the bearowl!
can fly, and has a mouth full of big sharp teeth instead of a beak
the bearowl!
can fly, and has a mouth full of big sharp teeth instead of a beak
The unusual combination of a Rakasta and a Furry====> Tabaxi!
Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras
... a combination of fire and water elementals because they cancel each other out and create a black hole
Why not invite your spouse to play?
The owlworm. You take a burrowing owl and cross it with a purple worm.
. . . but very few know of the unusual combination of the bearowls.
Everyone knows about owlbears, but very few know of the unusual combination of the RavenWolf.
the Halflooze. The mating rituals that create them - can never be unseen. >_<Everyone knows about owlbears, but very few know of ...
Everyone knows about owlbears, but very few know of the unusual combination of the...hamsquirrels?
My suggestion is not so much of an unusual combination, just something people are unfamiliar with. Owls are a species of fowl, so the larger category to which owlbears belong is fowlbears. Bear haters prefer the spelling "foulbear", but that's just petty.
Speaking of which, when are we going to get werefowlbears as a player race?
"The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard
Pegataur - pegasus centaur.
Phantaur - elephant centaur
"The body is but a vessel for the soul;
A puppet which bends to the soul's tyrrany.
And lo, the body is not eternal,
For it must feed on the flesh of others,
Lest it return to the dust whence it came.
Therefore must the soul
Deceive, Despise, and Murder men..."
Very few know of the unusual combination of the Jackalope, part jackrabbit and part antelope. Fast and agile with dangerous horns!
Rouge. I have never seen the red rogue in action or what it can do, but I kept seeing LFMs where someone is looking for a rouge.