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  1. #1
    Community Member Jaysun's Avatar
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    Default Pure Arti VS Rogue Mechanic Anyone have #'s?

    Since I've been gone Arti has been redone in two tress. Seems Rogue mechanic hasn't changed much. I have been exclusively a 18rogue/2 art ever since Mechanic came out. Prior I was pure Arti and loved it when casting was a legit thing. But with all the changes I am curious how the two complete in DPS now? Is Arti 50%, 75%, 90% the dps of mechanic? How much does crit range help out for lack of sneak attack. Is it equal until sneak attack comes into play then its not even close? I like the idea of being 18 arti /2 rogue but I am wondering how key the capstone that stops you from getting hit by 95% of damage is reaper. Also does it get reduce in reaper like healing does? Like only prevents 65% of damage or something.

    Just curious if crit range and fuse silage can throw down close to the numbers of mechanic? Anyone have a link to this discussion..I am sure its been talked about in the past.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    No numbers here, but a LOT of experience playing both artis and rogues to 30.

    If you're only doing heroics, go Arti 4 at least.
    Fusilade is SOLID. MONSTROUSLY so.

    You'd have to wait until epics for Mechanic to start showing signs of improvement, comparatively.

    Though - ignoring Fusilade -, the Mechanic tree is far, far better, so most of my points end in it generally.

    My most responsive take on that heroic build was Arti 4, Rogue 6, Fighter 10.

    Which makes this a Fighter build, technically, but most of the points were still in Rogue Mechanic, so, that counts? Fighter levels were there to compensate for what was lost in not going Rogue 18 - extra crit multiplier.

  3. #3
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    I would say it comes down to more than straight DPS. The gap between the two will depend on what rune arm you're using, what weapon you're using, what Scion you're using, what mob type you're hitting, etc. In most cases Mechanic will win by a fair margin, but Arti comes with a fair bit of utility:

    - Rune Arms that can freeze, give bypasses, and/or add more gear flexibility
    - Tactic Detonation and Lightning Sphere for CC
    - Give the party any bypass type or +1[W]
    - Self healing (assuming mid Reaper or easier)
    - Renegade Mastermaker has really buffed Arti tankiness while also giving the ability to reliably heal the tank with Converter

    Though if your goal is solely DPS and you don't mind x-classing, I do think this build fairs well:

    [Edit] Xgya beat me to it for the split, but I favor 10 Rogue over 10 Fighter. Improved Uncanny Dodge and Improved Evasion is a solid survival boost and comes with 2d6 more SA, which I consider as superior to the two feats... especially since you can already get everything you need. Though if you're farming Heroic past lives and really enjoy the build, you can do the following splits:

    10 Rogue / 6 Fighter / 4 Arti - for Rogue PLs
    8 Fighter / 8 Rogue / 4 Arti - for Fighter PLs (Fighter is dominant over Rogue, so will count towards Fighter but still lets you snag Imp Uncanny)
    8 Arti / 6 Rogue / 6 Fighter - for Arti PLs
    Last edited by DrawingGuy; 10-05-2018 at 01:50 AM.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrawingGuy View Post
    [Edit] Xgya beat me to it for the split, but I favor 10 Rogue over 10 Fighter. Improved Uncanny Dodge and Improved Evasion is a solid survival boost and comes with 2d6 more SA, which I consider as superior to the two feats... especially since you can already get everything you need.
    Fair enough! I only mentioned the last build I did, and I've been through the TR train so many times I do stuff on impulse. You're probably right about the survival aspect.

    Totally agree about Arti for the extra CC, though the OP already mentions going Arti 2 for his builds, so the runearm point is fair on both sides.
    Albeit with the caveat that to get extra-useful Tact Det, your split inevitably becomes Arti 15/Rogue 5 if you're aiming for crossbow DPS - because Mechanic is still the superior tree.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    13 levels of arti gives you +5 scroll CL ... displacement scroll will give you 60 sec duration instead of 30 ... nice addition to your QOL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    The devs got bamboozled by the forum warriors.

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