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  1. #1
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Default Last chance to retain myself & PnP group

    15 years, 3 accounts (for me) thousand's $$$$, Reaper debacle, releasing unfinished content,

    I could list a plethora of reasons to walk away from DDO.

    And only a couple to entice myself and group to stay.

    I'll start with animation for bow users. It suckks, and looks like someone made a mistake somewhere, It suckks.

    Dex to damage on a bow? Are you people for real?

    Expansion pricing vs value of monies spent is at the worst in this companies history. And as such, I can't justify $140.00 for fluff. Sorry marketing dept, your current trends are driving people away from optimizing consumer purchases.

    SSG, you're at a crossroads with my group AND countless others not willing to speak out about the direction the game is heading.

    WE WANT to post screenshots of renewing a sub for a year. AND WE WILL if the next update actually helps the game without breaking people's builds and causing more lag performance issues.

    Your call SSG, make 2021 a turn-around year, or keep going down the road you're on.

    This thread is representative of the ENTIRE D&D group "Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia" group est 1978.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post
    15 years, 3 accounts (for me) thousand's $$$$, Reaper debacle, releasing unfinished content,

    I could list a plethora of reasons to walk away from DDO.

    And only a couple to entice myself and group to stay.

    I'll start with animation for bow users. It suckks, and looks like someone made a mistake somewhere, It suckks.

    Dex to damage on a bow? Are you people for real?

    Expansion pricing vs value of monies spent is at the worst in this companies history. And as such, I can't justify $140.00 for fluff. Sorry marketing dept, your current trends are driving people away from optimizing consumer purchases.

    SSG, you're at a crossroads with my group AND countless others not willing to speak out about the direction the game is heading.

    WE WANT to post screenshots of renewing a sub for a year. AND WE WILL if the next update actually helps the game without breaking people's builds and causing more lag performance issues.

    Your call SSG, make 2021 a turn-around year, or keep going down the road you're on.

    This thread is representative of the ENTIRE D&D group "Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia" group est 1978.
    I get the other complaints (and complaints about lag, which you didn't mention), but I don't get the dex to damage on bows complaint. I think it's in 5E already. It was always a bad mechanic that you could start a human fighter who uses bows, and be terrible at it because you need scaling stat damage to be viable in DDO after all the power creep. Elves on the other hand magically gets dex-to-damage, which is also not in D&D 3.5. I don't see how you can defend one while hating on the other, but maybe your post is missing some context.
    Last edited by LurkingVeteran; 04-01-2021 at 12:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LurkingVeteran View Post
    but I don't get the dex to damage on bows complaint.
    Nobody does. He just keeps repeating this as if it's an affront to the universe and all human morality, and just expects everyone else to agree. To the best of my knowledge, he has responded to none of the requests to clarify WHY this is so offensive to him.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  4. #4
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Nobody does. He just keeps repeating this as if it's an affront to the universe and all human morality, and just expects everyone else to agree. To the best of my knowledge, he has responded to none of the requests to clarify WHY this is so offensive to him.
    Yeah, DEX to Damage on bows isn't a big deal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  5. #5
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    AND countless others not willing to speak out about the direction the game is heading.
    Yes, countless. I'm sure that the world is teeming with people filled with outrage over...dex to damage on bows. Something which literally does nothing but make bows better.

    Hyperbole and argumentum ad populum are logical fallacies for a reason.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post
    This thread is representative of the ENTIRE D&D group "Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia" group est 1978.
    at first I thought, this is just another of these usual unimportant posts, then I read this! The Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia! Of course, DDO development should absolutely follow your ideas and whims, your highness... Middle aged men going by some tabletop gaming nom de guerre... that commands respect I suppose.

  7. #7
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    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  8. #8
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    Such a supportive community. No one posts here anymore because they are automatically piñata'd by the same 10 people over and over again.

  9. #9
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Perhaps it's time forum a forum Reaper...

    (combat): thread takes 10,745 HP damage... 3 was blocked by your forum popularity, thread was slain by forum Reaper.

  10. #10
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    just take a break. if the love of the game isn't still there later then move on.

    i disagree with a lot the devs do, but i also really like a lot of it. it's a mixed bag. if the pros don't outweigh the cons, i can understand quitting. for me the pros still outweigh the cons.

    i really don't get the hangup on dex to damage with bows. it needs it. but to each their own.

  11. #11
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    The only way to offset the insane buff of DEX to damage on bows is for mimics to start disguising themselves as arrows. 1% chance each time you load a fresh arrow of it being a mimic and attacking you; power creep stopped! WIN/WIN!

  12. #12
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    You and I have been here since the beginning. I have seen you post many similar posts. And yeah, I don't know if this is the time you really mean it. Not saying I do. This may indeed be the DDO hill you're willing to die on. Just wanting to point out that, like myself, saying you are leaving forever has meant you will be taking a break and we'll see you again in a long or short while.

    Just saying that after a while, saying the sky is falling or X is a life or death hardline issue has less and less impact. This is a lesson I'm trying to ingrain in my real and online lives. Be what may, I hope you are well and having fun.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bracelet View Post
    Such a supportive community. No one posts here anymore because they are automatically piñata'd by the same 10 people over and over again.
    Any time you have a post where someone appears to be demanding things or threatening things, you're going to get reactions like these. There's a difference between expressing your dislike for something and verbally threatening things based upon some sort of self proclaimed importance.

  14. #14
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bracelet View Post
    Such a supportive community. No one posts here anymore because they are automatically piñata'd by the same 10 people over and over again.
    That's because there are only 11 people in the forums. I think tomorrow is my day to be the pinata.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post
    15 years, 3 accounts (for me) thousand's $$$$, Reaper debacle, releasing unfinished content,

    I could list a plethora of reasons to walk away from DDO.

    And only a couple to entice myself and group to stay.

    I'll start with animation for bow users. It suckks, and looks like someone made a mistake somewhere, It suckks.

    Dex to damage on a bow? Are you people for real?

    Expansion pricing vs value of monies spent is at the worst in this companies history. And as such, I can't justify $140.00 for fluff. Sorry marketing dept, your current trends are driving people away from optimizing consumer purchases.

    SSG, you're at a crossroads with my group AND countless others not willing to speak out about the direction the game is heading.

    WE WANT to post screenshots of renewing a sub for a year. AND WE WILL if the next update actually helps the game without breaking people's builds and causing more lag performance issues.

    Your call SSG, make 2021 a turn-around year, or keep going down the road you're on.

    This thread is representative of the ENTIRE D&D group "Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia" group est 1978.
    Interesting sense of entitlement.

    Quite a turnaround from this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post
    Thelanis is my " home" server, I play almost everyday. I personally have been affected as much as anyone. But when players feel that they are "entitled" and pine away basically demanding compensation, well that's just a low blow.

    You can try and justify your stance all day long. It won't change my view on calling out SSG less than 5 minutes of them posting related information.

    I pay for my sub, I spend $ in the store, and we've lost some good friends on Thelanis over this as they left the game. And for that outcome there is no compensation offered by anyone. That being said, I really don't care if we get compensated. A few shinies won't bring those players back.

    So, if anyone has a "right" to be upset, it's me. But I won't pull a low class call out demanding compensation.

    Now its time to use my fav forum feature, "unsubscribe".

  16. #16
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bracelet View Post
    Such a supportive community. No one posts here anymore because they are automatically piñata'd by the same 10 people over and over again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post

    You and I have been here since the beginning. I have seen you post many similar posts. And yeah, I don't know if this is the time you really mean it. Not saying I do. This may indeed be the DDO hill you're willing to die on. Just wanting to point out that, like myself, saying you are leaving forever has meant you will be taking a break and we'll see you again in a long or short while.

    Just saying that after a while, saying the sky is falling or X is a life or death hardline issue has less and less impact. This is a lesson I'm trying to ingrain in my real and online lives. Be what may, I hope you are well and having fun.

    #1, I fully expected the flamers to respond. (matuse, you get a free founder's pass). Those replies fall on deaf ears.

    As to the middle age men remark. WRONG, we're all in our 60's

    Now, on to dex to dmg. this is DDO. NOT homebrew or 5e rule sets. The animation, crit range, changing raid bows, etc..... this BOW COMBAT pass is HUGE for my group. We ALL have waited for any ranged or bow pass to happen. What we are seeing is only part of the changes, why are we not being given more insight for the rest of 2021?

    Memnir, my friend I have done this 3 times. (today is 3) and yes this is that one last hill to either raise a flag or raise a burial marker.

    Like I said, I represent the entire group. And collectively, this is the path we're taking. I won't drop another nickel on a game in a death spiral. SSG can pull out of it and be heroes, or not.

  17. #17
    Community Member Torkzed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post

    As to the middle age men remark. WRONG, we're all in our 60's
    as someone in my late 50s, 60s seems like middle aged...

    I refuse to be old.

  18. #18
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post
    Like I said, I represent the entire group.
    The group's first mistake: nominating you to speak for them.
    Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
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  19. #19
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lafshmaf View Post
    Middle aged men going by some tabletop gaming nom de guerre...
    Is middle-aged men suppose to be an insult lol?
    Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
    Need to contact the Lava Divers of Khyber? DM our HR Department on Discord: Epicsoul (Epicsoul#3214)

  20. #20
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    Am I missing something in the "plethora of reasons" because I see only 3 bow animation, dex to damage, and expansion pricing. Honestly, who cares what the animation is? Non-issue. I don't love dex to damage as I stated in the Lamania thread but most people seem fine with it so life goes on there. If you don't want to spend $20/40/60 for the mini-expansion then don't. Should they not make money? I feel $20 is more than fair for new content. It's a couple of drinks at a bar. But if you don't think it's fair then I don't see how having or not having Saltmarsh breaks your current DDO experience.

    I am Awesomesauce!

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