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  1. #141
    Ultimate Completionist
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    I have long asked for a unique xp bar that persists thru reincarnations, has no upper limit, and provides minimum benefits.

    If a Reaper XP bar was created to catch all Reaper type xp, it could be used to fill this idea.
    This would be another method of establishing an end game, while allowing TR fans to participate.

    The trick is to make the benefits attractive but not too powerful.

  2. #142
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    My main is so far off the standard power curve that there is no difficulty that would seriously challenge her without annihilating more or less everyone else I party with. For my main, I'll just solo low CR reaper with a temporary hp warlock tree build. Once more, Supreme Cleavage will rule the galaxy, and we will know peace!

    For my first life alt, I already use consecrate/sacred ground for AoE damage so that would work out.

    Honestly, make whatever rules you want, I'll find a way to make it work. If I can't heal, whatever, I just won't heal. I wouldn't be elite if something that simple slowed me down.
    TBH what I'm reading you are saying is that your main is really NOT that far off the power curve, otherwise it could handle reaper 10 with a group of like minded people. But since it cannot play a role in a group, it's not up to par for the most difficult level and really should only be played on "low CR reaper".

  3. #143
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    Last edited by Tilomere; 01-15-2017 at 02:49 PM.

  4. #144
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    ah, it's too bad I missed your response.

  5. #145
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    Last edited by Tilomere; 08-25-2017 at 02:57 PM.

  6. #146
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    It was something epic along the lines of how Supreme Cleavage is a perfect 6 party group all with perfectly laid out roles.

    There is a tank/CC/AoE healer/summons buffing tree, spot regen healer/dw buffer/spike growth cc'er/lightning bolting caster dryad, 3 tanky dps melee oozes, and a cleric hireling sitting out of combat for rezzes.

    See, I know how to play in a group and be part of group dynamics just fine! I know exactly what I'm doing, so the question then becomes, what are you going to be doing in a party? Heal botting other people?

    What are you going to be doing when it is say just you and a barbarian? Heal botting the barbarian, or heal botting the barbarian? How is the barbarian supposed to heal you back? Say in a level 8 quest?

    I'll wait on your video. And will congratulate on your successes. btw ... level 8 quests are your benchmarks? lol.

  7. #147
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    Last edited by Tilomere; 08-25-2017 at 02:57 PM.

  8. #148
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    As I said before, honestly, make whatever rules you want, I'll find a way to make it work. If I can't heal, whatever, I just won't heal.

    Reaper should be designed around a good game experience for the groups that will play in it, not the people that will succeed in it regardless of how it is designed. A lot of those groups especially in heroics will contain players that do not want or are unable to healbot other players. I see that as a problem for others. I refer to it as the level 8 barbarian problem, which even Tlorrd as an exceptional cleric player and build designer can only can reply with sarcasm and has no answer for.

    Maybe the solution is a cleric hireling AI upgrade, so they actual stand their gaurd and only heal. Maybe it is a dynamic self-healing debuff based on party composition or wether or not one is in epics.

    At least part of the solution is a druid/cleric/fvs pass. Regardless, I'm not worried about my own success in reaper. The game needs others to be successful though, so I am concerned with barriers other players will have to reaper.
    I agree with you on that it should be designed for groups that will play in it. My apologies on the sarcasm ... its been a long day. Anyhow, I do hope they do the divine/druid passes as well. My lens of play is that while the journey is fun, building for the end is where itemization means the most, thus running reaper for heroics (for me again) is not for bonuses to gear but for the fun and tbh I don't really run heroics much anymore and find I have more attention for fine tuning my end game character. It is good that you are looking out for others in the game because keeping that sense will keep this game going longer.

  9. #149
    Ultimate Completionist
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    I am torn between building a druid to spam earthquakes or keeping my tank...time will tell...

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