As a high lvl caster in DDO, there is one spell. Wall of Fire. Empowered, Maximized, Extended, or whichever combo of these suits your fancy, all content in the game can be completed using the tried and true "drag everything to the campfire" snorefest.
It eliminates parity between differently enhancement specc'd casters, due to an "acid specialist" being a rediculous choice, nm force and repair, and all the crowd control and instant death spells in the game cant amount to a fraction of the kills raked in with the Firewall-wielding-Fire-Specced Jump back-and-forth cookie-cutter clone. Feel free to disagree with me here, however I cannot be held responsible by anyone else's demonstrations of ignorance to the basic tennets of DDO and how it stand now as it pertains to casters.
What irks me about all this is that "Wall of Fire" as DnD intends is as a barrier between PCs and Mobs. In ANY PnP encounter worth the dice the DM is rolling, a DM might allow the odd courageous or foolish monster to attempt a crossing of a wall of fiery death perhaps once, perhaps not, thinking a ranged approach or a waiting out of the Inferno to be a more sound strategy. In DDO, time and again, mobs mindlessly waddle around in a critting inferno or triple digits, oblivious to their self-inflicted lunacy, vainly spamming their death throw commentary.
All the improvements to Mob AI amount to nothing in comparison to this glaring tidbit of Monster Idiocy and inability to deal with basic combat variables. Why it has lasted this long is beyond me.
Please DEVs...PLEASE teach these mobs to stop committing fiery suicide in every quest in DDO. It would increase combat variety, caster variety and player enjoyment across the board. I know AI is a tricky beast to code, but if you cant teach someone to pull their hand away when they touch a burning element, any other sort of education seems pointless right out of the gate.