Maybe they say they're open to feedback but don't take it on board.
*edit - For those looking into other games, Solasta's not a terrible rpg experience, Baldurs Gate 3 is getting another big update soon, Dark Alliance is laughably bad and exploitable but good enough with a group of friends for some hack n slash if you don't take it seriously, D2's got the solstice event up, and Forza's just gone into a new season.
Lots of choices for entertainment people, you don't need to suffer and hope
Last edited by voxson5; 07-03-2021 at 06:24 AM.
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
I don't understand why anyone would ever propose this^. Can we NOT try to force everyone to play just one approved way? Can people just have fun, in a leisure activity/hobby however its fun for them? I happen to enjoy slayers but what would the point be of spending any time at all in them if they didn't give any xp? And sagas? Stop removing fun. Stop adding grind.
Sometimes I wish MMOs had never been invented. I'd like to go back to multiplayer PC games without microtransaction BS. With DDOs population it barely counts as an MMO anyway. This game doesn't need one iota more of "grind this almost fun time-sink and pay $x$ for widget to make it go faster/better so it actually becomes fun".
You propose they remove XP from slayers/sagas and focus XP on quests but I got news for you if they removed XP from slayers/sagas it wouldn't be redistributed anywhere. Much like their XP adjustment to repeating dailies with the tease that they would then be able to make more rewarding optionals. Ha! XP is their #1 product, hence XP potions, Ottos boxes, past life grinds requiring what? over 500 million XP now right? I'm getting sick of all of it and suggestions like the above make me long for the days when games were made to be fun not sabotaged from the inside out to maximize profits on every aspect. Not sabotaged by players suggesting ways to force everyone to play their preferred way. You don't enjoy or approve of slayers/sagas? Fine don't use them. No one is forcing you. Don't advocate to remove them from people that do enjoy using them to level.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Actually this is not true ... 75-80% of their revenue comes from players who have played the game for greater than 3+ years ... Which is a long time in current mobile gaming scenarios. This info became available when daybreak games was being sold (and they own DDO/SSG). Now the 2006-2010 crowd may have slowly dwindled away anecdotally ... But long term players are currently where their revenue comes from.
And where exactly did you pull that data from?
Doesn't matter. It actually is true, SSG can't retain new players, so your statement has a lot of merit (unfortunately)
I am a beta player, my main toon is on the fountain. All but 4 of the guild I started with left this game a long time ago.
Please don't play the fanboi card with me. almost everyone here on the forums is two-faced. They flame either the player or SSG for whatever reason when the mood suits them.
The people that flame SSG on a regular basis are the closest thing to accurate honest feedback. Even if it is brutal, the truth normally is.
When a game goes from 2 million + in it's hey-day to less than 100K total active players in 2021, there might something amiss. People are fed up the ever-increasing paywall of this game.
VIP's get what for$9 to $14 @ month? 500 store points and what else? Saltmarsh should be free to VIP's, but it's being touted as mini-expansion? PALEASE, that almost makes me puke.
Yes. In general, IMO there are far too many folks on here with an absolutist attitude to a game that can, and should, be played in a whole variety of ways. "You do it this way (i.e. my way) or you're doing it wrong" - In large part I think hubris drives such myopic thinking. That and a natural tendency to simplify the complex - this worked for me, so it is therefore the only solution - no, it's only a solution, among many.
If there truly was only one way to succeed at this game, or only one measure of success even, how boring it would be!
From what we've tested, U51 is a hot-mess version of DDO barely worthy of an APP.
Removing the twists and going to a Destiny Point system (DP seems to fit this plan) forcing players to repeatedly TR to get SOME of the versatility back that had before, is completely trash.
The builder system is junk. Adding ANOTHER toggle, and button mashing, to the game is an unwarranted change. Apparently some rocket scientist decided we needed more buttons. Really.
Removing feats, and placing them in trees that some of the builds don't even use, or can't access at high Tier, further destroyed flexibility. It compounds one mistake by adding 16 more.
Synopsis? Some of the hardcore and really bored players will stick with DDO-2 Grind Edition, but expect a migration to a game where developers actually listen.
While I agree that lots of folks have left the game. All I was saying was where currently their revenue comes from regardless of whether their total revenue over the years has dwindled or increased. It behooves them to increase their new player retention because both what I said and what you are saying can be true. I.e. they're revenue currently mostly comes from legacy players (what I said) and they're legacy players are leaving the game (what you said) ... Thus they need to find ways to retain new players as well as legacy players.
[QUOTE=Dark_Lord_Mary;6444436]One of the other problems too is we are not hearing from our Twitch Streamers.
Likely because they are afraid they will no longer receive free stuff if they speak out.
That is bush-league.
and as a result,
I've stopped watching most of them.
'Its just numbers, relax.'
Give someone free pixels and all of a sudden they're a company spokesperson
Its very unfortunate and a big let down.
honest talk is interesting
corporate sponsored groupthink and synchophantic praise is bland.[/QUOTE
Honest? LOL. I’m convinced the Twitchies are scared out of their rears to say a word. I have lost all respect for them. Not one of them has a single vertebrae left. Spineless.
I actually like most of the changes. (I agree that the charger/builder thing is too gamey)
Dire charge is taken by everyone, there is not even a choice. That's bad design, they are fixing it. You might say "add options, don't take away" ... how OP would options have to be to compete when we already don't need more power?
What I'm really looking forward to is a feeling of progression in epics, currently there is none. You get almost everything at 20 and you get the rest at 29... done. (they've already said they are going to crank down the HP in old epics, I saw people bringing up how hard low epics will be)
The current ED system was fine when the cap was 25, when the cap went it up it just didn't make sense any more. I would really like to see some version of epic moments survive though, you want that once or twice per quest big move that makes a difference (not blitz that is just a buff that runs the whole time, and means you don't get the mp in cores you should).
As for the legendary item number bloat? it's just that: number bloat, it won't make a difference.
Last edited by Cantor; 07-07-2021 at 11:42 AM.
ki and rune arms are both on a charge system so its not anti ddo
Last edited by Haphazarduk; 07-08-2021 at 08:55 AM.