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my firewall was doing about 4 to 8 hitpoints worth of damage to the flesh golems the other night on elite
that was unempowered (need to save my mana), holding my greater fire lore scepter/s, max crits & causing 50% more damage; i got all of the enhancements too
guess what? i ran that for the favor with my sor, will never go back, because the quest sucks
they are even bascially immune to dis ray or they have so many hit points that causing 125 in damage means nothing
anyway, that is a real fun quest
That's not a "random immunity" that's how Golems are supposed to work.
Both disintegrate and wall of fire allow SR in D&D, thus flesh golems are immune to both of them.Immunity to Magic (Ex)
A flesh golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
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Fleshmaker? We fight in walls most of the time in there, including the optional chest fight in the pit... but not on elite yet. Elite sounds like a suitably tough nut to crack.. a caster's nightmare, like flesh golems are supposed to be... I'd still use firewalls but I'd expect to mostly buff the melees for that one (and they'd better be in top gear and using smiters).. on elite, it's what, a 16th level quest? Not supposed to be easy.
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AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
smiters don't work in fleshmakers on elite (well, they do when the golem rolls a 1 which takes forever).
firewall is not the end all be all of spells, but it has advantages that other spells don't have.
1. you are pretty much guaranteed to get it to go off without fizzling, because a) you can cast it multi-directionally without the stupid facing error and b) it doesn't suffer from terrain restrictions
2. with the insane elemental DR that almost every MOB has, it makes it much more mana efficient to get the same damage you should get if it weren't for the restrictions
3. it does double damage to undead and well, undead are everywhere in ddo
4. it bypasses evasion whereas all of the other non-ray type spells allow a reflex save. as more and more mobs are granted evasion (or improved evasion in the case of some of the orcs), having damage spells that can target these guys becomes necessary.
5. mobs retain aggro on the caster forever. there isn't a morale check for them to say 'uh, instant death. run away'. once again, firewall is one of only a few caster spells that can be cast without facing the guy chasing you.
Just to answer OP since I'm too lazy to read the whole thread... just make it so you can't stack firewalls, and it will be much better.