I know that a fair amount of talk goes on about the shroud crafting....some think way too powerfull, many think too much of a grind..... well I love the shroud ...I really do (currently dragging 10 diffent toons through it) and I like the crafting system (although getting lg scales is a pain for me as well) there is 1 thing I wish you could improve/fix about the shroud craftable weapons...... Effects graphics
the lighting strike is iconic....you can see it hear it, I don't think I've been in a party well it's gone off and no one comments about it.... it's a awesome effect and great job on who ever put that all together...... but what about the rest??????
the lighting strike is the only one that has a really nice effect upon going off....now these tier III items are tough to get please tweak this a bit I mean really all the other effects are lacking the same pay off that the lighting strike gives...
a few suggestions
for raidence (which looks like the pally attack or some cleric spell right now) something like the shot that took the tent away...you should have that graphic around and it would be a great becon for all those rogues around (hey get your backstab here)
for the void strike a big green ray (also from above would be nice) it should be better than it currently is, honestly it should
now I know graphics are a money issue ... but these are end game items that I think will be will our toons for a bit let's make them all as iconic (form a graphics point of view) as the lighting strike....
and btw I would the graphic on the great axe's and d axes's also like that they don't change nice look and it always sparks party chat