Just out of curiosity, what would you all like to have as a future raid boss?
Any setting, doesn't even have to be DND. Just whatever would be your idea of a good time.
Personally, I'd have to say Pun-Pun.
Just out of curiosity, what would you all like to have as a future raid boss?
Any setting, doesn't even have to be DND. Just whatever would be your idea of a good time.
Personally, I'd have to say Pun-Pun.
and it would require Underwater combat
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Lets just make it like the 18 hour fight at ffxi and give us a tarrasque, now where would he spawn? I say make him appear in all the explorer areas dependant on the story of some sort. I think it would be cool to fight him in giant hold, and even in the necropolis. I dont know just an idea that started off as a joke, but now is really intriguing me.
Last time I met Mr. Tarrasque during a game was when the halfling ranger rogue decided to try and run up his tail, by the way do you realise how hard it is to flank a the tarrasque, mad all the correct saves, and slashed where the sun dont shine. that was the story of pachinko the hemorrhoid, lol!
Now, if we had to take down tarrasque, and the fight involved us basically leading it away from stormreach proper, and off, that would be an awesome raid. dragging him through the streets, fighting off waves of cultists or some form of trash. Bringing him to an area for an all out battle. But you dont kill it, just simply imprison it within some crazy trap that requires people running all over the place....Like a life sized mouse trap
OR, there is always pun pun
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
a tarrasque most definitely.
throw in some of the wizards from the 12 to help with the battle, using a combination of npc casting to help with the battle. activate a wizard for timestop to get in a few critical hits in while its in a vulnerable position. Have another NPC wizard prepping the Wish spell for when you do manage to get it down. If any of your help dies, you're gonna be kinda SOL.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Hail Mighty Argonnesson
Vanda Copperfoot -- ZZPP Copperskull -- Deepwoods Off
Bronca Tigertooth --Tenflagon Copperfist -- ShubsnZuuls Roasting in the Sloar
A very, very angry..... wife.
I'd like to beat wagro, just once.
aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
Phoenix Crusaders - Khyber
Personally, I'd prefer more raid encounters like Suulomades, where the biggest challenge isn't a single raid boss, but is instead their henchmen.
Or, alternately, give us a fight against a cabal of frost giants that work together, buff each other, and so on.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
a big tasty ham looking for Kargon.....immune to lighting strikes.
No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)
Intent on raiding the banks (Marketplace, House K, Necropolis, Meridia, Harbor, Gianthold)
They will have random parties of 8 - 12 ( healing bards, dps tanks, high intimidate tanks, casters with knock, rogues that can swim the Crucible )
We can do a capture the flag scenario or multiple point battle with long term consequences ( if we win all 6 locations, the server gets favor and a bankslot, if we lose all 6 locations ....... )
The platfarmer parties will have a special attack "SPAM" which will flood party chat and jam conversation for 30 seconds - 1 minute
Or even a special attack "LEECH" which forces a random player into a minigame where he does not affect the main game until he finishes the minigame ( a 4x4 shroud puzzle or a 3 slot reaver puzzle which takes up the whole player screen )
Have Fun and Be Smart
Calladan Frostwinter - Crimson Eagles
Halcyen Frostwinter - Apocalytic Knights
A complexe encounter with many many mobs.
A huge battleground with 4 portals.
Each spawn 25 mobs, making it:
20 undeads (varied types)
20 elementals (varied types)
20 vermins (varied types)
20 giants (varied types)
If you kill an undead, an elemental spawn. You kill an elemental, a vermin spawns. You kill a vermin, a giant spawns. You kill a giant, an undead spawns.
If you manage to remove a type of mobs completely, a huge freaking Purple boss of the type appears. You kill it, that portal closes. You must close all 4.
So, for exemple, a group comes in, decides to start with elementals, so they start killing elementals. Trick is, they must avoid killin gundead, since it spawns elementals. Once they make it, a huge names Fire elementals comes out, and players must kill it (remember, there are still 80 other mobs!). Kill eliboss, portal closes. Then group decide to do, say Giants...
Once all remaining mobs are of 1 type, they don't respawn.
1. Dracolich
2. Demi-Lich
3. The Lord of Blades
4. A full grown dragon that doesn't sit in a circle like a toad on a log
BTW the hardest thing about a raid SHOULD be the boss NOT his toadies.
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
the tarrasque would be cool as hell, as would the kraken.
what we really need is lowbie raid or two. something to get the n00bs indoctrinated to the raiding scene and schedule. plus it would be fun to fight 1000 kobolds at level 4.
personally i want a uber party of eeeeevil adventurers set up in a keep somewhere. fully equiped and working together, healing, high level spells, tactics, traps, ambush, henchman, etc.
all the ideas are cool thoug.
I found and posted a spoiler about this raid boss in Mod 8.
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
A mirror ........ that spawns a doppleganger party you have to fight against. I know this idea has been done to death, but really, what's a better challenge than fighting against our own ubertwinked, million AC halfling ranger sorc cleric selves?
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths