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I agree, its cast time corresponds to a very different DDO than the current one, when the npcs do more discreet and sustained damage rather than the strong spikes of damage that they currently do. Currently, it is an unusable spell because by the time you have finished casting it, many companions are already dead.
A Raise SLA is a very bad idea. In fact, I have seen people get angry with fvs that use it in high reaper or even just in epics, and for good reason: in epics there is no place for a raise that leaves you with so few hps than a single hit kills you. Devs shouldn't include more placer-friction sources in enhancements.
Regarding turning, the question is not whether it is feasible with a lot of investment; the thing is that it is too much of a hassle to use. Devs have simplified all the classes to reduce their MAD. Fvs? They have made it easy for them to be cha or wis to your preference. Monks? They can choose dex and even wis. Rogues? Int or Dex. But we continue with the cleric needing wis and cha, and that cha is all for a skill that, although archetypal for the class, works poorly and is very poorly supported by the gear.
Equipping a cleric is extremely annoying. You have to find a place for wis, cha and con (and with so much bonus duplication for each stat!), Spellpowers, DC casting, turning bonuses... For those who play in high difficulties, getting supplementary sources of hps is essential (greensteel or feydark winter set), and let's remember that the cleric is not given extra hps like the fvs. And the devs have not even had the detail to create synergistic objects that alleviate this equipment madness. If you want to use turning, you have to do swaps, which is annoying and stupid considering that clerics have already forced to have high cha and high wis. While the fvs have been paved so that you easily only need one or the other!
Turning needs a review, whatever a certain poster says.
And finally, if there is something I have found with a healer cleric who does not have the healing domain (because although my cleric is healer, I want him to do more than heal xd), it is that he runs out of spell points with an ease that it doesn't happen with any of my other casters. It's enough that feat-deficient classes like fvs and cleric are forced to take an extra feat, Empower Healing. If there is something I would like with this update, it is that they improve (better than now) the spell point cost reduction of Empower healing, even if it was at tier 5. Much better than a useless raise dead, of course. But I guess asking for this is wasting time.