15 years, 3 accounts (for me) thousand's $$$$, Reaper debacle, releasing unfinished content,
I could list a plethora of reasons to walk away from DDO.
And only a couple to entice myself and group to stay.
I'll start with animation for bow users. It suckks, and looks like someone made a mistake somewhere, It suckks.
Dex to damage on a bow? Are you people for real?
Expansion pricing vs value of monies spent is at the worst in this companies history. And as such, I can't justify $140.00 for fluff. Sorry marketing dept, your current trends are driving people away from optimizing consumer purchases.
SSG, you're at a crossroads with my group AND countless others not willing to speak out about the direction the game is heading.
WE WANT to post screenshots of renewing a sub for a year. AND WE WILL if the next update actually helps the game without breaking people's builds and causing more lag performance issues.
Your call SSG, make 2021 a turn-around year, or keep going down the road you're on.
This thread is representative of the ENTIRE D&D group "Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia" group est 1978.