I’m thinking that the potential fiddly-ness of the Builder/Spender system could be summed up looking back when the Renegade Mastermaker tree was made. If I remember correctly, Unbreakable Forcefields was initially an active ability only, but after a fair amount of feedback, devs gave us passive selector there as well. That certainly fit my play style better and that is what I’ve chosen on my RM.
Happy gaming!
This is encouraging. The reintroduction of epic moments and addressing the awful builder mechanic are welcome outcomes. It also looks like you're addressing mob power bloat to a greater extent than I for one had expected. Proof of the pudding will be in the eating, and there are still other items to address IMO (e.g. access to more trees to offset twist losses, and adding back some limited ability score access would be welcome), but it's a positive response, thanks.
I was skeptical about this whole thing, but I'm starting to like the way things are going.
I would rather see Epic Moment + 2-3 abilities from destinies and it will be enough to have active gameplay. Note that some classes have also a lot of active abilities. like bard : freezing ice, en pointe, spinning ice. that would result in total 6 abilities to use and that's quite a lot, considering you will be recasting Divine Might tool. And all that builder-spender thing should go away.
Epic Monster HP
Those darn pirates in Sentinel's chain deserve a nerf, Phiarlan too. I think Borderlands is very fairly balanced pack for 21 level adventure.
Builder UI indicators
DDO's UI is already cluttered with things, the whole builder point mechanic UI WISE was really done poorly. If you are sticking to this refer to rogue builder point indicators in WOW.
I believe the major point of contention about the destiny respec cost is how some experienced players currently use their characters and how that could become prohibitively expensive with respec costs added.
For example you can, in the current system, be playing a DC Sorcerer for normal daily reapers, and then when joining a raid that is looking for a healer or tank, swap destinies and function as Tank or a Healer because swapping to those destinies is free and respeccing Twists is also free. Under the newer system that's not going to be an option really without a player or two in your group that provides a Cashcow service.
Of course if the goal is to get more people to level actual alt character healers and tanks that tend to be unnecessary in the current system, charging to change roles wouldn't hurt. It might at least cut down some talk about how tanks and healers are still irrelevant.
The new system might also function as a platinum sync and generate some interest in listing useful things on the plat AH rather than the ASAH, or even bothering to use Pawn traders again, but i dunno.
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
Well, my first thought was
Sorry I didn’t apply the council
Looks like a 555,
Or whatever
It’s your game
I’ll give monk a run again, even a Henshin,
And see if I care
Everything’s been said by other ppl
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
Not my preferred role, but I quite often will switch from Fury to Unyielding Sentinel and do a gear set swap via the hot-bars, so I can tank a PUG raid if we are short of a "proper" tank - with 2-3 minutes of reconfig I can significantly up HP AC PRR intimidate and threat at the expense of a big chunk of DPS and can usually get bye as a tank for the team.
I don't see how that sort of relatively quick reconfiguration is going to be possible in the new trees, which will be a pity from a raid group perspective, and also as I spent a bit of time and effort planning and sourcing the tank gearset, which will effectively be made redundant (though I guess the upside is it lets me off the hook from offering to play the tank role any more!)
Not necessarily for U51, as I recognise there are more pressing priorities, but might some sort of pre-populated ED tree template be possibly considered to provide the sort of quick switching currently possible with current EDs?
Currently, a character that does not have access to "Epic Destinies" (DDO Store item) is able to gain epic xp but not Karma, and therefore cannot Epic Reincarnate at level 30. If I understand correctly, after U51, Epic Reincarnation becomes possible for such a character, since there is no Karma anymore.
Also, it sounds like the destiny points gained from ranks and levels can be accumulated without Epic Destinies access, but since there is "unlocking" involved for each destiny, I presume that they cannot be spent without (purchased) access to the specific destiny?
If yes, then I would be interested whether there are any changes planned for the Epic Destinies DDO Store item after U51? My assumption is that any new destinies will be separate DDO Store items like the universal enhancement trees are. Will the old ones remain as a bundle, or will they perhaps be available separately after U51?
Last edited by InspectorB; 06-21-2021 at 07:23 PM.
Okay, I am on vacation and had to read this a few times. At first I thought I had been out in the sun too long and had to be reading it wrong.
I think you have gone from Ludacris to Plaid with this decision. It is the exact opposite of what needs to be done with the initial fate points. We don't need more, we need far less and fate points have to be meaningful.
Last edited by GoldyGopher; 06-21-2021 at 07:37 PM.
Will SSG ever address the issues surrounding base level 18+ quests and reaper difficulty play?
- Not being able to run level 18 heroic quests on Reaper at levels 20-22
- Not being able to run level 19 heroic quests on Reaper at levels 20-23
It kind of sucks to write off all that content because of decade old bad design decisions.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Sad to hear this, especially consider LOTR has this...
This is a deal breaker IMO, this is huge given the new system proposed.
Hate to suggest this, but charge DDO points for this - it is almost of must of for many of us...
Config A - Free to all
Config B- Free to VIP (or some other perk)
Config C- 2500 DDO points (or what ever)
Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - ddoborguild.com - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile
So couple of questions from Cordovan's and others' posts ...
1. With the new system, when you ETR ... how do you know which epic past life you will get to the get the bonus feats? Will they all be available and you get to select one?
2. The fact that you can switch between any epic destiny right now and twists without any real cost and cannot with new update is another swift kick ... at least let us set up maybe 3 different setups to be able to switch between, thus one can have a raiding setup, questing setup, and testing setup. I'd rather have free ability to switch setups like currently; but at least allow us a few preset setups to swap between.
3. Shadowdancer is basically an Assassin/Illusion tree without any true help for mechanics or acrobats other than a few low level stuff. Please come up with some cool ideas that can boost the other rogue trees. Also you cannot attain T5 by only taking "rogue" or "illusionist" enhancements alone.
4. Please read #3.![]()
What is the Tempest Ranger ED supposed to be by the way? SD? Will the SD tree powers support Strength?
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
1. Current:
Fate System: Reset is always free.
Destiny System: Changing is always free. Reset has a cost.
Fate tome: Good for Fate system.
Destiny tome: Good for Destiny system.
*not the same one at all.
2. Future patch:
Fate System: it is just a point for Destiny Point.
Destiny System: You always need to pay a cost for reset.
*two free versatility features are removed.
Fate tome: More destiny point.
Destiny tome: More destiny point.
*now it is the same feature.
3. Points to say
- You really need to do something- Build Template or Free Reset Cost.
Unless it is under 10,000 pp per reset, You should never say a word bankrupt. Please don't put such a vague word. and this reset cost is already annoying in the current Enhancement system.Originally Posted by Cordovan
- Since you release Feydark exp, Destiny tome has been a certain position to enhance your ability beyond the wall. Destiny point HAS NOT the same value in U51, and the reason I bought Destiny tome(Feydark exp's real stuff) is not because of Destiny Point in U51. It was the unique one to let you go beyond the wall 24 points.
Now you can hit 57 Destiny point(and more over later patches), 24+1 and 57+1 is not the same. My suggestion was to add an extra window in which you can put your ED one more with Destiny Tome. (*3 Base + 1 from Destiny Tome)
I think this is not enough to persuade Devs. I put more explanation.
* Points 24: You have 8 points for 5-6 tiers. You can't get them all and need to give up something.
* Points 24+1: Now 9 points for 5-6 tiers. You can get an extra special ability with 1 Destiny Point.
* So, Actually, Destiny Tome is more like 8+1 more than 24+1.
and in U51?
* Points 57: picks a lot of abilities. Tier 5 abilities are occupied already.
* Points 57+1: gets a minor ability.
* Even Points 57 can be more with more EPLs.
Is that the same really?
EDIT: If you don't want max charge becomes 7 but expect that from T3 abilities(*increasing max charge) in 4 ED tress, just put a thing that the ultimate max charge is 6. then my suggestion to expand an ED max will not be the problem.
Last edited by Targal; 06-22-2021 at 02:17 AM.
Orien Server
[Main] Dragant
[Alts] Palescale, Scalefavor, Dracodiaboli, Glimmerspell
Officer of DDO Korea
This is a suggestion for ED B/C/S system.
#Builder: There are options.
Now 3 stacks of charge with no cooldown time but 1s global cooldown(Think of boost charges like Smite, Turns). stacks are fully recharged every 16 seconds, and the recharge timer starts once you expand a charge(a timer appears at the debuff linebar for better visibility... or invisible buff that shows a clock-timer on your character?). If you have max-charge bonus ability from T3s, +1 max stack but +6 seconds to recharge.
(* 0: 3 charge, 16 seconds / 1: 4 charge, 22 seconds / 2: 5 charge, 28 seconds / 3: 6 charge, 34 seconds)
Technically, it is the same to use it once every 6 seconds(although 2 seconds less, but It is a grace time by consideration for bad network connection) except that you can use them in a short time.
and you need to decide which builder you use strategically.
Now 2 stacks of charge with no cooldown time but 1s global cooldown. every 6 seconds, a stack is recharged.
Not much different, but it can make players feel less being annoyed.
Now 2 stacks of charge with no cooldown time but 1s global cooldown. fully recharged every 10.
a weak version of #1. the problem is the charge's base duration.
#Charge: More duration? the current duration is kinda short. If you change Builder as #1 option, then the current duration will not be the problem.
#Spender: No particular opinion.
Last edited by Targal; 06-22-2021 at 02:04 AM.
Orien Server
[Main] Dragant
[Alts] Palescale, Scalefavor, Dracodiaboli, Glimmerspell
Officer of DDO Korea
Sounds like a lot of power from out of no where. I see why the alts threads are firing at the moment.
Twists gave variety and were great. This just seems to miss the point and approach it with brute force in a way that I fear will come back and infect other TR systems.
TR racials gets you on your 3 race an ap point only to be spent in race tree. Thats it.
This on every 3 lives just build up over and over. Now this wont affect my main but seriously this is way overboard.
You already know how many points you want people to have at cap work around that without the brute force approach.
Use Destiny point to allow access and versatility rather than just point.
Have destiny points unlock additional trees or parts of trees or something that gives versatility over just raw points.
Remember epic pastlives already come with something attached. Respect the original intent of twists and fate and provide versatility over raw power.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
heres another thought
theres some talk that epic destiny point
so that begs 81 points
enough for 2 20 core 6
so my thought was for legendary
if thered be some system for like a multi class core6
a level 40 toon with like a 20/20 split
two 20 core 6
i know this is heroic
but in the old diety and demigods
the heroes and dieties often were multiclassed
(edit meaning they had two or more full 20 classes)
just a thought
many would want that
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
This is welcome news! Thank you for listening and considering the feedback and thank you for letting us know.
Also consider putting the abilities back in (like INT, STR) just so people have something to take if the fillers aren't palatable. You can always make these cost more than 1 pt since, well, they'd be fillers.
I mean, I guess. But keep in mind that how players think of where abilities should be is the system we've been using for years. It's "normal" for us.
Thank you! It's disheartening to see what we could get at lvl 20 now restricted to lvl 30, which means we don't get to use it before etring again (for much of the player base). Why not put new abilities at lvl 30?
Also, while we're on the subject of level gating, the jump from lvl 28 to 29 is ridiculous, almost a doubling of power, mainly due to items. It might be worth smoothing that out from lvls 20-28.
Yeah, they're enjoyable.
That's nice.
I honestly hate the concept of builders, spenders and so on. My sorc has man, many buttons as it is - it'd be a slog having to work with a building/spending system on top of that. On my other toons, a twf and artie, it would break the flow.
That's good.
Also good. Thanks.
You can just choose your Past Live. Will 100% function as nowadays when you have full karma in all spheres.
Steelstar commented on this one.
TL;DR: That's much more work than what they can do within the timeframe for Epic Destiny revamp.
4. Please read #3.[/QUOTE]
This is my personal oppinion. TA is my favorite rogue tree and running it in SD before the pass was an unsynergistic pain, so I don't have hopes that this will change after the revamp and I also don't think that it needs to do so. If GMoF or LD (the latter being my tree of choice in the current system) can capture it well enough, it's good enough for me. Though with as the trees are now, I'd consider Divine Crusader.
Nothing in this game is essential, unless you are a power-gaming & unimaginative lemming who follows everyone else, without having any form of creativity or original thought rolling around your brainpain...