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Eh, ok. I see what you tried to do. A couple of points, then. Please understand that I am not trying to be a jerk to you. I honestly want you to enjoy your gaming experience, and I think your class build will seriously frustrate you the more you level. Don't take this personally at all.
Monk is a fine solo class, you wouldn't have needed wands and your damage will be passable enough as a straight monk. With FoL and the Light side buff finishers, you'd actually be very, very usefull. No, you won't have cure wands, but you also really aren't a healer, nor will you be with the above build. The mass cure finisher you get as a straight monk is FAR more effective. If you're taking levels in fighter, and using non-monkweapons, you cannot use ANY of the monk's abilities. This is why I initially asked. The only think monk's giving you for 3 levels is evasion, and your WIS bonus to your AC as long as you're not wearing armor.
The paladin levels really aren't granting you a whole lot either. Cure wands, a lay on hands (2 if you can get the enhancement). The healing amp is only going to affect your actual healing spells, and at lvl 3 you don't have any. Lvl 4 grants you CLW, which is only usefull for a bit, even amped.
3 levels in monk - bonuses negated by wielding non-monk weapons. Damage sub-par without them.
3 levels in paladin - Moderate utility for lower levels. Useless later on unless you're going to support healers by wand-whipping everyone. Lay on Hands will get you out of a few situations, but you'll only ever have 2 of them. Smite: not really all that great until you get exalted smite, which this build will not get.
Fighter Levels: Your strongest part, but requires weapons that you cannot use without breaking your monk benefits. Effectively hamstrung by your monk levels.
Basically, while what you've done may seem like a good idea, it does NOT scale with you as you level. Even by dumping another paladin level into this build, you're only getting first level spells out of it. Additionally, your SP pool will be abysmally low, not due to your WIS but because paladins get 5 SP at lvl 4, and this is currently bugged to only grant 2 sp.You'll get maybe 6 CLW heals out of this IF you dump another paladin level into it, AND wear +SP items.
Basically, you tried to do far to much here and you utility is going to vanish at higher levels. If you must persist with this build, I would just put whatever you've got left into your fighter levels and attempt to contribute via damage, as wanding people isn't going to keep them alive and neither is CLW.
Again, not trying to rain on your parade, I just worry you'll get frustrated. Better to find out about this now than at 16.