I will qualify this response by saying that I am a dog person, but over the years I have come to appreciate cats. I began liking them more once I understood that there is a real reason for their often bizarre, unnatural behavior. Subtle clues, such as their insistence on interfering with & disrupting normal every day activities, or more involved meddling in anything that requires your concentration. Aye, there is indeed a method to their madness, and a reason they are so determined to unravel the mysteries of human technology. A further clue happened when the cat ran across the wife's laptop one day & generated a character that I had no clue even existed. There was no translating it either, despite delving deep into CharMap & scrying through all of the dead languages there. No, this was some sort of code, some attempt at communication with an overseer, and that's when I realized that humanity is doomed.

We have been invaded, but not in the true military sense of the word, but rather infiltrated over a period of thousands of years as we are slowly assimilated into subservient roles by these supposed felines. These creatures, likely alien & not of this earth, have donned fur coat disguises which look cute & distract from their true purpose while allowing them to move freely among us. If you still have doubt, try rubbing a cat's belly, for there is where the only fault in the cat's disguise can be found, and why they are often so frantic to keep you away from that particular spot. Just one more example of their aberrant behavior, and why we should be ever vigilant lest we become totally enslaved.

Humanity was fortunate enough to recover the field notes of one cat which was apparently severed from the collective, so that we may all be informed of what is really going on: