Adding unique items to the game, aka, major artifacts?
The way things are designed now in DDO, there can be a limitless number of copies of the same item on each server. For example, there is no limit to the number of Quivers of Alacrity in existence. Every time someone runs the raid it has a chance to drop.
However, in D&D lore, major artifacts are unique and cannot be made again. So how about adding these unique items to raids?
Of course there will have to be some sort of system that enables these "artifacts" to return to whence they came so others have a chance at getting them. My initial thought would be to have the item on a timer. If you loot it, the item vanishes after x amout of time has passed and returns to its origin. During that time, the artifact will be unavailable in the loot tables.
Might be interesting. Just putting it out there.