

    Multi-class - Means to take one than more character class when leveling. Usually used as a conversation topic by some people as they try to tell you how awesome they are because their ego isn't being stroked enough.

    IDC - The person that types this has failed their will save. They can be led into doing pretty much anything, even Kobold Assault. (See Leadership)

    If you don't get this post, please see ROFL, LOL, and/or JK.

    i left out some of the more exotic ones, and ones like the bax, dax series. dm is dungeon master and i cant see how it would be interpreted any other way, unless the person using it is new to dungeons and dragons and never exposed to pnp gaming, in which case there just creating confusion where no confusion needs to exist. cant hardly believe all the acronyms and slang terminologies that were mentioned that were already on the list. , but neverthe less ... thanks to all that participated. if your acronym didnt make the cut, repost it and we can look at it again.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
    Get your PD on!

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akrilus View Post
    GIMP can also mean- Get Into Multiclass Project (an older play style that is an ''endangered species'' that is possibly making a slow comeback (and just doing my part to help it survive ) )
    im going to leave this out, for fear it may be construed as an advertisment for MAC.
    Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PD
    Get your PD on!

  20. #180


    Thanks for updating the wiki's glossary. +rep to you., #1 source for DDO information.

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