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Thread: GM Assists

  1. #1
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Default GM Assists

    Please at least change the color of the incoming GM responses to something more noticeable (maybe bright red?) or even better, make them a separate incoming text type and allow us to configure colors.

    Missing a GM response to a trouble ticket because it's almost white and blends in with the white scroll in general chat is annoying.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  2. #2
    Community Member GreatCzarsGhost's Avatar
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    Wow, you mean GM's respond to trouble tickets.. . . . oh... I get it.. joke time on the boards tonight..

    well here's mine:

    First guy says: Knock knock
    Second guy says: Who's there
    First guy says: Control freak. now this is the part where you say control freak who.

    Well ok, your joke was funnier. LOL.. GM's responded to a trouble ticket.. Now that's funny.

    Quote Originally Posted by lostinjapan View Post
    Please at least change the color of the incoming GM responses to something more noticeable (maybe bright red?) or even better, make them a separate incoming text type and allow us to configure colors.

    Missing a GM response to a trouble ticket because it's almost white and blends in with the white scroll in general chat is annoying.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Wyoman's Avatar
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    Default GM tickets

    I have had no problems getting a Gm to respond and answer my help tickets.

    Maybe they just dont like you. :P J/k

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero
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    Hmm I have no trouble seeing them or in getting help

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Hmm I have no trouble seeing them or in getting help
    The OP isn't saying that they are having trouble seeing them Uska, they are having trouble distinguishing between the GM text and general chat. They are almost identical in color, and a lot of people ( myself included ) do not spend much time reading general chat. I'm too busy looking at guild, and party chat to pay it much mind most of the time ( if someone else really wants my attention, I figure they'll send me a tell ). Having an incoming GM message be a different color will help alot in instances of GMs closing tickets for non-responce, when people merely didn't notice the GM chat.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bandyman1 View Post
    The OP isn't saying that they are having trouble seeing them Uska, they are having trouble distinguishing between the GM text and general chat. They are almost identical in color, and a lot of people ( myself included ) do not spend much time reading general chat. I'm too busy looking at guild, and party chat to pay it much mind most of the time ( if someone else really wants my attention, I figure they'll send me a tell ). Having an incoming GM message be a different color will help alot in instances of GMs closing tickets for non-responce, when people merely didn't notice the GM chat.

    In party and in guild tabs I have turned off general for just that reason. But it wouldnt hurt to have it in another color for those that are less attentive to details.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
    Community Member Harbinder's Avatar
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    I guess the loud *ding* for an incoming message isn't enough?
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbinder View Post
    I guess the loud *ding* for an incoming message isn't enough?
    hmm didnt hear that from my last couple of gm's messages but have always heard it from other messages, bug maybe?

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Ah, the memories.

    I have personally waited for 3 hours for a GM, then gone pee(takes about 20 seconds, im right next to the bathroom) to find that during those 20 seconds a GM sent me 3 messages and closed my ticket for inactivity despite the fact my chat log was active for a solid 3 hours prior and up to the AFK moment.

    This happened again after waiting for 2 hours 18 minutes in another instance, about a month later I believe. I had gotten up to make a burrito to eat(takes 40 seconds) and the same thing happened.

    A third time, the GM was patient enough to wait through me putting my kid to bed before sending the final message that he was going to close my ticket for inactivity... I took 2 minutes to get back and caught him just before he closed it, got helped(took him about 3 minutes), then went back to questing as usual.

    A fourth time I waited for 50-someodd minutes for a GM, got one, replied 8 times with descriptors of the problem(a sentence at a time), then got sent a "You appear to be unresponsive. Please use /r to reply within the next 30 seconds or this ticket will be closed." I then spammed him with about 6 "Hello?" "Hi!" "Hello?" "HI" "HI" "are you getting these tells at all?" typing as fast as I could(about 10 seconds total). I waited 20 seconds and nearly began cursing in languages I barely understand when he suddenly said "Oh, I'm sorry, I nearly closed your ticket. What seems to be the problem?" .... ... ... It took him about 6 minutes to fix it, and we went on with our DDO adventures.

    There was a GM that every time he was on I seemed to get him within 3 minutes of ticket submission, and he always got it fixed in less than 5 minutes. I forget his name... so many names on DDO... it was during MOD 2. I'll know it if I see it.

    Essentially, patience is an excellent virtue, and the GMs appear to be quite busy. I appreciate help when I can get it, and work around things when I can't. Kudos to you hard working GMs!

  10. #10
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    hmm didnt hear that from my last couple of gm's messages but have always heard it from other messages, bug maybe?
    You don't get a ding for a GM message. Your text moves. Since for the longest time I worked with no mic, I always watch my text and have my windows specialized. All you can do is pay attention.

  11. #11
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbinder View Post
    I guess the loud *ding* for an incoming message isn't enough?
    As has been stated, they don't * ding * bro, lol.
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  12. #12
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    To the point here, not trying to be rude just in a hurry.

    1. GM Messages don't ding.
    2. I leave general chat open because it shows me everything (guild chat, party chat, tells, xp msgs, people goofing in general, etc.
    3. General chat, dmtext, etc. is white.
    4a. Guild chat is light blue (default) - easy to see in contrast to general chat.
    4b. Tells are hot pink (my own change from yellow) - easy to see in contrast to general chat.
    4c. Party chat is green (default) - easy to see in contrast to general chat.
    4d. NPC dialog is yellow (default) - easy to see in contrast to general chat.
    4e. Broadcast color is red (default) - easy to see in contrast to general chat.
    4f. GM responses to trouble tickets are very pale green and blend in with all other white general chat.

    We were in the middle of Stormcleave. I was active when I received the initial response but because we were in the middle of killing other things, the GM response was lost in the scroll. IF it had been a different color and stood out against the white I would have noticed it - as I do guild msgs, party msgs, tells, etc.

    I had to sit through a second long assist after we had completed the rest of the quest in order to get assistance because the GM who closed my ticket the first time didn't see that I was running around casting spells/killing stuff and just assumed I was afk because I lost his message in my scroll. 128 minute Stormcleave elite due to waiting on 2 assists is WAY too long.

    In addition, a ding wouldn't help if you are in group because the client dings every time someone types in party chat.

    All I am asking is that they change the color to make it more easily noticed (Red would be fine - since broadcast messages are red) or change the UI so we can specify color ourselves.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  13. #13
    Community Member Taur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    You don't get a ding for a GM message. Your text moves. Since for the longest time I worked with no mic, I always watch my text and have my windows specialized. All you can do is pay attention.
    i've always gotten a 'ding'.

  14. #14
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    I just have general chat turned off. I see absolutly no need for it myself. I never talk in general and i never read general either.
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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Harbinder View Post
    I guess the loud *ding* for an incoming message isn't enough?
    As said, there is no *ding*. If any change is needed, THAT is what is needed, a unique sound effect when a GM messages you.

    I don't understand the color issue. On my screen, GM text is kinda light green, but clearly green. General chat (by default) is white.
    Last edited by negative; 08-08-2007 at 11:31 AM.
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  16. #16
    Founder Cinwulf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bandyman1 View Post
    The OP isn't saying that they are having trouble seeing them Uska, they are having trouble distinguishing between the GM text and general chat. They are almost identical in color, and a lot of people ( myself included ) do not spend much time reading general chat. I'm too busy looking at guild, and party chat to pay it much mind most of the time ( if someone else really wants my attention, I figure they'll send me a tell ). Having an incoming GM message be a different color will help alot in instances of GMs closing tickets for non-responce, when people merely didn't notice the GM chat.

    I have trouble seeing the difference in color also. I could have swore they used to be yellow like all other tells?

    Anyway the last 2 times I've filed a help ticket it took 1.5 hours to get a response. And this was before the server merge.

    change the gm text color at least please so I don't mistake it for something else when I'm busy doing something to occupy myself for an hour and a half

    Bones Combat Brigade

  17. #17
    Community Member Harbinder's Avatar
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    I get dings when a GM responds...
    ~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~

  18. #18


    I also get dings.
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  19. #19
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinwulf View Post
    I have trouble seeing the difference in color also. I could have swore they used to be yellow like all other tells?

    Anyway the last 2 times I've filed a help ticket it took 1.5 hours to get a response. And this was before the server merge.

    change the gm text color at least please so I don't mistake it for something else when I'm busy doing something to occupy myself for an hour and a half
    They did used to be yellow bro. They also used to *ding*, but I haven't gotten a single one that does since they changed the color on them. Har, Ghoste....are you still getting *dings* after the change? I wonder what the difference is???
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  20. #20
    Community Member Harbinder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bandyman1 View Post
    They did used to be yellow bro. They also used to *ding*, but I haven't gotten a single one that does since they changed the color on them. Har, Ghoste....are you still getting *dings* after the change? I wonder what the difference is???
    I have contacted a GM and gotten a reply in yellow that dinged. What color is it now?
    ~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~

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