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First of all, I am not a usual poster, but the game I love suddenly feels threatened by an obsession for balancing in favor of non viable builds (as ugly as that sounds). And there is an obsession for pure builds effectiveness as well. I do not talk out of the vacuum, I have been here since the beginning, played extensively ee, and lately playing mostly my 60+ lives main (I stopped counting them long time ago). Used to have several accounts flooded with alts with very efficient and different build approaches, now almost exclusevily playing main character.
"reducing their effectiveness to at most 105% of the effectiveness of other characters".
Which other characters? There are an extreme number of possibilities. Barbarian20/e8? What does "effectiveness" stand for? The ability to obtain a result? Efficient or no? This again brings us back to multiclassing eternal debate. There are so many build possibilities, many are effective, some excel, and many are simply non viable. So what? Why balance in favor of fighter 20 and not pally9/sorc5/clr6? The latter build does not deserve also that "effectiveness"?
Why should Barbarian 20 Fury of the wild 8 be as effective as a Monkcher/evasionist juggernaut, etc. (and I don't play any monkcher at the moment) in a top difficulty quest with unavoidable traps where either you evade them/disable them or most likely will die? You have two options: bring a trapper or become able to survive the trap (building for evasion or having enough saves/hp, whatever to survive the damage, let's not invest too much time in accessories). To become able to survive you have to invest time in planning multiclassing. What is wrong with that? Multiclass is and should be rewarding, and is open to everyone. What is wrong with that?
Is it wrong to solo? Should solo be impossible for non raids? If not, should characters be balanced to complete quests ee (all discussion refers to top difficulty) at similar rate of "effectiveness"/efficiency? Why? Because once you do that, the game is back to being ridiculously easy, because to make a pure non evasionist low save toon as effective as the high save evasionist toon, you can only decrease the need for evasion/high saves, and therefore, if it is no longer a requirement to be effective, then everyone will ONLY build for top dps.
Barbarian case study
A class that has the biggest restrictions and problems to selfheal. Yet the possibility exists to achieve some decent level of selfheal (although right now a bit below what is needed for ee)? By the way Barbarian has some nice tools at its reach: no save ear smash/top end stunning blow if properly build (yes, take those 2 levels of fvs, what is wrong with that? The game has taken into account that. It is your choice if you want to stay pure 20 disregarding all the paths multiclassing opens to you)/knockdowns on adrenaline/AoE CC through tier 3 Blitz twist/etc. The only thing wrong is it is taking to much damage on ee if no dedicated permanent healer.
-> Barbarian deserves help/buff, because even multiclassing (!) is extremely difficult to be effective/efficient on ee -> help damage mitigation (proposals have been given: increase PRR cap/appy DR AFTER prr/apply energy resistance AFTER energy abosrption, do something to AC)
We have also been given the tools for selfsufficiency -> effectiveness. You have the option to use bladeforged and its reconstruct sla, you can multiclass, you have some boots that propel you through air for some special situations, etc. This is not wrong, this is precisely right (yes, my opinion), and it is what makes the game fun.
Again, I have played melee builds (juggernaut/acrobats/fightermnkpal/battleclerics, etc.) that performed extremely well on ee. Yes of course they all used the tools that are already there: multiclass, items, etc. The only thing I would have thanked for is some form of extra damage mitigation (and I mean reduction of damage income). If damage taken would have been reduced (through heavy armor, prr or whatever) to 50-65% of what I was taking, literally I would have been as efficient if not more than shiradi casting (whose dps is not amazing at all, just fine (but yes, very easy to handle)). That is all I needed to comfortably, easily manage ee (soloing). I had 0 issues with dps with none of my melee builds.
However I believe viable saves for EE should remain as is.
Maybe furyshot is debatable, maybe. But that is a very specific thing. But one thing is burst dps and then average dps.
-> Petition: it would be great if we could have in Lamannia, in the dojo, one megakobold with 1 million hp to make some detailed testing comparison between a monkcher and all it can put and a top melee dps and all it can put and see time to beat that kobold (10k hp kobolds die so incredibly fast it's even possible to compare). Also make some kobolds lvl 30 to charge blitz and do further testing with the megakobold.
That's it for now.
Gygaxotron of Thelanis