Grease is awesome for some crazy canyon races ;-)
Grease is awesome for some crazy canyon races ;-)
Well, let me put it this way...
When I'm playing my cleric, I tell idiots who use grease that if they use it again, I'll refuse to heal them. So far two idiots have taken me up on this. The 2nd idiot was pittied by other members and had a few heals tossed his way. The 1st one died multiple deaths.
That's what happens when a party member decides that it's a good idea to grease someone into a lava pit.
It's all about timing and placement. You have to position grease where it can actually be effective without risking the safety of your party members and you have to make the grease land where you're sure your party members won't go until it wears off.
If you're good with placing spells, then you can use grease. If you aren't, then the party will pay for it.
Grease = grief in my experience. It is used for laughs at party member's expense or to send party members off dangerous edges in dungeons -- occassionally causing entire party wipes. Players who use grease are judged by me to be selfish, immature problem makers and I refuse to group with them.
It is unfortunate because grease can be made to work as a useful spell. But, the work that this takes doesn't compensate for the grief that normally occurs. While I have read examples of grease used by groups I have never been in a group where grease was anything other than a griefing spell.
For grease to work the party needs to be immune to its effect or needs to use tactics that keeps them out of the area. This means that the group has to be very specialized and has to be working in a very cooperative way. The only reports I've ever seen of grease being used effectively involve static groups that built around the arcane casting grease.
The same issue exists with sleet storm. Any spell that creates a slippery surface is primarily a griefing spell as it is used in game. It is actually irrelevant that the spell could be used in a beneficial way because in-game experience is so negative.
You have a point. There's a time and a place for everything. If you just throw grease down for the hell of it, then you're probably just making the problem worse. The only case I've had where grease actually helped in a fight, was a few days ago.
I was questing with some people who liked to take their time on quests. Because they moved slow, I was able to set up a decent strategy beforehand in certain situations. One of those situations, involved using grease on the ramps in Reclamation. This was surprisingly effective.
In the water vase room, I placed a fw on the landing just to the left of the entrance. After I decided that I would try to slow down the melee enemies so the dps would only have to deal with 1 or 2 at a time. So I greased up the ramp, and sure enough, the enemies kept tripping and the dps just sat their and took them down when they made it up.
I also used grease to amp up the attack power of my fire attacks in the room where the enemies always get stuck on the stairs. They weren't moving, so it seemed a perfect time to use it.
im oreins most hated for greese realy....
but i realy am
Necro'ing this thread due to a certain skinny half-orc. When a Player Character greases and catches it on fire, I know it's player dmg to mobs.
When skinny greases and I fireball, is it counted as my dmg or his?
I ask due to the fact my resists are usually so high on normal, I can't tell if it's harming me or not...
BEFORE doing that on hard or elite, I figured it's best to ask.
when i was fighting in blockade buster, the orc captain jumped over board. His twin brother, got owned by me tho.
this spell should be like sleet storm. if everyone has fom, theres should be no problem. like greasing the ground when drag racing...
semi-good for telling if the party has fom or not.
(semi as in 1/4 staff rogues)
Last edited by EpiKagEMO; 08-03-2011 at 12:21 AM.
Bard with FoM and grease.
Stairs to chests in Shroud part 1.
Slopes in Sub-T.
Other entertaining areas.
This is what it is good for.
Edit: Just saw the necro. Ah well. I still like grease.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Try this:
At the end of Undermine, set a charge by the chest while everybody is looting. Then be sure to type "Charge set!" into party chat, before casting Grease.
saw this used in echrono yesterday on the stairway after the barrier dropped. it actually tripped both archers that was lured multiple times.
could have just rolled 1s a couple times. but it was amusing and unexpected.