V - Z & #
VoD -
Vision of Destruction (quest)
Voice(s) -
Voice of the Master (item), usually used at the end of a quest to remind users to "make sure your voices are on"
VoN -
Vault of Night (quest)
Vorp - Vorpal, a potent weapon with the ability to sever the heads of those it strikes
Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
WC - Warchanter, a bard prestige class enhancement
WF -
WarForged (Race) or
Weapon Finesse (feat)
Wilderness Adventure Area - An open area with many mobs and usually with extra quests for exploration and rare encounters.
Window Farm - Used to indicate a plan of farming a to either break a chain or to aviod running back to the quest giver.
Wipe - When all members of a party are killed during a quest
Weakening of Enfeebling, special weapon attributes that saps strength from their victims.
Woot or W00t - Commonly used to express excitment (Whoohoo!!!), history suggests that it may have stood for "We Owned The Other Team"
WOP - Wounding of Puncturing. A popular weapon effect combination
Working As Intended - Typically used to express that even if it's broke, it's not getting fixed
WTB - Want to buy
WTS - Want to sell
WTT - Want to trade
WW -
WaterWorks (quest)
XC -
Xorian Cipher (quest)
YW - Your Welcome
Zerg or Zerging - Running a quest as fast as possible without regards to side quests or other non-essential objectives.
Z??? - Adding Z to the beginning of a term can sometimes put emphasizes the term. (ie ZOMG = OMG!!!)
1337 - Leet, or Elite
3BC -
Three Barrel Cove (quest)
28 or 32 Point Build - Number of points used for stat allocation when building new characters