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Thread: Grease

  1. #1
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    Default Grease

    How useful is grease. I've found several uses for it so far, but many people always tell me it sucks.

    I don't see how it could suck so much if you can keep an few enemies at the bottom of stairs and in your fire wall, or Make them slide off a mountain.

    On top of that, you can use it on players that tick you off. So why is it so bad? Can it not be heightened or something? Or do people dislike sliding that much?

  2. #2
    Community Member BangsLiekWhoa's Avatar
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    It is the best party buff available!

    Just drop it next time your party is near an edge leading to a very long fall. Make sure you have FoM first though.
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    Look at the Ion stones on that!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo
    I don't see how it could suck so much if you can keep an few enemies at the bottom of stairs and in your fire wall, or Make them slide off a mountain.
    All non-players are immune to the slowdown or other physics effects of a slippery surface. Thus, there is no way to use this spell on critters to make them slide down slopes.

  4. #4
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    as far as i know the knockdown dc doesn't go up with levels

    i guess it can be usefull in some smart places but i woudn't use it in partys it pritty anoying
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  5. #5
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    How useful is grease. I've found several uses for it so far, but many people always tell me it sucks.

    I don't see how it could suck so much if you can keep an few enemies at the bottom of stairs and in your fire wall, or Make them slide off a mountain.

    On top of that, you can use it on players that tick you off. So why is it so bad? Can it not be heightened or something? Or do people dislike sliding that much?
    using grease in dungeons is a quick way to get yourself squelched by most of the serious DDO players.

    Grease while situationally usefull, is generally a waste of a slot that can be filled with a buff or attack or repair spell.
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  6. #6
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    How useful is grease. I've found several uses for it so far, but many people always tell me it sucks.

    I don't see how it could suck so much if you can keep an few enemies at the bottom of stairs and in your fire wall, or Make them slide off a mountain.

    On top of that, you can use it on players that tick you off. So why is it so bad? Can it not be heightened or something? Or do people dislike sliding that much?
    Obviously you haven't buffed the party with grease 3 seconds into The Pit
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  7. #7
    Community Member Daliyn's Avatar
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    It is great in two cases: a) when you're soloing or b) when you're in the company of other casters and ranged rangers only. It absolutely sucks in every group with melees. And no, setting it on fire doesn't make up for melees lying on their back like helpless beetles.

  8. #8
    Community Member Kawabonga's Avatar
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    Dont forget greasing the chest for better loot!

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  9. #9
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daliyn View Post
    It is great in two cases: a) when you're soloing or b) when you're in the company of other casters and ranged rangers only. It absolutely sucks in every group with melees. And no, setting it on fire doesn't make up for melees lying on their back like helpless beetles.
    yeah heh, you would think enemy casters would grease the floors more... it would be pretty devistating to alot of melee's
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  10. #10
    Community Member Tazarith's Avatar
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    Default Grease is the word.....

    Try unleashing your Iron Defender on a group of zombies....

    Its funny to watch
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  11. #11
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tazarith View Post
    Try unleashing your Iron Defender on a group of zombies....

    Its funny to watch
    i hate iron defenders with such a rage and passion nothing can rival it.

    why in the heck would anyone with a brain use that to "defend" in group is beyond me... i swear some evil genius came up with those things, cause all they do is help the enemy.

    Iron Defender spits grease... i slip and stay down while the enemy bashes me repeatedly
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  12. #12
    Community Member Tazarith's Avatar
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    Default Greaseiness

    Quote Originally Posted by Legohaiden View Post
    Iron Defender spits grease... i slip and stay down while the enemy bashes me repeatedly
    I didn't say join in..just watch
    Main: Clovet (20 Wizard) Alts: Polymnia (13 Virt Bard) Evetreale (20 Stalwart Fighter) Corpseflower (8 Ninja Dark Monk) Wraslin (11 HotD Paladin) Proletariat (11 twf Barbarian) Quarrel (12 AA Ranger) Hammerton (12/1 Battle Cleric) Fransisca (8 Cleric) Tensile (5/1 Fighter Thief) Sculpture (2 LoB Favored Soul)

  13. #13
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    Default The skinny on grease

    alright, Im a wiz7/rogue1 and today I bought a hat of grease. It holds 3 grease spells per rest. I have the grease spell as a caster, but I'm not going to waste precious sp on crowd control. I have me eternal want of charm monster, necklace of command undead, and hat of charm person, hat of grease. Yes I use a lot of clickies. Yesterday just for intellectual curiousity, I tryied to use the grease spell in Kobold Assualt. I had a dog and a skeleton. I used sneak, so the mobs didnt attack me much. But when I go to cast grease, it did not spout on command, and it did not spill where I was facing when I casted it. Im guessing its a little buggy. I cast it once, and 3 seconds later the oil appears on the ground. That 3 second delay is way too long. Plus it only stayed on the ground for 5 seconds. In clicky form, it did not stay on the grond long enough, in my opinion. I was expecting at least 30 secons or so, long enough to get mobs to chase me, run around the grease puddle, and make them run through it, tripping them up, while the skeleton and dog chewed and slashed them up. I wanted to slide like a roller coaster, but the grease was not on the ground long enough to have any fun.

  14. #14
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    I see. Did you all know that if you stay still, you limit grease's effectiveness. It only has a chance to trip you if you move significantly in my experience.

    And my grease lasts 20 seconds and covers at least a 20 foot space. Which leads me to my next question. Is it effected by enlarge?

  15. #15
    Community Member Admiral_Otto's Avatar
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    Enlarge will work on Grease if I remember correctly, but Enlarge doesn't make a spell's effect's larger.

    Enlarge expands the range (not area of affect) of a spell. Instead of only being able to Grease people and critters within a short range, you'd be able to cast your Grease farther away.

    Grease + Freedom of Movement has some potential.

  16. #16
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    I see. Did you all know that if you stay still, you limit grease's effectiveness. It only has a chance to trip you if you move significantly in my experience.

    And my grease lasts 20 seconds and covers at least a 20 foot space. Which leads me to my next question. Is it effected by enlarge?
    A couple corrections:

    1. Grease has two effects, it empedes movement and causes knockdown. If you stand still, you will only get the knockdown effect. Not moving makes it less annoying but will not trigger less saves

    2. Enlarge Spell does not enlarge the area of your spells but the distance at which you can cast them

  17. #17
    Community Member Sutekx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ukenburger View Post
    All non-players are immune to the slowdown or other physics effects of a slippery surface. Thus, there is no way to use this spell on critters to make them slide down slopes.
    Not all non-players are immune to slowdown effects. There was a discussion regarding fog effects and it's slow down in a previous thread, the slow down is there, just not as visible as it was before and was changed from 80% to 40%. I bring this up because of sleet storm, it has the fog effect and slippery surface.

    But with grease you will mostly see the knockdown effects on mobs, rather than seeing them slide down an entire slope.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd regarding slow down effects of fog spells
    OK, I got the whole story now.

    Yes, it was changed with Update 9. It used to apply an 80% slowdown to both players and mobs, but it was decided at that time that it was too close to a root.

    It's currently at 40%. I just sat with the entire systems team and verified that it is indeed a 40% slowdown. Apart from it technically moving the mobs at 60% of their normal speed, it visually looks like they are moving at 60% of their non-slowed speed. This is the same for players and monsters (i.e. before Update 9 players affected by fog would have moved twice as slow as now).

    So, our official stance on this is that it is 'working as intended' and not a bug. What *is* a bug (or at least wasn't intentional) is that the fog spells can stack.

    We could certainly debate the merits of the change, how useful the fog spells generally are, etc, but that is a separate matter. I personally think that we need to a review pass on all spells as many of them just aren't useful (or worth the cost) and I'm hoping for us to do that in the near future.

  18. #18
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekx View Post
    Not all non-players are immune to slowdown effects. There was a discussion regarding fog effects and it's slow down in a previous thread, the slow down is there, just not as visible as it was before and was changed from 80% to 40%. I bring this up because of sleet storm, it has the fog effect and slippery surface.

    But with grease you will mostly see the knockdown effects on mobs, rather than seeing them slide down an entire slope.
    "of a slippery surface". Fogs do not have a slippery surface and sleet storm is not a fog spell

  19. #19
    Community Member Sutekx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qzipoun View Post
    "of a slippery surface". Fogs do not have a slippery surface and sleet storm is not a fog spell
    I stated it has a fog effect, which I was meaning the slow down effect, and it has slippery surface effect, which causes knock down. I am sorry I didn't clarify that.

    Sleet Storm:
    Driving sleet blocks all sight (attackers are blinded) and causes the ground around the target to become icy, slowing targets within it by 50%.
    Last edited by Sutekx; 10-06-2010 at 02:06 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qzipoun View Post
    A couple corrections:

    1. Grease has two effects, it empedes movement and causes knockdown. If you stand still, you will only get the knockdown effect. Not moving makes it less annoying but will not trigger less saves

    2. Enlarge Spell does not enlarge the area of your spells but the distance at which you can cast them
    Actually if you stand still, you do get knocked down less. I've tested it thoroughly. You get knocked down 40%-60% less. If the sliding effect actually makes you move though, which it may, then that still counts as walking or running across, even if you're standing still.

    It's because it's not the amount you walk, but the distance you travel on grease that makes you slip. If you were to run (or slide) around in the grease for two or three feet, you usually have to make a save. If you try to move back to where you were, then it'll still add to the distance traveled.

    The distance varies a lot, but if you were to stay perfectly still on grease, you won't trip. It's just almost impossible to do that. This also makes an excellent way to annoy people in pvp.

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