My CC Wizard and DPS toon go on timer, and like clockwork, anytime I click on the eChrono LFM there is hesitation and the expected tell... "What are your DCs?"
Okay, Sarlona. I've got you. Just like we did in arguably the best Shroud run ever, we're going to run an all-sorcerer eChrono run. Back up and re-read that last line if you think you read it wrong. Or I can type it out again... an all-sorcerer eChrono run.
This run is going to be incredibly successful based on five basic premises...
1. Sorcs have a rediculous SP pool to draw from and can spam debuffs and CC to get past the slightly lower DCs.
2. Sorcs have faster cool-down timers, so can rinse and repeat debuffs and CC faster than a wizard.
3. A savant's spell DPS is WAY hotter than a melee. And given a big, ugly, purple-named orthon, a sorc can load up on their favored DoTs and elemental awakening for some really sickening DPS that will blow your mind. Go ahead and teleport away, Razorarse.
4. Adding to point #3, it doesn't matter how long epic trash mobs stick in the CC when 12 savants are spamming 1,000+ pt spells.
5. Casters don't have to stand toe-to-toe against an end boss and get blasted with inferno. Run around and DoT away. I think even you sorcerer type players will be amazed.
This event is tentatively set for Friday at 5pm EST. Please post your prefered runtime on this thread and not via private message. Thanks!
Afterthought: I can't believe that I still click on Shroud LFMs and ppl say, "Sorry... already have 2 casters." Break the old mindsets, people. Raid groups are a lot more versatile in makeup than you think. (Yes, party leaders are more than welcome to build a party the way they see fit, but that's not what this is about.)