I'm writing this to archive the builds used by my markswoman character on her way to the Completionist feat. Because these builds are more thematic and experimental than endgame builds not all of them will be great, but most should be fun. If you are interested in that, I will detail the process of this advancement in a rough way, along with my thoughts on and pros and cons on each build. I won't be updating to often, but I will update each time I make progress.
She currently halfway through her second life, an Elf AA Fighter. That build is here:
Feel free to comment to ask questions or give advice. Also, please keep in mind that I don't read many of other builds as I like to bumble around on my own for the most part. If I somehow manage to write something similar to someone else's build please let me know so I can link it.
Build guidelines
These are the guidelines I will follow to make all of the builds for this character. Please keep them in mind as you look at the builds.
- A level 20 build featuring each class for reincarnation purposes. I don't care about the builds viability for epic play.
- The build must focus on marksmanship as it's primary ability/damage source. This includes bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons, but not spells.
- All builds must have a theme or objective that makes them more interesting than a basic “I am X class build”.
Alright here we go
First life (Finished January 2017)
Mobile turret Half-elf Rogue
14/6 Rogue/Fighter
Chaotic good Half-elf
Main weapon: Heavy repeating crossbow
Armor type: Full plate
Tomes: Greater Tome of Learning
Build concept
For my first life I wanted to level as fast as possible. For that I needed to be able to solo with a healbot, and get that juicy trap XP. Given the extremely limited stats available on first life, I decided to pool as many things as I could on to INT. Using Harper agent and mechanic enhancements I can use INT for Attack and damage. Half-Elf Dilettante: Artificer lets me use heavy repeating crossbows from level one. Fighter levels get me heavy armor and Dodge cap increases to become a mobile fortress of destruction.
Important items to farm
- Quiver of Poison (Elite)
- White Dragonplate Armour
- Dream Visor (Elite)
- Anger's Step x4
Level Order
1. Rogue. . . . . .6. Fighter. . . . .11. Rogue. . . . . 16. Rogue
2. Fighter. . . . . 7. Rogue. . . . . 12. Rogue.. . . . .17. Rogue
3. Fighter. . . . . 8. Fighter. . . . .13. Rogue . . . . .18. Rogue
4. Rogue. . . . . .9. Fighter. . . . .14. Rogue. . . . . 19. Rogue
5. Fighter. . . . 10. Rogue. . . . . 15. Rogue. . . . ..20. Rogue
. . . . . . . . . . 28pt . . Level Up
. . . . . . . .---- . . --------
Strength. . . . .8. . . . 4: INT
Dexterity . . . 14. . . .8: INT
Constitution. .14. . .12: INT
Intelligence. . 18. . .16: INT
Wisdom. . . . . 8. . . 20: INT
Charisma. . . . 8. . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Skill Priority
When taking a fighter level spend points in jump and swim, otherwise follow skill priority.
Top: Disable device, Open lock, Spot, Search, Use magic device
Mid: Balance, Swim, Jump, Bluff
Low: Haggle, Diplomacy, Listen
1: Rapid Reload
1 (Half-Elf): Half-Elf Dilettante: Artificer
2: Point Blank Shot
3: Rapid Shot
3 (Fighter): Dodge
6: Precise Shot
6 (Fighter): Mobility
9: Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons
9 (Fighter): Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
12: Weapon Specialization: Ranged Weapons
15: Shot on the Run
16 (Rogue): Crippling Strike
18: Power Critical
19 (Rogue): Skill Mastery
Enhancements (80 AP)
Mechanic (42 AP)
Core:Arbalester, Tanglefoot, Targeting Sights, Improved Detection
- Sharpshooter, Mechanics III, Awareness III
- Sharpshooter, Skill Boost III
- Sharpshooter, Intelligence
- Sharpshooter, Fletching III, Leg Shot, Intelligence
- Sharpshooter, Rapid Fire III, Time Bomb III, Sniper, Mechanical Reloader
Kensei (21AP)
Core: Kensei Focus: Crossbows, Spiritual Bond, Strike With No Thought
- Kensei Weapon specialization Crossbows, Exotic Weapon Mastery
- Kensei Weapon specialization Crossbows, Improved Dodge II, Agility III
- Critical Mastery, Kensei Weapon specialization Crossbows, Athletic Mastery II
Stalwart Defender (14 AP)
Core: Toughness, Stalwart Defence
- Resilient Defence III, Stalwart Defence Mastery III
- Armor Expertise III
Tenacious Defence III,
Harper Agent (3 AP)
Core: Agent of Good
- Strategic Combat 1
Build review
This build was a ton of fun, and it did exactly what I wanted it to do. Awsome DPS (I was first or second for kills in almost every adventure), solid survivability and competent trapping. She found a home in every party she was in and was just fun to play in general. I would love to try an epic version of this build some time but I have more classes to complete first.
- High DPS
- Good traping
- Good survivability (heavy armour + dodge)
- Always useful
- Very gear reliant: Because of the fighter levels and being a first life, your trapping gear has to be up to date on every single level. Its can be a huge pain.
- Reflex save: Because you are a rogue you are expected to be able to dodge traps when needed. Evasion does not work in heavy armor, so if you are caught unawares you can lose a large chunk of your health before you can get away. Keeping a set of light armor handy helped a lot, but your reflex save will never be as high as a DEX build
- Fighting things with DR is annoying. I had to keep 4 crossbows on me at all times and you can still run into problems