Here's what I get from these changes:
We are going to create security leaks since the forums will be directly tied to your account. <--- This has been an issue in many games that have done this. I know I personally will never log into the forums again to avoid this from happening.
I'm personally not to concerned with with since i use DDOWiki, where information is updated regularly and works.
Hey we love the Fansites so much we are going to remove the ability for them to get any ingame character information that their site uses, making their hard work and dedication usless. Of course this shows the level and dedication of progamming taking place at Turbine when they cannot get MyDDO to display any character with EDs but a Fansite can.
As a side note I also see without having access to another character's stats you will see a lot of EE LFMs saying "Post gear to join" or people getting kicked as soon as they join because thier stats don't meet what the party leader sees as acceptable for the quest/raid.