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  1. #121
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    Aasimar Ascendant Bond: 10% hitpoints lost on death, needs to retoggle then it recalcs the correct hitpoints.

  2. #122
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I noticed when checking on my sagas in Eveningstar that the recent over-fertilization of shrubberies has made poor Gizla look shy... either that or her recent tusk surgery went poorly.

    Maybe she can be moved up slightly or that shrub is due a severe trimming.
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  3. #123
    Hatchery Hero Dark_Helmet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    The best part about DDO development is that I could tell you everything I'm working on and you guys just wouldn't believe me. Imagine me showing up on the forums months ago and blurting out something about visible cloaks with over 10,000 different options - you guys would just think I've fallen off the deep end
    Can you take away Steelstar's login credentials and let him know that fixing KNOWN bugs should be job 1 over actively trying to nerf anything in sight? You will be my second favorite dev that I never met.
    Oh, that's easy. I didn't farm them. I just cheated. -Meghan
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    lol, I didnt give it a QA pass.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Helmet View Post
    Can you take away Steelstar's login credentials and let him know that fixing KNOWN bugs should be job 1 over actively trying to nerf anything in sight? You will be my second favorite dev that I never met.
    Decisions of game balance (such as the unarmed strike change) are not made by just one person.

    Furthermore, if I were truly able to change what's happening, I'd have also hit their Jade DCs on the way down.
    Last edited by Lynnabel; 09-15-2018 at 05:49 PM.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Decisions of game balance (such as the unarmed strike change) are not made by just one person.

    Furthermore, if I were truly able to change what's happening, I'd have also hit their Jade DCs on the way down.
    Not to mention that the DDO team is probably not comprised 100% of people qualified to fix each and every bug out there - I don't get how MMO communities don't understand this yet. Shoving the entire dev team at "bugs" does not make all the bugs magically disappear. 10 cooks over a pot of stew doesn't make it better nor does it make it cook faster. You split up people based on their skillsets and contribute to the meal overall in various ways to make it as good as you can given the circumstances, time, ingredients, etc.

    Furthermore, to completely ignore balancing in the meantime is just silly. You can pout about something you were probably leaning too heavily on being adjusted to a more appropriate level, but don't make it a personal attack against a dev in particular as if they're out to spoil your fun or, worse, paint it as them "slacking off" doing "pointless" things like balancing in lieu of bug fixing. I'd imagine there is a great deal of effort, as with any team working on a project of this size, to assess priority of bugs with difficulty to fix, find a balance, as well as deal with maintenance, fixing things that aren't bugs but players want - i.e. balancing, I notice people never complain about "wasting time" on things that benefit players, only 'nerfs', which is a term vastly over-used especially when something is comically broken and abusable and thus is immediately a nerf. There's a big difference in nerfing something and adjusting it - most things are adjustments, players just don't like it.

    But yeah, making grumpy comments aimed at specific devs who are doing what is best for the game's overall balance and health is just silly. I sometimes wonder why some of the devs bother with these forums so much with all the comments that constantly call out and complain about individuals.. There's a reason so many games have teams that are detached from the forums, and it's this kind of stuff. Just be reasonable, people. :\

  6. #126
    Community Member Garthog77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by losian2 View Post
    Not to mention that the DDO team is probably not comprised 100% of people qualified to fix each and every bug out there - I don't get how MMO communities don't understand this yet. Shoving the entire dev team at "bugs" does not make all the bugs magically disappear. 10 cooks over a pot of stew doesn't make it better nor does it make it cook faster. You split up people based on their skillsets and contribute to the meal overall in various ways to make it as good as you can given the circumstances, time, ingredients, etc.

    Furthermore, to completely ignore balancing in the meantime is just silly. You can pout about something you were probably leaning too heavily on being adjusted to a more appropriate level, but don't make it a personal attack against a dev in particular as if they're out to spoil your fun or, worse, paint it as them "slacking off" doing "pointless" things like balancing in lieu of bug fixing. I'd imagine there is a great deal of effort, as with any team working on a project of this size, to assess priority of bugs with difficulty to fix, find a balance, as well as deal with maintenance, fixing things that aren't bugs but players want - i.e. balancing, I notice people never complain about "wasting time" on things that benefit players, only 'nerfs', which is a term vastly over-used especially when something is comically broken and abusable and thus is immediately a nerf. There's a big difference in nerfing something and adjusting it - most things are adjustments, players just don't like it.

    But yeah, making grumpy comments aimed at specific devs who are doing what is best for the game's overall balance and health is just silly. I sometimes wonder why some of the devs bother with these forums so much with all the comments that constantly call out and complain about individuals.. There's a reason so many games have teams that are detached from the forums, and it's this kind of stuff. Just be reasonable, people. :\
    However, some problems with the game have been around sooooooo long, who can blame people for being irritated they don't ever get fixed? And yet we keep getting other stuff that gets broken .... and then those things don't get fixed!

  7. #127
    Community Member cave_diver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Decisions of game balance (such as the unarmed strike change) are not made by just one person.

    Furthermore, if I were truly able to change what's happening, I'd have also hit their Jade DCs on the way down.
    Why do you hate me Lynn? I always enjoyed running with you before you abandoned G-land :P
    Main toons: IronThatcher (tank & box breaker for inquisitives), Mehhh (ranger)...pion of HS...zug zug
    Quote Originally Posted by Tesrali View Post
    Go munt your grandma while wearing my freeway mitt!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I am the dumb.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garthog77 View Post
    However, some problems with the game have been around sooooooo long, who can blame people for being irritated they don't ever get fixed? And yet we keep getting other stuff that gets broken .... and then those things don't get fixed!
    If you think of anything specific, this is the thread to post the bugs in
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  9. #129
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    If you think of anything specific, this is the thread to post the bugs in

    Slavers gem tooltip for heroic UMD says +10 like other skills in barter window, but I believe it is +1 like wiki says.


  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlorrd View Post

    Slavers gem tooltip for heroic UMD says +10 like other skills in barter window, but I believe it is +1 like wiki says.

    I remember fixing this a while ago, is it still doing so right now? If so it's easy enough to swap over
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  11. #131
    Community Member Tlorrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I remember fixing this a while ago, is it still doing so right now? If so it's easy enough to swap over
    As of yesterday it was. Thx.

  12. #132
    Community Member FoliumSakura's Avatar
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    I've got a couple things of minor things

    Warlock enhancement T3 Your Flesh is Weak, the icon is the same as the enlightened spirit's aura buffs on the buff bar confusing me when i need to refresh it

    and Soul eaters Consume and Strickened projectile is super slow. Like so slow if you cast it close to max range it disappears before it reaches the enemy or if the enemy moves slightly after casting its likely to miss if not point blank.

  13. #133


    Lynnabel, would you be so kind as to check to make sure tier 3 of assassin faster sneaking is actually faster than tier 2? Also, how does the % actually get calculated?

    If you do modify things, please note that stacking faster sneaking from different trees is WAI—I would be saddened to see this bunged up.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  14. #134
    Community Member Garbudo's Avatar
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    I have a question, any ETA on the item comparison tooltip to be fixed? It is a wonderful thing to have and I miss it tremendously.
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  15. #135
    Community Member Drelak's Avatar
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    Please take time to see if you can get to the Lost Chest that can be opened with Lost Key from behind random bookshelf in acute delirium.

    Every time I have tried to get it, I find a door of some kind near the base of the stairs blocked by a wall in front of it and can't open it. When the issue was brought up Cordo said we are thinking about wrong quest, but that key can only be found in Acute Delirium.

  16. #136
    Community Member nokowi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    If you think of anything specific, this is the thread to post the bugs in
    Thanks for all the communication in this thread!

    Tremorsense shares the location of a character still in stealth with non-tremorsense mobs.

    I don't think you are allowed to respond to stealth questions.

    Given your great response rate, and your inclination to do something when others tell you that you can't, your response (or lack thereof) should confirm whether there is an order on high to not discuss stealth.



  17. #137
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    The ladder leading up to the water elementals in Spies in the house, you can't grab unless you jump onto it. Just above the 2nd electric floor on the pipes up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by nokowi View Post
    I don't think you are allowed to respond to stealth questions.
    I don't have anything to say that you haven't heard before from other developers, so it'd do nothing but give players the impression that certain non-desired methods of communication are the best way of getting the team's attention.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I don't have anything to say that you haven't heard before from other developers, so it'd do nothing but give players the impression that certain non-desired methods of communication are the best way of getting the team's attention.
    Can you clarify if the turning debuff from Sun Domain is WAI? (see my previous post)
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  20. #140
    Community Member nokowi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I don't have anything to say that you haven't heard before from other developers, so it'd do nothing but give players the impression that certain non-desired methods of communication are the best way of getting the team's attention.
    Can you summarize what you believe other developers have said related to tremorsense?

    I have never heard a specific response to tremorsense, or really any of the other concerns of players, so you are effectively referring me to a lack of communications on the matter - and within a 2 year time frame.

    As to non-desired methods of communication, you have already responded to such a request (you can't fix typos) within this very thread, and there are many other people besides me that have made the same request in nearly every way possible, over a 2 year time frame.

    1. Devs don't respond when players ask specifics about stealth (probably the post popular request on the forums, at this point)
    2. If a player suggests you can't respond, you say you can't respond because of the undesirable nature of their suggestions (having done so already within this very thread to a non-stealth request)

    Give me another option besides 1 or 2, and I will be glad to do so. What would you suggest?
    Last edited by nokowi; 09-16-2018 at 01:56 PM.

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